Research article (book contribution)
Baacke, L., Becker, J., Bergener, P., Fitterer, R., Instinsky, M., Räckers, M., & Rohner, P. (2008). Management von Prozesswissen — Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt PICTURE. In Erich, S., Anton, G., Gisela, H., & Christian, S. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 223–232). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {L Baacke and J Becker and P Bergener and R Fitterer and M Instinsky and M Räckers and P Rohner},
title = {Management von Prozesswissen --- Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt PICTURE},
booktitle = {Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik --- Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008},
pages = {223--232},
editor = {Schweighofer Erich and Geist Anton and Heindl Gisela and Szücs Christian},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Richard Boorberg Verlag},
address = {Stuttgart},
issn = {978-3-415-04130-1},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Backhaus, K., Becker, J., Beverungen, D., Knackstedt, R., & Weddeling, M. (2008). Zahlungsbereitschaften für Geschäftsmodelle produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen — Wirtschaftlichkeit bei der Vermarktung hybrider Produkte. In Gatermann, I., & Fleck, M. (Eds.), Technologie und Dienstleistung: Innovationen in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen Beiträge der 7. Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF (pp. 383–391). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {Klaus Backhaus and Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt and Matthias Weddeling},
title = {Zahlungsbereitschaften für Geschäftsmodelle produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen --- Wirtschaftlichkeit bei der Vermarktung hybrider Produkte},
booktitle = {Technologie und Dienstleistung: Innovationen in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen Beiträge der 7. Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF},
pages = {383--391},
editor = {Inken Gatermann and Myriam Fleck},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Campus Verlag},
address = {Frankfurt am Main},
isbn = {978-3-593-38740-6},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J. (2008). Ein Plädoyer für die gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik. In Reinhard, J., & Thomas, M. (Eds.) (pp. 3–21).
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker},
title = {Ein Plädoyer für die gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik},
booktitle = {},
pages = {3--21},
editor = {Jung Reinhard and Myrach Thomas},
year = {2008},
publisher = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Lis, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Migrating process models between PICTURE and BPMN/EPC. In Niedźwiedziński, M., & Lange-Sadzińska, K. (Eds.), Wybrane Problemy Elektronicznej Gospodarki (pp. 9–20). Łódź: unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and L Lis and D Pfeiffer and M Räckers},
title = {Migrating process models between PICTURE and BPMN/EPC},
booktitle = {Wybrane Problemy Elektronicznej Gospodarki},
pages = {9--20},
editor = {M Niedźwiedziński and K Lange-Sadzińska},
year = {2008},
publisher = {unbekannt --- n.a. --- unknown},
address = {Łódź},
isbn = {978-83-925617-1-2},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). E-Inclusion im E-Government. In Erich, S., Anton, G., Gisela, H., & Christian, S. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 70–78). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and B Niehaves and M Räckers},
title = {E-Inclusion im E-Government},
booktitle = {Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik --- Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008},
pages = {70--78},
editor = {Schweighofer Erich and Geist Anton and Heindl Gisela and Szücs Christian},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Richard Boorberg Verlag},
address = {Stuttgart},
issn = {978-3-415-04130-1},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). Demografieorientiertes E-Government in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken. In Schweighofer, E., Geist, A., Heindl, G., & Szücs, C. (Eds.), Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik — Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008 (pp. 65–69). Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and B Niehaves and M Räckers},
title = {Demografieorientiertes E-Government in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken},
booktitle = {Komplexitätsgrenzen der Rechtsinformatik --- Tagungsband des 11. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2008},
pages = {65--69},
editor = {E Schweighofer and A Geist and G Heindl and C Szücs},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Richard Boorberg Verlag},
address = {Stuttgart},
isbn = {978-3-415-04130-1},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., Knackstedt, R., Glauner, C., Stypmann, M., Rosenkranz, C., Schmitt, R., Hatfield, S., Schmitz, G., Eberhardt, S., Dietz, M., Thomas, O., Walter, P., Lönngren, H., & Leimeister, J. (2008). Ordnungsrahmen für die hybride Wertschöpfung. In Thomas, O., & Nüttgens, M. (Eds.), Dienstleistungsmodellierung — Methoden, Werkzeuge und Branchenlösungen (pp. 109–128). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
More details BibTeX DOI
author = {J Becker and D Beverungen and R Knackstedt and C Glauner and M Stypmann and C Rosenkranz and R Schmitt and S Hatfield and G Schmitz and S Eberhardt and M Dietz and O Thomas and P Walter and H Lönngren and J Leimeister},
title = {Ordnungsrahmen für die hybride Wertschöpfung},
booktitle = {Dienstleistungsmodellierung --- Methoden, Werkzeuge und Branchenlösungen},
pages = {109--128},
editor = {O. Thomas and M. Nüttgens},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
address = {Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-7908-2098-0},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-7908-2099-7},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Delfmann, P., Fuchs, P., Algermissen, L., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Gestaltung von E-Learning-Prozessen mit Referenzmodellen. In Heinz, L. G., Jan, v. B., & Christian, B. (Eds.), E-Learning-Management (pp. 21–38). München: Vahlen Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and P Delfmann and P Fuchs and L Algermissen and D Pfeiffer and M Räckers},
title = {Gestaltung von E-Learning-Prozessen mit Referenzmodellen},
booktitle = {E-Learning-Management},
pages = {21--38},
editor = {Lothar Grob Heinz and vom Brocke Jan and Buddendick Christian},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Vahlen Verlag},
address = {München},
issn = {978 3 8006 3552 8},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Towards a Holistic Approach to Validating Conceptual Models. In Johannesson, P., & Söderström, E. (Eds.), Information Systems Engineering: From Data Analysis to Process Networks (pp. 229–251). IGI Global.
More details BibTeX DOI
author = {J Becker and B Niehaves and D Pfeiffer},
title = {Towards a Holistic Approach to Validating Conceptual Models},
booktitle = {Information Systems Engineering: From Data Analysis to Process Networks},
pages = {229--251},
editor = {P. Johannesson and E. Söderström},
year = {2008},
publisher = {IGI Global},
issn = {978-1-59904-567-2},
doi = {10.4018/978-1-59904-567-2.ch010},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., & Knackstedt, R. (2008). Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von Produzenten und Dienstleistern als Option zur Organisation der Erstellung hybrider Leistungsbündel. In Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., & Pfeiffer, D. (Eds.), Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke — Konzepte für das Netzwerkmanagement und Potenziale aktueller Informationstechnologien (pp. 3–31). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
More details BibTeX DOI
author = {Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt},
title = {Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von Produzenten und Dienstleistern als Option zur Organisation der Erstellung hybrider Leistungsbündel},
booktitle = {Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke --- Konzepte für das Netzwerkmanagement und Potenziale aktueller Informationstechnologien},
pages = {3--31},
editor = {Jörg Becker and Ralf Knackstedt and Daniel Pfeiffer},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
address = {Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-7908-2055-3},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-7908-2056-0_1},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., Knackstedt, R., & Müller, O. (2008). Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur softwarewerkzeugunterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel. In Thomas, O., & Nüttgens, M. (Eds.), Dienstleistungsmodellierung — Methoden, Werkzeuge und Branchenlösungen (pp. 53–70). unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt and Oliver Müller},
title = {Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur softwarewerkzeugunterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel},
booktitle = {Dienstleistungsmodellierung --- Methoden, Werkzeuge und Branchenlösungen},
pages = {53--70},
editor = {Oliver Thomas and Markus Nüttgens},
year = {2008},
publisher = {unbekannt --- n.a. --- unknown},
isbn = {978-3790820980},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Winkelmann, A., Beverungen, D., & Janiesch, C. (2008). Stammdatenkonzept für elektronische Verkaufsförderungsaktionen im Wertschöpfungsdreieck Hersteller, Händler und Kunde. In Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., & Pfeiffer, D. (Eds.), Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke: Konzepte für das Netzwerkmanagement und Potenziale aktueller Informationstechnologien (pp. 193–208). unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jörg Becker and Axel Winkelmann and Daniel Beverungen and Christian Janiesch},
title = {Stammdatenkonzept für elektronische Verkaufsförderungsaktionen im Wertschöpfungsdreieck Hersteller, Händler und Kunde},
booktitle = {Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke: Konzepte für das Netzwerkmanagement und Potenziale aktueller Informationstechnologien},
pages = {193--208},
editor = {Jörg Becker and Ralf Knackstedt and Daniel Pfeiffer},
year = {2008},
publisher = {unbekannt --- n.a. --- unknown},
isbn = {978-3790820553},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Research article in proceedings (conference)
Alexandrini, F., Becker, J., Holler, D., Spaeth, F., Matzner, M., Fuchs, P., Visentainer, J., Soares, D., & Vendramini, I. (2008). Governo Eletrônico nos Municípios do Alto Vale do Itajaí — Santa Catarina — Projeto Transreg. In Proceedings of the Simpósio de Excelênciaem Gestão e Tecnologia (SEGeT 2008), Resende, RJ, Brazil.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {F Alexandrini and J Becker and DR Holler and F Spaeth and M Matzner and P Fuchs and J Visentainer and DG Soares and IJ Vendramini},
title = {Governo Eletrônico nos Municípios do Alto Vale do Itajaí --- Santa Catarina --- Projeto Transreg},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Simpósio de Excelênciaem Gestão e Tecnologia (SEGeT 2008)},
year = {2008},
address = {Resende, RJ, Brazil},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Kleist, S., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Business Process Model-based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, ON, Canada, Paper 353.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and S Kleist and D Pfeiffer and M Räckers},
title = {Business Process Model-based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14$^{th}$ Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008)},
pages = {Paper 353},
year = {2008},
address = {Toronto, ON, Canada},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Kleist, S., Pfeiffer, D., & Räckers, M. (2008). Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations based on Business Process Models. In Wimmer, M., Scholl, H., & Ferro, E. (Eds.), Electronic Government — 7th International Conference, EGOV 2008, Turin, Italy, August 31 — September 5, 2008. Proceedings (pp. 124–135). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5184. Berlin Heiderberg: Springer.
More details BibTeX DOI
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and S Kleist and D Pfeiffer and M Räckers},
title = {Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations based on Business Process Models},
booktitle = {Electronic Government --- 7$^{th}$ International Conference, EGOV 2008, Turin, Italy, August 31 --- September 5, 2008. Proceedings},
pages = {124--135},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {5184},
editor = {M Wimmer and H Scholl and E Ferro},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {Berlin Heiderberg},
isbn = {978-3-540-85203-2},
issn = {0302-9743},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-85204-9_11},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Bergener, P., Niehaves, B., & Räckers, M. (2008). Social Inclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery in Germany — A Quantitative Analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, ON, Paper 19.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and P Bergener and B Niehaves and M Räckers},
title = {Social Inclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery in Germany --- A Quantitative Analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14$^{th}$ Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008)},
pages = {Paper 19},
year = {2008},
address = {Toronto, ON},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Fielenbach, K., & Niehaves, B. (2008). Linguistic Theories in IS Research — A Review.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and K Fielenbach and B Niehaves},
title = {Linguistic Theories in IS Research --- A Review},
booktitle = {},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Janiesch, C., & Pöppelbuß, J. (2008). Konfiguration kollaborativer Informationsmodelle. 813–824.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and C Janiesch and J Pöppelbuß},
title = {Konfiguration kollaborativer Informationsmodelle},
booktitle = {},
pages = {813--824},
editor = {Peter Loos and Peter Gronau and Petra Schubert},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Beverungen, D., Glauner, C., Stypmann, M., Rosenkranz, C., Schmitt, R., Hatfield, S., Schmitz, G., Eberhardt, S., Dietz, M., Thomas, O., Walter, P., Lönngren, H., & Leimeister, J. (2008). Ordnungsrahmen für die hybride Wertschöpfung. In Proceedings of the GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung, Berlin, Germany, 95–114.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and R Knackstedt and D Beverungen and C Glauner and M Stypmann and C Rosenkranz and R Schmitt and S Hatfield and G Schmitz and S Eberhardt and M Dietz and O Thomas and P Walter and H Lönngren and J Leimeister},
title = {Ordnungsrahmen für die hybride Wertschöpfung},
booktitle = {GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung},
pages = {95--114},
editor = {M. Nüttgens and O Thomas},
year = {2008},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Pöppelbuß, J., & Schwarze, L. (2008). Das IT Performance Measurement Maturity Model — Ein Reifegradmodell für die Business Intelligence-Unterstützung des IT-Managements. 53–74.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and R Knackstedt and J Pöppelbuß and L Schwarze},
title = {Das IT Performance Measurement Maturity Model --- Ein Reifegradmodell für die Business Intelligence-Unterstützung des IT-Managements},
booktitle = {},
pages = {53--74},
editor = {B. Dinter and R. Winter and P. Chamoni and N. Gronau and K. Turowski},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Kramer, S., & Janiesch, C. (2008). Ein Ansatz für das Variantenmanagement elektronischer Geschäftsdokumente. 837–848.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and S Kramer and C Janiesch},
title = {Ein Ansatz für das Variantenmanagement elektronischer Geschäftsdokumente},
booktitle = {},
pages = {837--848},
editor = {Peter Loos},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Olbrich, S., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Forschungsmethodik einer Integrationsdisziplin — Eine Fortführung und Ergänzung zu Lutz Heinrichs "Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik" aus gestaltungsorientierter Perspektive. In Becker, J., Krcmar, H., & Niehaves, B. (Eds.), Wissenschaftstheorie und gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik (pp. 1–22). Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and B Niehaves and S Olbrich and D Pfeiffer},
title = {Forschungsmethodik einer Integrationsdisziplin --- Eine Fortführung und Ergänzung zu Lutz Heinrichs "Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik" aus gestaltungsorientierter Perspektive},
booktitle = {Wissenschaftstheorie und gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik},
pages = {1--22},
editor = {J. Becker and H. Krcmar and B. Niehaves},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
address = {Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-940019-34-9},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Case Study Perspectives on Design Science Research. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESIRST2008), Atlanta, GA, USA, 1–6.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and B Niehaves and D Pfeiffer},
title = {Case Study Perspectives on Design Science Research},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2008)},
pages = {1--6},
editor = {Vaishnavi V. and Baskerville R.},
year = {2008},
address = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., & Pfeiffer, D. (2008). Solving the conflicts of distributed process modelling — towards an integrated approach. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {J Becker and D Pfeiffer},
title = {Solving the conflicts of distributed process modelling --- towards an integrated approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16$^{th}$ European Conference on Information Systems},
year = {2008},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Pfeiffer, D., & Janiesch, C. (2008). Perceived evaluability — development of a theoretical model and a measurement scale. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, Canada, 1–11.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {J Becker and D Pfeiffer and C Janiesch},
title = {Perceived evaluability --- development of a theoretical model and a measurement scale},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14$^{th}$ Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008)},
pages = {1--11},
year = {2008},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Seidel, S., Müller-Wienbergen, F., & Winkelmann, A. (2008). Managing Creative Risks.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and S Seidel and F Müller-Wienbergen and A Winkelmann},
title = {Managing Creative Risks},
booktitle = {},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Vilkov, L., Weiß, B., & Winkelmann, A. (2008). Calculating the Process Driven Business Value of RFID Investments — A Causal Model for the Measurement of RFID Technologies in Supply Chain Logistics.
More details BibTeX
author = {J Becker and L Vilkov and B Weiß and A Winkelmann},
title = {Calculating the Process Driven Business Value of RFID Investments --- A Causal Model for the Measurement of RFID Technologies in Supply Chain Logistics},
booktitle = {},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., & Knackstedt, R. (2008). Reference Models and Modeling Languages for Product-Service Systems — Status-Quo and Perspectives for Further Research. In Proceedings of the 41st Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt},
title = {Reference Models and Modeling Languages for Product-Service Systems --- Status-Quo and Perspectives for Further Research},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41$^{st}$ Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences},
year = {2008},
address = {Waikoloa, Hawaii},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., Knackstedt, R., & Müller, O. (2008). Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur tool-unterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel. In Proceedings of the GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung, Berlin, Germany, 45–62.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt and Oliver Müller},
title = {Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur tool-unterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung},
pages = {45--62},
editor = {Markus Nüttgens and Oliver Thomas},
year = {2008},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Beverungen, D., Knackstedt, R., & Müller, O. (2008). Modeling, Customer-Specific Configuration and Calculation of Value Bundles. In Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Jörg Becker and Daniel Beverungen and Ralf Knackstedt and Oliver Müller},
title = {Modeling, Customer-Specific Configuration and Calculation of Value Bundles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14$^{th}$ Americas Conference on Information Systems},
year = {2008},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Matzner, M., & Pöppelbuß, J. (2008). Creating and Monitoring Intra-cooperation Settlement Systems for Product-Service Systems: a finance plan based approach. In Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008, Stuttgart, Germany.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Jörg Becker and Ralf Knackstedt and Martin Matzner and Jens Pöppelbuß},
title = {Creating and Monitoring Intra-cooperation Settlement Systems for Product-Service Systems: a finance plan based approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008},
year = {2008},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Matzner, M., & Pöppelbuß, J. (2008). Leveraging Product-Service Systems by Implementing Service Oriented Architecture. In Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008, Stuttgart, Germany.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Jörg Becker and Ralf Knackstedt and Martin Matzner and Jens Pöppelbuß},
title = {Leveraging Product-Service Systems by Implementing Service Oriented Architecture},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008},
year = {2008},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Knackstedt, R., Matzner, M., & Pöppelbuß, J. (2008). The Research Map of Hybrid Value Creation: A Repository for Research Results. In Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008, Stuttgart, Germany.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Jörg Becker and Ralf Knackstedt and Martin Matzner and Jens Pöppelbuß},
title = {The Research Map of Hybrid Value Creation: A Repository for Research Results},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International RESER Conference 2008},
year = {2008},
address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Matzner, M., & Müller, O. (2008). Comparing Architectural Styles for Service-oriented Architectures — a REST vs. SOAP case study. In Papadopoulos, G. A., Wojtkowski, G., Wojtkowski, W., Wrycza, , Stanislaw, , Zupancic, , & Joze, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Information Systems Development Conference 2008 (pp. 207–215). New York City, NY, USA: Springer.
More details BibTeX DOI
author = {Jörg Becker and Martin Matzner and Oliver Müller},
title = {Comparing Architectural Styles for Service-oriented Architectures --- a REST vs. SOAP case study},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Information Systems Development Conference 2008},
pages = {207--215},
editor = {George A Papadopoulos and Gregory Wojtkowski and Wita Wojtkowski and Wrycza and Stanislaw and Zupancic and Joze},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {New York City, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1007/b137171_22},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Matzner, M., Müller, O., & Winkelmann, A. (2008). Towards a Semantic Data Quality Management — Using Ontologies to Assess Master Data Quality in Retailing. In Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, Canada.
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author = {Jörg Becker and Martin Matzner and Oliver Müller and Axel Winkelmann},
title = {Towards a Semantic Data Quality Management --- Using Ontologies to Assess Master Data Quality in Retailing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)},
year = {2008},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., Fielenbach, K., Räckers, M., & Weiß, B. (2008). The Digital Divide in E-Government — A Quantitative Analysis. In Kommers, P., & Isaias, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008 (pp. 337–344). Lissabon: IADIS Press.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jörg Becker and Björn Niehaves and Phillip Bergener and Katrin Fielenbach and Michael Räckers and Burkhard Weiß},
title = {The Digital Divide in E-Government --- A Quantitative Analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008},
pages = {337--344},
editor = {P Kommers and P Isaias},
year = {2008},
publisher = {IADIS Press},
address = {Lissabon},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Becker, J., Fleischer, S., Knackstedt, R., & Stein, A. (2008). Ontology Support For Configurative Reference Modelling. In Golden, W., Acton, T., Conboy, K., van der, H. H., Tuunainen, , & Virpi, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008) (pp. 1668–1679). Galway, Ireland: AIS eLibrary.
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author = {Jörg Becker and Stefan Fleischer and Ralf Knackstedt and Armin Stein},
title = {Ontology Support For Configurative Reference Modelling},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16$^{th}$ European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008)},
pages = {1668--1679},
editor = {Willie Golden and Thomas Acton and Kieran Conboy and Heijden Hans {van der} and Tuunainen and Kristiina Virpi},
year = {2008},
publisher = {AIS eLibrary},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Niehaves, B., & Becker, J. (2008). The Age-Divide in E-Government — Data, Interpretations, Theory Fragments. 279–287.
More details BibTeX
author = {B Niehaves and J Becker},
title = {The Age-Divide in E-Government --- Data, Interpretations, Theory Fragments},
booktitle = {},
pages = {279--287},
editor = {M. et al. Oya},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Niehaves, B., Bergener, P., Räckers, M., & Becker, J. (2008). ‘You got E-Government?’ — A Quantitative Analysis of In- and Exclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), Galway, Ireland, Paper 32.
More details BibTeX
author = {B Niehaves and P Bergener and M Räckers and J Becker},
title = {‘You got E-Government?’ --- A Quantitative Analysis of In- and Exclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16$^{th}$ European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008)},
pages = {Paper 32},
year = {2008},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Seidel, S., Müller-Wienbergen, F., Rosemann, M., & Becker, J. (2008). A Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval in Pockets of Creativity. In Bichler, M., Hess, T., Krcmar, H., Lechner, U., Matthes, F., Picot, A., Speitkamp, B., & Wolf, P. (Eds.), Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2008, München, 26.2.2008 — 28.2.2008, Proceedings. Berlin: GITO-Verlag.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {S Seidel and F Müller-Wienbergen and M Rosemann and J Becker},
title = {A Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval in Pockets of Creativity},
booktitle = {Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2008, München, 26.2.2008 --- 28.2.2008, Proceedings},
editor = {M Bichler and T Hess and H Krcmar and U Lechner and F Matthes and A Picot and B Speitkamp and P Wolf},
year = {2008},
publisher = {GITO-Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
isbn = {978-3-940019-34-9},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Seidel, S., Müller-Wienbergen, F., Rosemann, M., & Becker, J. (2008). A Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval to Support Creativity in Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland, 2428–2439.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {S Seidel and F Müller-Wienbergen and M Rosemann and J Becker},
title = {A Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval to Support Creativity in Business Processes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16$^{th}$ European Conference on Information Systems},
pages = {2428--2439},
editor = {W Golden and T Acton and K Conboy and Heijden H {van der} and VK Tuunainen},
year = {2008},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
isbn = {978-0-9553159-2-3},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Seidel, S., Rosemann, M., & Becker, J. (2008). How Does Creativity Impact Business Processes?. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), Galway, Ireland, 1644–1655.
More details BibTeX
author = {S Seidel and M Rosemann and J Becker},
title = {How Does Creativity Impact Business Processes?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008)},
pages = {1644--1655},
year = {2008},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
note = {Publication status: Published}
vom Brocke, J., Becker, J., Simons, A., & Fleischer, S. (2008). Conceptual Modeling of Enterprise Content. In Uniwersytet, G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (pp. 216–228). Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.
More details BibTeX
author = {Jan {vom Brocke} and Jörg Becker and Alexander Simons and Stefan Fleischer},
title = {Conceptual Modeling of Enterprise Content},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7$^{th}$ International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research},
pages = {216--228},
editor = {Gdański Uniwersytet},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego},
address = {Gdańsk},
note = {Publication status: Published}
vom Brocke, J., Becker, J., Simons, A., & Fleischer, S. (2008). Towards the Specification of Digital Content — The Enterprise Content Modeling Language (ECML). In Benbasat, I., & Montazemi, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2008 (pp. 1–10). United States: AIS eLibrary.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Jan {vom Brocke} and Jörg Becker and Alexander Simons and Stefan Fleischer},
title = {Towards the Specification of Digital Content --- The Enterprise Content Modeling Language (ECML)},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14$^{th}$ Americas Conference on Information Systems 2008},
pages = {1--10},
editor = {I Benbasat and AR Montazemi},
year = {2008},
publisher = {AIS eLibrary},
address = {United States},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Winkelmann, A., Boehm, M., & Becker, J. (2008). Usability of “Trusted Shops” — An Empirical Analysis of eCommerce Shops.
More details BibTeX
author = {A Winkelmann and M Boehm and J Becker},
title = {Usability of “Trusted Shops” --- An Empirical Analysis of eCommerce Shops},
booktitle = {},
year = {2008},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Winkelmann, A., Vossen, G., Becker, J., Haselmann, T., Herwig, S., & Pöppelbuß, J. (2008). Bewertungsmechanismen zur beruflichen Weiterqualifizierung in sozialen Web 2.0-Netzwerken. In Hegering, H.-G., Lehmann, A., Ohlbach, H., & Scheideler, C. (Eds.), Informatik 2008 — Beherrschbare Systeme — dank Informatik (Band 2) (pp. 955–961). Lecture Notes in Informatics: Vol. 134. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
More details BibTeX
author = {A Winkelmann and G Vossen and J Becker and T Haselmann and S Herwig and J Pöppelbuß},
title = {Bewertungsmechanismen zur beruflichen Weiterqualifizierung in sozialen Web 2.0-Netzwerken},
booktitle = {Informatik 2008 --- Beherrschbare Systeme --- dank Informatik (Band 2)},
pages = {955--961},
series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
volume = {134},
editor = {H-G Hegering and A Lehmann and HJ Ohlbach and C Scheideler},
year = {2008},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
address = {Bonn},
isbn = {978-3-88579-228-4},
issn = {1617-5468},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Winkelmann, A., Beverungen, D., Janiesch, C., & Becker, J. (2008). Improving the Quality of Article Master Data — Specification of an Integrated Master Data Platform for Promotions in Retail. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Axel Winkelmann and Daniel Beverungen and Christian Janiesch and Jörg Becker},
title = {Improving the Quality of Article Master Data --- Specification of an Integrated Master Data Platform for Promotions in Retail},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16$^{th}$ European Conference on Information Systems},
year = {2008},
address = {Galway, Ireland},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}
Winkelmann, A., Matzner, M., Müller, O., & Becker, J. (2008). Ein Plädoyer für die Berücksichtigung von Semantik beim Stammdaten-Alignment — Vorgehensmodell und prototypische Anwendung im Einzelhandel. In Dinter, B., Winter, R., Chamoni, P., Gronau, N., & Turowski, K. (Eds.), Synergien durch Integration und Informationslogistik (pp. 165–181). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI): Vol. P-138. Bonn: GI.
More details BibTeX Full text
author = {Axel Winkelmann and Martin Matzner and Oliver Müller and Jörg Becker},
title = {Ein Plädoyer für die Berücksichtigung von Semantik beim Stammdaten-Alignment --- Vorgehensmodell und prototypische Anwendung im Einzelhandel},
booktitle = {Synergien durch Integration und Informationslogistik},
pages = {165--181},
series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)},
volume = {P-138},
number = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
editor = {Barbara Dinter and Robert Winter and Peter Chamoni and Norbert Gronau and Klaus Turowski},
year = {2008},
publisher = {GI},
address = {Bonn},
url = {},
note = {Publication status: Published}