Integrating Process Modeling Methodology, Language and Tool - A Design Science Approach
Becker Jörg, Clever Nico, Holler Justus, Püster Johannes, Shitkova Maria
Providing high quality process models in a timely manner can be ofmajor impact on almost all process management projects. Modelingmethodologies in the form of normative procedure models and processmodeling guidelines are available to facilitate this cause. Modeling languagesand according tools, however, do neglect the available methodologies. Ourwork searches to close this research gap by proposing a modeling environmentthat integrates insights from modeling methodologies with a modeling languageand a tool. Main features are a simple modeling language that generalizes mostexisting languages, four layers of abstraction and semantic standardizationthrough a glossary and use of attributes. Our approach allows for rapidpreparation of modeling activities and ensures high model quality during allmodeling phases, thus minimizing rework of the models. The prototype wasevaluated and improved during two practical projects.
Business Process Modeling; Business Process Modeling Tool; Process Modeling Methodology; Business Process Modeling Language