Evaluating Groupware for Creative Group Processes – The Case Study of CreativeFlow
Becker Jörg, Breuker Dominic, Heide Tobias, Voigt Matthias
The creative potential of teams plays a crucial role in generating the competitive advantage of organizations. We introduce an architecture supporting creative group processes in the context of business processes. Based on the theoretical concept of Pockets of Creativity (Seidel et al. 2010), the architecture aims to balance freedom for creative group work and constraints set by the processes in its environment. The architecture is implemented in the prototype CreativeFlow, integrating a groupware component and a workflow component. The prototype is evaluated in a case study in a TV production company. Free participation in group tasks and support for the structuring of ideas were deemed appropriate for the support of creative group processes. Process structure is mainly imposed by project deadlines that require user notification, also outside the workflow component. Process orientation is a promising approach to increase the efficiency of the creative value creation.