Local, Participative Process Modelling - The PICTURE-Approach
Becker J, Algermissen L, Pfeiffer D, Räckers M
Process modelling is regarded as an important activity within Business Process Management (BPM) projects. A common modelling procedure has been established that is based on a prioritisation, documentation, and analysis of the business processes. However, it can be difficult to apply this procedure when only very little is known about an organisation as it presupposes some knowledge about the process structure. In this paper we present local, participative modelling as an alternative to this approach. With the process modelling method PICTURE an implementation of local, participative modelling is presented. With this specific view of knowledge acquisition in mind PICTURE is compared with the workflow patterns of van der Aalst et al. [2] in order to identify similarities and differences. Based on this analysis suggestions for the further development of the PICTURE method are derived.
PICTURE; workflow patterns; process modelling approaches; sequential modelling; electronic government