e-Government Success Factors
Becker J, Niehaves B, Algermissen L, Delfmann P, Falk T
Electronic Government (eGovemment) has been seen as the silver bullet for modernizing public administrations over last few years. But fact is that the broad variety of eGovernment initiatives results in an evenly heterogeneous picture regarding the quality of eGovemment services provided. Within an international context differences in eGovernment quality may result from nationally specific factors such as e-readiness, legal restrictions, existence of a nation-wide eGovernment strategy, and so forth. But what are the factors which have influence on eGovemment success and which do not result from national characteristics? In order to answer this question we conducted an empirical study in the northern German region Muensterland. The goal of this article is to present this empirical study. Internal data from 56 and external data from 70 local municipal administrations was gathered and analyzed with regard of the question: What are eGovemment success factors?.