Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Becker, J., Kruse, P., & Hermann, A. (2024). Omnichannel Processes in Retailing SMEs -Digitalisation in a Furniture Company-. In Strecker, S., & Jung, J. (Eds.), Informing Possible Future Worlds. Essays in Honour of Ulrich Frank (pp. 233–246). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Hüllmann, J. A., Gollhardt, T., Hermann, A., & Kruse, P. (2024). Data Innovation Explorer: Design of a Data-Driven Business Model Tool. In Pucihar, A., Borštnar, M. K., Blatnik, S., Bons, R. W. H., Smit, K., & Heikkilä, M. (Eds.), Resilience Through Digital Innovation: Enabling the Twin Transition (pp. 113–134). Bled, Slowenien: University of Maribor Press.
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Koddebusch, M., He, J., Hinrichs, J. A., & Becker, J. (2024). Design Requirements for Inclusive Assistive Technologies: Facilitating Communication Between the Deaf and the Hearing. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 7019–7028). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
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Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Kruse, P. (2024). A Design-Driven Approach to Facilitate University-SME Cooperation.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Räckers, M., & Halsbenning, S. (2023). E-Kompetenzen. In Klenk, T., Nullmeier, F., & Wewer, G. (Eds.), Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung (2., pp. 1–13). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Koddebusch, M., Brützke, P., Koelmann, H., & Becker, J. (2023). The Public Official’s Selection Parameters for E-Competence Continuous Education. In Klein, M., Krupka, D., Winter, C., & Wohlgemuth, V. (Eds.), Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten (pp. 1019–1030). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) — Proceedings Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): Vol. 337. Bonn: Köllen.
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Koddebusch, M., Koelmann, H., Friedrich, O., & Becker, J. (2023). Bridging the Gap between e-Government and e-Health: Recommendations for Deploying e-Health Services in the Public Sector. In Duenas-Cid, D., Sabatini, N., Hagen, L., & Liao, H.-c. (Eds.), DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 440–448). New York, NY: ACM Press.
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Koelmann, H., Koddebusch, M., Bücker, J., Egloffstein, M., & Becker, J. (2023). Structuring Continuous Education Offers for E-Government-Competence Acquisition: A Morphological Box. In Edelmann, N., Daneels, L., Novak, A.-S., Panagiotopoulos, P., & Susha, I. (Eds.), Electronic Participation Proceedings of 15th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference (pp. 82–98). Budapest, Hungary: Springer.
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Lindgren, I., & Scholta, H. (2023). Untangling the Relationship Between Public Service Automation and No-Stop Government. In Lindgren, I., Csáki, C., Kalampokis, E., Janssen, M., Viale, P. G., Virkar, S., Tambouris, E., & Zuiderwijk, A. (Eds.), Electronic Government: 22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 5–7, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 83–94). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Vol. 14130. Cham: Springer.
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Stamm, L. K., & Koelmann, H. (2023). A Taxonomy of Design Decisions for Central Bank Digital Currencies. In Duenas-Cid, D., Sabatini, N., Hagen, L., & Liao, H.-c. (Eds.), DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 614–625). New York, NY: ACM Press.
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Wolters, A., Hakenes, N., Chasin, F., & Riehle, D. M. (2023). Designing Virtual Conference Venues Through Integration of Game Engine Technologies and Event Management Information Systems. In DESRIST, (Ed.), 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (pp. 1–15). Pretoria: Springer.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Badakhshan, P., Scholta, H., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2023). A measurement instrument for the “ten principles of good BPM”. Business Process Management Journal, 29(6), 1762–1790.
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Becker, J., Chasin, F., Rosemann, M., Beverungen, D., Priefer, J., vom Brocke, J., Matzner, M., del, R. O. A., Resinas, M., Santoro, F., Di, C. C., Song, M., & Park, K. (2023). City 5.0: Citizen Involvement in the Design of Future Cities. Electronic Markets, 33, 1–21.
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Chandra-Kruse, L., Bergener, K., Conboy, K., Lundström, J. E., Maedche, A., Sarker, S., Seeber, I., Stein, A., & Tømte, C. E. (2023). Understanding the Digital Companions of Our Future Generation. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 52.
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Distel, B., & Lindgren, I. (2023). A matter of perspective: Conceptualizing the role of citizens in E-government based on value positions. Government Information Quarterly, 40(4).
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Distel, B., Plattfaut, R., & Kregel, I. (2023). How business process management culture supports digital innovation: a quantitative assessment. Business Process Management Journal, 29(5), 1352–1385.
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Müller, L. S., Nohe, C., Reiners, S., Becker, J., & Hertel, G. (2023). Adopting Information Systems at Work: A Longitudinal Examination of Trust Dynamics, Antecedents, and Outcomes. Behaviour & Information Technology, 42(6), 1096–1128.
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Müller, L. S., Reiners, S., Becker, J., & Hertel, G. (2023). Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Work Routines and Organizational Culture — A Case Study within Higher Education's Administration. Journal of Business Research, 163.
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Pawlowski, C., & Scholta, H. (2023). A taxonomy for proactive public services. Government Information Quarterly, 40(1).
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Reiners, S., Hermann, A., Cordes, A.-K., Gollhardt, T., & Becker, J. (2023). A Procedure Model for Integrating Retailers into Digital Platforms. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS), 2(2).
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Scholta, H., & Lindgren, I. (2023). Proactivity in digital public services: A conceptual analysis. Government Information Quarterly, 40(3).
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Nicht-wissenschaftlicher Beitrag (Zeitschrift)

Becker, J., & Schmolke, F. (2023). Prozessmodellierung — Praxisnah und methodisch fundiert. Industrie 4.0 Management (I4M), 39(5), 48–52.
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Qualifikationsschrift (Dissertation, Habilitationsschrift)

Schmolke, F. (2023). Softwaregestütztes Anforderungsmanagement zur Auswahl von ERP-Systemen. at the Universität Münster. Advances in Information Systems and Management Science: Vol. 70. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
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Sonstige nicht-wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Becker, J. (2023). ERP-Auswahl in 5 Schritten: Vom Prozess zur Software.
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Brützke, P., & Koddebusch, M. (2023). The Context of Participation in Continuous E-Competence Education: A Conceptual Framework.
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Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Kruse, P., Reiners, S., Fischer, C., & Becker, J. (2023). Unveiling the Gig Economy: A Taxonomy of Digital Labour Platforms from a User Perspective.
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Fachbuch (Herausgegebenes Buch)

Beverungen, D., Becker, J., Gadeib, A., & Schmitz, G. (Eds.) (2022). Interaktive Einkaufserlebnisse in Innenstädten — Digitale Dienstleistungen mit der smartmarket²-Plattform (1st ed.). Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.
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Forschungsartikel (Buchbeitrag)

Delfmann, P., Riehle, D. M., Höhenberger, S., Corea, C., & Drodt, C. (2022). The Diagramed Model Query Language 2.0: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. In Polyvyanyy, A. (Ed.), Process Querying Methods (pp. 115–148). Cham: Springer Nature.
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Delfmann, P., Riehle, D. M., Höhenberger, S., Corea, C., & Drodt, C. (2022). The Diagramed Model Query Language 2.0: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. In Polyvyanyy, A. (Ed.), Process Querying Methods (pp. 115–148). Cham: Springer Nature.
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Distel, B., & Koelmann, H. (2022). Vertrauensmanagement in Kommunen zur nachhaltigen Verwaltungsdigitalisierung. In Habbel, F.-R., Robers, D., & Stember, J. (Eds.), Die innovative Kommune. Mindset, Konzepte, Ideen und Praxisbeispiele zukunftsorientierter Städte, Gemeinden und Landkreise (1st ed., pp. 113–123). Edition Innovative Verwaltung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
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Niemann, M., Assenmacher, D., Brunk, J., Riehle, D. M., Becker, J., & Trautmann, H. (2022). (Semi-)Automatische Kommentarmoderation zur Erhaltung Konstruktiver Diskurse. In Weitzel, G., & Mündges, S. (Eds.), Hate Speech — Definitionen, Ausprägungen, Lösungen (pp. 249–274). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
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Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz)

Arz von Straussenburg, A., & Chasin, F. (2022). One-click Application Deployment — An Approach for Automated Deployment of Instantiable Cross-platform Mobile Applications. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4859–4868). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawai'i at Manoa — Hamilton Library. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Bolshakova, Y., & Taratukhin, V. (2022). Development of a Model of Design Thinking Hybrid Implementation in the Post-pandemic World. In FRUCT, (Ed.), 31st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT (pp. 21–29). United States: IEEE Computer Society.
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Chasin, F., & Baiyere, A. (2022). Transforming Digital Inventions into Digital Innovations — A Missing Material Perspective on Technology Adoption. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 6472–6481). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawai'i at Manoa — Hamilton Library. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Dörpmund, F., & Chasin, F. (2022). Page-Rewriting Digital Experiments — An Approach to Digital Field Experiments and a Demonstration in Carbon Offsetting. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Gollhardt, T., Hermann, A., Cordes, A.-K., Barann, B., & Kruse, P. (2022). Design of a Software Tool Supporting Orientation in the Context of Digital Transformation. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4859–4868). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawai'i at Manoa — Hamilton Library.
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Hermann, A. (2022). Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Idea Evaluation System. In Fui-Hoon, N., F.;, S., & K., (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2022) (pp. 24–40). HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: Springer.
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Hermann, A., Gollhardt, T., Kruse, P., Cordes, A.-K., & Becker, J. (2022). Idea Management in SMEs — Design Principles for Collaboration in Idea Management Systems. In Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., & Salvendy, G. (Eds.), HCI International 2022 — Late Breaking Posters (pp. 265–272). Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 1655. HCII 2022: Springer Nature.
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Justen, L., Müller, K., Niemann, M., & Becker, J. (2022). No Time like the Present: Effects of Language Change on Automated Comment Moderation. In Poels, G., da, S. M. M., de Kinderen, S., Sales, T. P., & Gordijn, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Business Informatics 2022 (pp. 40–50). Online: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press.
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Koddebusch, M., Halsbenning, S., Kruse, P., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2022). The Increasing e-Competence Gap: Developments over the Past Five Years in the German Public Sector. In Fui-Hoon, N. F., & Siau, K. (Eds.), HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2022 (pp. 73–86). LNCS: Vol. 13327. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
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Koddebusch, M. (2022). Exposing the Phish: The Effect of Persuasion Techniques in Phishing E-Mails. In Hagen, L., Solvak, M., & Hwang, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2022) (pp. 78–87). Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens: Vol. 23. New York: ACM Press.
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Koddebusch, M., Halsbenning, S., Laude, L., Voss, V., & Becker, J. (2022). A Song of Digitization and Law: Design Requirements for a Digitization Check of the Legislative Process. In Krimmer, R., Johannsen, M., Lampoltshammer, T., Lindgren, I., Parycek, P., Schwabe, G., & Ubacht, J. (Eds.), Electronic Participation Proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2022 (pp. 154–170). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
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Koelmann, H., Müller, K., Niemann, M., & Riehle, D. M. (2022). Moderating the Good, the Bad, and the Hateful: Moderators' Attitudes towards ML-based Comment Moderation Support Systems. In Spezzano, F., Amaral, A., Ceolin, D., Fazio, L., & Serra, E. (Eds.), Disinformation in Open Online Media — 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2022, Boise, ID, USA, October 11–12, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 100–113). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 13545. Cham: Springer Nature.
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Levchenko, A., Ivanov, V., & Taratukhin, V. (2022). Virtual Reality-Built Prototype as a Next-Gen Environment for Advanced Procurement Reporting and Contract Negotiation. In Taratukhin, V., Matveev, M., Becker, J., & Kupriyanov, Y. (Eds.), Information Systems and Design — Second International Conference, ICID 2021, Virtual Event, September 6–7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 90–106). Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 1539. Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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Levchenko, A., & Taratukhin, V. (2022). Challenges and Prospects for Cloud-Based Enterprise Systems in Tradition-Focused Cultures: A Design Thinking Case Study. In Taratukhin, V., Matveev, M., Becker, J., & Kupriyanov, Y. (Eds.), Information Systems and Design — Second International Conference, ICID 2021, Virtual Event, September 6–7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 17–30). Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 1539. Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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Müller, K. (2022). Elicitation of Requirements for a NLP-Model Store for Abusive Language Detection. In Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., & Ntoa, S. (Eds.), HCI International 2022 Posters (pp. 581–588). Online: Springer.
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Pulyavina, N., Ritter, A., Sedova, N., & Taratukhin, V. (2022). Project-Based Education in COVID-19 Era. Disseminating Design Thinking in New Reality. In Taratukhin, V., Matveev, M., Becker, J., & Kupriyanov, Y. (Eds.), Information Systems and Design — Second International Conference, ICID 2021, Virtual Event, September 6–7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 43–51). Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 1539. Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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Ramos, I., North, K., Thalmann, S., Aramburu, N., Hermann, A., Gräslund, K., & Barros, V. (2022). Using Simulation to Leverage Digital Transformation of SMEs: A European Perspective. In Bui, T. X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4889–4898). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawai'i at Manoa — Hamilton Library. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Skrupskaya, Y., Skibina, V., Taratukhin, V., & Kozlova, E. (2022). The Use of Virtual Reality to Drive Innovations. VRE-IP Experiment. In Taratukhin, V., Matveev, M., Becker, J., & Kupriyanov, Y. (Eds.), Information Systems and Design — Second International Conference, ICID 2021, Virtual Event, September 6–7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 336–345). Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 1539. Cham: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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Wolters, A., Müller, K., & Riehle, D. M. (2022). Incremental Machine Learning for Text Classification in Comment Moderation Systems. In Spezzano, F., Amaral, A., Ceolin, D., Fazio, L., & Serra, E. (Eds.), Disinformation in Open Online Media — 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2022, Boise, ID, USA, October 11–12, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 138–153). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 13545. Cham: Springer Nature.
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Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Brendel, A. B., Chasin, F., Mirbabaie, M., Riehle, D. M., & Harnischmacher, C. (2022). Review of Design-Oriented Green Information Systems Research. Sustainability (Sustainability (New Rochelle)), 14(8), 4650.
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Chasin, F., Kowalkiewicz, M., & Gollhardt, T. (2022). How SME Watkins Steel Transformed from Traditional Steel Fabrication to Digital Service Provision. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive (MISQE), 21.
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Distel, B. (2022). Digitalwüste Deutschland? Digitalisierungsstand im internationalen Vergleich. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 10-11/2022, 49–54.
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Distel, B., Koelmann, H., Plattfaut, R., & Becker, J. (2022). Watch who you trust! A structured literature review to build a typology of e-government risks. Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB), online first.
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Gal, U., Berente, N., & Chasin, F. (2022). Technology Lifecycles and Digital Technologies: Patterns of Discourse across Levels of Materiality. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (JAIS), 23(5), 1102–1149.
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Kregel, I., Distel, B., & Coners, A. (2022). Business Process Management Culture in Public Administration and Its Determinants. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 64(2), 201–221.
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Röglinger, M., Plattfaut, R., Borghoff, V., Kerpedzhiev, G., Becker, J., Beverungen, D., vom Brocke, J., Van, L. A., del-Rio-Ortega, A., Rinderle-Ma, S., Rosemann, M., Santoro, F. M., & Trkman, P. (2022). Exogenous Shocks and Business Process Management. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 5, 669–687.
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Ruberti, C., Feitosa-Araujo, E., Xu, Z., Wagner, S., Grenzi, M., Darwish, E., Lichtenauer, S., Fuchs, P., Parmagnani, A. S., Balcerowicz, D., Schoenaers, S., de la, T. C., Mekkaoui, K., Nunes-Nesi, A., Wirtz, M., Vissenberg, K., Van, A. O., Hause, B., Costa, A., & Schwarzländer, M. (2022). MCU proteins dominate in vivo mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in Arabidopsis roots. The Plant cell (Plant Cell), 34(11).
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Nicht-wissenschaftlicher Beitrag (Zeitschrift)

Räckers, M. (2022). Der Beitrag von Prozessmanagement zur Digitalisierung der Verwaltung. Sachsenlandkurier, 33(5), 193–194.
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Qualifikationsschrift (Dissertation, Habilitationsschrift)

Gollhardt, T. (2022). Digital Technology-enabled Business Model Innovation — A Toolkit for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. at the WWU Münster. Münster: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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Halsbenning, S. (2022). Bildungsplattformen für den öffentlichen Sektor — Gestaltung digitaler Plattformen zur Förderung von E-Government-Kompetenz. at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Münster: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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Hartmann, M. P. (2022). Handelsinformationssysteme im technischen Großhandel — Ein konfigurierbares Referenzprozessmodell mit Kriterien zur Auswahl von ERP-Systemen. at the Westfälische Wilhemls-Universität Münster. Advances in Information Systems and Management Science: Vol. 64. Berlin: Logos.
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Niemann, M. (2022). Design and Development of an Analytics as a Service Platform for Abusive Comment Moderation. at the Westfälische Wilhemls-Universität Münster. Münster: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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Arbeitspapier / Working Paper

Becker, J., Benke, A., Fettke, P., Gutermuth, O., Halsbenning, S., Houy, C., Hoffmeister, B., Müller, R., & Scholta, H. (2022). Machbarkeitsstudie zu den IT-technischen Anforderungen einer weitergehenden Digitalisierung im Bereich Soziale Sicherheit. In Forschungsbericht: Vol. 600. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales.
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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Koddebusch, M., & Räckers, M. (2022). Digitalkompetenzen und Digitalrollen in deutschen Verwaltungen: Digitalkompetenzen und Digitalrollen in deutschen Verwaltungen.
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Voss, V. C., Koddebusch, M., Laude, L., Halsbenning, S., & Schliesky, U. (2022). Digitalcheck im Gesetzgebungsverfahren: Vorschlag einer modifizierten Gesetzesvorbereitung unter Analyse des Grundrentengesetzes. Berlin.
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Sonstige nicht-wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Becker, J. (2022). Auf dem Weg zum No-Stop-Shop.
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Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

Becker, J., Hermann, A., Gollhardt, T., von Herbay, C., & Cordes, A.-K. (2022). An Extension of PlanDigital: Software Support for Collaborative Idea Management in SMEs.
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Gollhardt, T. (2022). Towards Business Model Tools for SMEs — Knowledge Boundaries in Business Model Innovation Projects.
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McCarthy, S., Scholta, H., Hausvik, G. I., & Busch, P. A. (2022). A Boundary Spanning Perspective of Practical Impact: The Case of IS Practitioner Doctorates.
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Müller, K., Koelmann, H., Niemann, M., Plattfaut, R., & Becker, J. (2022). Exploring Audience’s Attitudes Towards Machine Learning-based Automation in Comment Moderation.
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Reiners, S. (2022). Trust and its Extensions in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Key Concepts and Issues for Future Research.
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Reiners, S., Müller, L. S., Becker, J., & Hertel, G. (2022). Measuring the Influence of Characteristics on Decision-Making Scenarios: A Prototype.
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Scholta, H., Halsbenning, S., & Becker, J. (2022). A public value based method to select services for a no-stop shop implementation.
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Vebrova, M., Petrosyan, L., Volkmer, L. A., & Distel, B. (2022). Design Principles for Online Platforms Fostering Deliberative Political Discourse.
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Übersichtsartikel (Zeitschrift)

Schütte, R., Ahlemann, F., Becker, J., Legner, C., Lehrer, C., Wiesche, M., & Richter, G. (2022). Quo Vadis Information Systems Research in Times 2022 of Digitalization?.
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