CoDeAI: Collaborative development of Al capabilities in SMEs
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2022- 30.09.2024 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
2022-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000089256 |
Keywords |
Artificial Intelligence; AI; SME |
GIGA Gebärdensprachen - Entwicklung einer 5G enabled Gebärdensprachen-Applikation
Das Projekt entwickelt eine App, die selbständig die deutsche Gebärdensprache über die Smartphone-Kamera lernt. Die Gebärdensprache wird anschließend automatisiert in Echtzeit in verständliche deutsche Sprache übersetzt.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2022- 31.12.2023 |
Funding source |
MWIKE NRW - Förderwettbewerb 5G.NRW |
Project number |
FKZ 005-2018-0104; 005-2108-0102; PtJ-Nr. 2008gif042e; 2108gif042c |
Keywords |
Maschinelles Lernen; Künstliche Intelligenz; Gebärdensprache; Assistenzsystem; Teilhabe; Maschinelle Bildanalyse |
Geschäftsprozessuntersuchung im Rahmen des Prozessreorganisationsprojekts der ARD-Verwaltungsdirektionen
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2022- 31.07.2023 |
Funding source |
Norddeutscher Rundfunk |
Keywords |
Geschäftsprozesse; Modellierung |
SPP 1921 - Subproject: "Intentional Forgetting" in organisations: Forgetting confidently: Determinants and consequences of trustful usage of information systems in organizations
Continuously increasing and changing amounts of data in modern organizations demand new information handling strategies. Effective knowledge management requires a flexible selection of essential information, for example, for decision processes under uncertainty or in dynamic economic markets. In this regard, information systems can reduce decision maker's cognitive load, emotional strain, and stress. However, for those positive effects to occur, persons need to use the information systems trustfully in order to forget "confidently". The goal of the present research project is to model and empirically examine the psychological processes underlying trustful use of information systems, enabling intentional forgetting.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2020- 31.01.2023 |
Website | |
Funding source |
DFG - Priority Programme |
Project number |
HE 2745/16-2; BE 1422/21-2 |
Keywords |
Intentional Forgetting; Motivation; Emotion; Psychology; Information Systems |
"Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen"
The Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen (competence centre) is a consortium that supports SME in topics about digitalisation and digital inter-organisational collaboration in north-west Germany. Businesses of the four sectors: retail, craft, maritime and agriculture are central players in this region. The overarching goal of the project is to raise awareness, to inform, and to impart critical competencies, for businesses in north-west Germany regarding the topic digitalisation.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2017- 30.09.2022 |
Website | |
Funding source |
BMWK - Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitale Produktions- und Arbeitsprozesse |
Project number |
01MF17011D |
Keywords |
data-driven business models; digitalisation |
Stanford Design Thinking Project 2021-2022
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.09.2021- 31.05.2022 |
Funding source |
Napoleon IT LLC. |
Keywords |
Design Thinking |
DigiCheck - Digitalcheck im Gesetzgebungsverfahren am Beispiel einer Sozialversicherung
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.04.2021- 31.03.2022 |
Funding source |
Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. |
Project number |
N2021-112 |
Keywords |
Gesetzgebung; Digitalisierung; Digitalisierungstauglichkeit |
Reducing the moderation effort of user comments with the help of automation using text analytical methods (MODERAT!)
In recent years, a rapid increase in racist, political and religiously motivated hate commentary has led many newspaper editors to deactivate their online comment functions on their websites. While this is understandable from an economic point of view for the individual publishers, serious problems for the public discourse arise in view of restriction quotas of up to 50%. The MODERAT! project aims to use an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to develop software tools and a web platform that will enable operators to moderate web debates with significantly less effort. Comments are analyzed automatically, so that only a small number of critical comments have to be viewed manually. In this way, media houses and publishers should be able to offer web debates again on their own websites and thus enter into a more active exchange with the readership.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
07.02.2019- 31.01.2022 |
Website | |
Funding source |
MKW - EFRE-Wettbewerb Neue Leitmärkte - CreateMedia.NRW |
Project number |
EFRE-0801431 |
Keywords |
Information Systems; Information Management |
Europawoche 2021 - Europäisches Lernen und Forschen in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2021- 31.12.2021 |
Funding source |
Bezirksregierung Münster |
Keywords |
Europa |
Algorithmization and Social Interaction
Imagine you call a company and your request is no longer answered by a human being but by an artificial assistant - how does this affect you as an individual and society at large? And does the customization of information in social media and online environments limit our horizon, or even keeps us in a ‚filter bubble‘? These are just a few of the socially and politically relevant core questions of the interdisciplinary topical program „Algorithmization and Social Interaction“. Scholars from information systems, economy, social sciences, law and communication studies work together to explore, first, how (artificially intelligent) algorithms can be used to influence social interaction. Second, the topical program is interested in how society (including the public as well as political and societal elites) reacts to this increasing algorithmic governance.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2020- 31.12.2021 |
Funding source |
Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs |
Keywords |
Algorithmization; Artificial Intelligence; Society; (Social) Media; Data Science; Data Analytics |
Virtual Open Innovation Lab
The VOIL – Virtual Open Innovation Lab is a strategic partnership of nine project partners from seven countries with the goal to increase awareness and digital competences regarding technologies, tools and methods for the digital transformation of small and medium enterprises through a platform-based learning and simulation environment.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2019- 30.09.2021 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
2019-1-DE01-KA203-005021 |
Keywords |
Digital Transformation; Digital Competences; Simulation; SME |
PIONEER - ERASMUS Mundus Master "Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance"
The four-semester European masters program, called PIONEER, developed by the University of Muenster together with KU Leuven and Tallinn University of Technology, focuses on the interdisciplinary know-how needed in the public sector to fully exploit the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) and technological innovation.
PIONEER (1) addresses the needs of public administrations and identifies the potential benefits of ICT for the future development of public administrations and their service provision; (2) closes a gap in current higher education landscape; and (3) creates an innovative offer in terms of the required interdisciplinary skills in the public sector. PIONEER is co-financed by the ERASMUS + Program of the European Union.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2016- 30.09.2021 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
2016-2052/001-001 |
Keywords |
Information Systems; Information Management; E-Government; Public Sector |
Ask Sophie! - Development of a Comic Figure to Answer Scientific Questions
The planned project "Ask Sophie! - Development of a Comic Figure to Answer Scientific Questions" is a novel participation concept that strengthens low-threshold communication between research and society. Within the framework of the planned project, a cartoon character - "Sophie" - is to be developed by means of which citizens' questions can be collected, evaluated and utilized. The citizens can address questions to "Sophie", which will be answered with a comic strip that is freely accessible online (homepage of the university, the AFO, Instagram, Facebook and also published in daily newspapers.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2020- 31.03.2021 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
16IP100 |
Keywords |
Science Communication; Open Science |
VISE: Virtual Institute Smart Energy: Development of Digital Business Models Based on the Energy Demand Behavior of Households
Energy providers and energy service providers only have little information regarding the determinants of their customers energy demand behaviour, especially regarding private households. A detailed analysis of expectations and requirements of private energy demand is an important prerequisite for a successfull adoption of new technology and basis for the development of new business models. The project's goal is the analysis private households intention to invest and intention to use and consequently the development of new business models addressing private households.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.07.2017- 31.03.2021 |
Funding source |
EC - European Regional Development Fund |
Project number |
EFRE-0800037 |
Keywords |
Energy provider; Energy service provider; Energy demand; business models |
Feasibility Study on Requirements for Future Digitalization Pathways for the German Social Security Systems
Based on the successful introduction of the EESSI procedure, the task of the given study is to identify further digitalization potentials in the field of Social Security in Germany. These potentials are identified on the basis of semi-structured interviews with experts familiar with both the EESSI procedure and general topics of digitalization in German Social Security systems. These digitalization potentials show initial pathways that can be considered in the context of a future transformation of Social Security Systems.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2020- 31.12.2020 |
Funding source |
Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. |
Project number |
VKZ 200601 |
Keywords |
Digitalization; Digital Infrastructures; Social Security; Work; Social; eGovernment; Information Systems; Digital Transformation |
Bildungs- und Weiterbildungsplattform eGovernment - Modul Prozessmanagement
Next to coordinating the project e-GovCampus, the Chair for Information Systems and Information Management is also heavily involved in creating content for the online learning platform. Several research undertakings concluded, that Process Management is severely important for the success or failure of digitalization-endeavors in the public sector. With the course “Process Management in Public Administration”, learners will be given all necessary knowledge they need to create and maintain efficient processes. The content focuses, for example, on the analysis of existing processes, the modeling of to-be-processes, Process Management Systems and the most recent developments in the field of software-supported process management. All material is tailored to the public administration sphere.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.07.2020- 31.12.2020 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Hessian State Chancellery |
Project number |
V-DIL 12/0018/0005 |
Keywords |
E-Government; Prozessmanagement |
Less is sometimes more: Services and requirements for a no-stop shop
In a no-stop shop (NSS), public services are provided proactively without any activity from citizens. For a NSS, data of citizens is to be integrated so they do not have to apply for public services any longer. Instead, services are provided by public organizations without application.
A shift to proactive service provision entails fundamental procedural changes and is therefore not comparable with standard digitalization decisions. For the realization of a NSS, both a customized instrument that supports public organizations in the selection of services for the NSS and a catalog of requirements for the concrete implementation of the NSS are necessary.
The goals of this project are therefore
1. the creation of a catalog of requirements for a no-stop shop that takes into account and harmonizes both public organization and citizen interests (especially digital sovereignty)
2. development of a calculation method to support the decision-making process for the selection of services for the no-stop shop
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2020- 31.12.2020 |
Funding source |
Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. |
Project number |
N2020 103 |
Keywords |
E-Government; No-Stop Shop; No-Stop Government; Digital Sovereignty |
With the Learning Experience Platform edyoucated, employees can learn and continuously develop digital skills.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2019- 31.10.2020 |
Website | |
Funding source |
MWIKE NRW - EFRE/JTF-Programm - EFRE Start-up Transfer.NRW - START-UP-Hochschul-Ausgründungen NRW |
Project number |
EFRE-0400232 |
Keywords |
Information Systems; Startup |
Interoperability of messenger services: how to make them more consumer-friendly
Interoperability of messenger services: how to make them more consumer-friendly
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.06.2020- 15.09.2020 |
Keywords |
Messengerdienste; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Medienrecht |
Joint Project: smart services for interactive customer experiences in High Street Retailing - project part: Mobile application development for location-based services
smartmarket² adapts successful strategies from online retailing to high street retailing to create interactive customer experiences. The goal is to strengthen the versatility and the attractiveness of high streets and city centers, and to reinforce the individual business models of local retailers against their common competition with online retailing.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.03.2017- 30.06.2020 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
02K15A074 |
Keywords |
Retail; Digitalisation; Customer Experience; Location-based Services; Service Engineering |
SPP 1921 - Subproject: 'Intentional Forgetting' in organisations: 'Forgetting confidently': Motivational and emotional influences on intentional forgetting in organisations
The tandem project of the University of Münster with the disciplines Organisational & Business Psychology (Guido Hertel) and Information Systems (Jörg Becker) focuses on studies on motivational factors that can interfere or promote intentional forgetting in organizations. Intentional forgetting is operationalized by the extent of the utilization of information systems. Information systems are considered to be a structural form of intentional forgetting in organizations that provide users with relevant information so that less relevant information can fade into the background (gradual forgetting). In this way, the use of information systems can save resources and increase the quality and speed of decisions by focusing on the essential decision criteria.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2016- 31.12.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
DFG - Priority Programme |
Project number |
HE 2745/16-1; BE 1422/21-1 |
Keywords |
Intentional Forgetting; Motivation; Emotion; Psychology; Information Systems |
MASTIS - Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems
The main aim of the project is to improve Master Program in Information Systems according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global labour market and world education sphere. MASTIS will enable the Partner Country & EU Universities to modernize Information System education based on the student-oriented principals, strong university-enterprise cooperation and modern approaches to the education. It will give the Partner Country Universities an opportunity to prepare competitive specialists for Ukrainian, Montenegrin and the global labour market.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.2016- 31.10.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
561592-EPP-1-2015-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP |
Keywords |
e-learning; Informations Systems; Curriculum Design |
Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training - Programme South Caucasus
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2019- 30.10.2019 |
Funding source |
PEM GmbH |
Keywords |
Wirtschaftsinformatik; Informationsmanagement |
Text Mining for Curriculum Design for Multiple Information Systems Disciplines
The main objectives of this project Text Mining for Curriculum Design is to objectify and automate Curriculum Design by using novel data and text mining techniques. It will be done by deriving a novel semi-automatic, data driven curriculum design process, which is supported by software. In order to assess the proposed process two reference curricula, e.g. one in Data Science and BPM will be designed.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2017- 30.09.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
2017-1-LIO1-KA203-000083 |
Keywords |
Topic Modelling; Information Systems; Curriculum Design |
Development of an information platform for young women for professional and academic orientation in IT-related professions
Digital Me aims to provide women with a browser-based and target group-specific offer for the STEM professions. In a virtual world environment, the participants aged 15 to 17 can find information and decision-making aids as well as games. In the end they know the content and career opportunities in selected IT professions so that they can consciously chose their studies and professions. In this way, Digital Me strives for a higher participation of young women in occupations with IT content and their leadership positions.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2016- 30.09.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01FP1606 |
Keywords |
Career choice; STEM; IT-career; woman |
Blockchain Royalties
Blockchain is on everyone's lips and has the potential to disrupt not only the business world. This project conceptualizes and implements a prototype on the basis of consumption data in SAP's cloud services.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2019- 31.08.2019 |
Funding source |
Keywords |
royalties management; Blockchain |
Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions
EQUAL-IST aims at introducing structural changes to enhance gender equality within Information Systems and Technology Research institutions, which have been demonstrated to be among the research sectors most affected by gender inequalities at all levels.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.06.2016- 31.05.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC H2020 - Coordination and support action |
Project number |
710549 |
Keywords |
gender mainstreaming; gender equality; information systems; gender equality action plans |
Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
RISE_BPM networks world-leading research institutions and corporate innovators to develop new horizons for Business Process Management (BPM). BPM is a boundary-spanning discipline focused on division and re-integration of day-to-day work in organisations and on analysis of process data for organisational decision-making. Recent break-through innovations in Social Computing, Smart Devices, Real-Time Computing, and Big Data Technology create a strong impetus for propelling BPM into a pervasive corporate topic that enables design of entirely new products and services.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2015- 30.04.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange |
Project number |
645751 |
Keywords |
Business Process Management; BPM; Business Processes |
CRIS.NRW initiative – Support structures for the implementation of the Research Core Dataset and research information systems at the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia as a contribution to harmonise federal research reporting structures
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
12.05.2016- 31.03.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia |
Keywords |
Kerndatensatz Forschung; Forschungsberichtswesen; Forschungsinformationssysteme; FIS; CRIS; Forschungsinformationen; Forschungsberichterstattung; Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik 2019
6. - 7. März 2019, Münster
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
06.03.2019- 07.03.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Participation / conference fees |
Keywords |
Verwaltungsinformatik; Rechtsinformatik |
ERCIS Omni-Channel Lab - powered by Arvato
The ERCIS Omni-Channel Lab, is a research project in collaboration with Arvato CRM Solutions. The Lab combines the academic research and teaching activities of ERCIS and Arvato’s practical experience of delivering tech-enabled Omni-Channel CRM solutions from 110 global locations for many of the world’s best-known brands. Its areas of investigation focus around ‘Processes’, ‘Data’ and ‘Analytics’.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.03.2016- 28.02.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
ARVATO direct services GmbH |
Keywords |
Customer Lifecycle; Omni-Channnel Processes; Omni-Channel Business; Customer Segmentation |
Digitization Competencies of Managers in the Public Sector
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2018- 30.09.2018 |
Funding source |
Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. |
Project number |
N2018084 |
Keywords |
Digitalisierung; Wirtschaftsinformatik |
EXIST-startup-scholarship: Sellplify
EXIST-startup-scholarship: Job board, administration tool and review portal: SELLplify is the app that makes life easier for promoters and promotion agencies. With SELLplify, promoters will find the best jobs, agencies the best promoters, and all the best way to organize their work efficiently and productively.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.04.2017- 31.03.2018 |
Website | |
Funding source |
BMWK - EXIST Business Start-up Grant |
Project number |
03EGSNW500 |
Keywords |
Sales; EXIST-startup-funding; App |
Towards EPC Standardization - Process Modelling with Event-driven Process Chains
Mit der Ereignisgesteuerten Prozesskette (EPK) wurde zu Beginn der 1990er Jahren die bis dato in Deutschland dominierende Modellierungssprache entwickelt. Insbesondere in Wissenschaft und Praxis trifft die EPK seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten auf breite Akzeptanz, obwohl bis dato kein anerkannter Standard für die EPK existiert. Ziel des Projekts SPEAK ist die Erarbeitung einer EPK-Spezifikation in Zusammenarbeit mit Fachexperten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Zur Zielerreichung werden in mehreren Arbeitspaketen die Grundlagen einer solchen Spezifikation geschaffen. Dies umfasst unter anderem die Durchführung einer Anforderungsanalyse, die metamodell-, formalsemantische-, und enumerative Spezifikation der EPK sowie die Definition eines Austausch- und Speicherformats.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.2015- 31.10.2017 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
Project number |
01FS14030 |
Keywords |
Prozessmodellierung; Ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette (EPK) |
Online Learning Modules for Business Process Management (BPM) Advanced Higher Education
Business Process Management (BPM) has evolved into an important topic at universities in Europe and abroad, and it has become an important part of modern management education both at the bachelor and master levels. At the same time, however, many practitioners are nowadays confronted with challenges related to BPM, even though BPM has not been part of their primary and secondary education. In addition, a technology-driven field such as BPM is subject to the rapid changes and innovations in information technology; so even managers who have graduated only recently have a permanent demand to update their knowledge and skillson a continuous, life-long basis. .Therefore, the goal of the BPM_Online project is to establish executive BPM education throughout Europe within a network of leading BPM research institutions.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
15.10.2015- 14.10.2017 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ |
Project number |
GA 2015-1-LI01-KA203-000040 |
Keywords |
Curriculum Design; BPM; E-Government |
Government as a Service (GaaS) in Germany - Concepts and Challenges
"Government as a Service" - the underlying idea of this concept is that procedures and processes for recurring services are standardized and reused by the administrations and their public IT service providers - as a service - in the provision of services. The goal is the seamless, consistently digitized service provision. The resulting concept describes the status quo and summarizes the challenges.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
15.03.2017- 31.05.2017 |
Funding source |
Dataport AÖR |
Keywords |
digitization; public service delivery |
Creation of manuals for the target-oriented preparation of the study "E-Government-Competence"
The aim of this project was to prepare the results of the e-Competence study in a focused and targeted manner for a better communication to the respective target groups. The results will be practicioner-oriented manuals. 19 identified reference roles can help to structure the competence requirements of a public administration, to develop profiles for job advertisements or to generally prepare job profiles and to identify future needs. The guideline, on the other hand, helps to select appropriate forms of communication. The reference roles therefore can support the phases of recruiting and personnel development, while the route to selecting suitable didactical methods can support the stages of personnel development and, where appropriate, staff retention, the latter, for example, by allowing employees to specifically train them to gain competences for an advancement to acquire a better job.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2016- 28.02.2017 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community |
Keywords |
E-Competence; Digitalization; Public Administration; Personnel Development; Didactic Methods |
End-Of-Life Solutions for eCar-Batteries – Development of Product-Service-Systems and Information Systems for Decision Support
An immature battery technology appears to be a crucial obstacle to impede a quick diffusion of electric mobility in Germany. One core factor are the high initial costs of traction batteries. To improve the total cost of ownership an electric vehicle, depleted batteries could be repurposed after their automotive use. Depending on the technical properties of a battery, different second-life scenarios can be realized (e.g., to propel smaller vehicles or to store green energy in stationary applications). The EOL-IS project's goal is the development of services (e.g., pay-per-use business models, engineering services, maintenance services, refurbishment) for the second-life of eCar batteries that can be offered with the battery as a product-service system. Based on the chemical and technical features of individual batteries, the battery's use history, and its condition, a custom-fit product-service system is configured in order to enable the re-use of the battery.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.06.2015- 31.01.2017 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01FE13023E |
Keywords |
Decision Support System; Lemon Market; Battery Research; Service Science; Service Innovation; Electric Vehicle Battery; E-Car; Electric Mobility; Battery Second Life; Battery Second Use; Battery Afterlife |
Joint Project: Crowdsourcing - Charging Service Provided by Private Persons as an Innovative Business Model - Project Part: User Acceptance and Service Design
CrowdStrom is a project that aims at developing a new business model for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Through involvement of charging stations owned by private persons, the business model addresses challenges of the current infrastructure development for electric vehicles.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2015- 31.01.2017 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01FE13019E |
Keywords |
Crowd-Sourcing; Electric vehicle network; Service science research; willingness to pay; incentive system; charging infrastructure |
Life event based e-government using the example of the life situation "Child"
Although German municipalities offer similar services, their electronic implementations are often heterogeneous. Thus, citizens are confronted with many different websites which leads to a low adoption of e-government services.
Consequently, this project aims at the conceptualization of a one-stop-shop for the German e-government. Based on a documentation of current processes at different public administrations, a to-be architecture will be conceptualized that represents a life event based, uniform nationwide platform to offer e-government services regarding the live event “child” such as child benefit.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2016- 31.12.2016 |
Funding source |
]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation |
Keywords |
E-Government; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Informationsmanagement |
Carrying out a study and developing a road map of the status quo of electronic Billing in the public sector in Germany.
This project examined all ongoing or planned projects and initiatives around the topic „electronic billing in the public sector“. The study contains a complete documentation of all projects in Germany.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.08.2016- 15.10.2016 |
Funding source |
Dataport AÖR |
Keywords |
Wirtschaftsinformatik; E-Rechnung |
eGovernment Competence
The project E-Government competence aims at identifying the future personnel requirements in the public sector and to develop teaching methods that help employees to better adjust to the changed environment and customer needs. Therefore, in a first step, today's and future roles incorporated by employees in the public sector are gathered on the basis of IT-supported administration processes. This should help to identify those (presumably) new competencies especially required when working in an "E-Government context". Then, competencies that are needed now and in the near future are derived from this analysis and suitable teaching methods are developed.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.09.2015- 30.04.2016 |
Funding source |
Land Hessen |
Keywords |
eGovernment-Competence |
Development of Medical Assistance Processes for Patients under Remote Health Monitoring
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
15.01.2013- 31.12.2015 |
Funding source |
Higher School of Economics, Moscow |
Keywords |
Clinical Information Systems; Patient health |
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.11.2011- 31.12.2015 |
Funding source |
Keywords |
Perceptible Integration of Products and Services as necessary for the requirements-oriented Coordination of Product Service System Networks
In product service system networks manufacturers and service organizations collaborate for providing customers with individualized solutions. Cooperation Experience focuses on developing a methodology that allows to conceptualize these networks, with a special focus on the required coordination between the participating actors’ tasks. With this method and a supporting test environment, the collaboration between the actors is visualized and the impacts and requirements for inter-organizational information flows and document exchanges are explicated. For supporting the application of the method, reference contents are generated and integrated into the supporting prototypical tools. Within this project, the University of Muenster is responsible for the design and implementation of these software prototypes.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.12.2013- 30.11.2015 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01XZ13013 |
Keywords |
Cooperation Experience; Service Engineering; Product Service Systems; Value Networks; Service Science; Construction and Operating of Facilities; Facility Management |
Joint Project: Crowdsourcing - Charging Service Provided by Private Persons as an Innovative Business Model - Project Part: User Acceptance and Service Design
CrowdStrom is a project that aims at developing a new business model for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Through involvement of charging stations owned by private persons, the business model addresses challenges of the current infrastructure development for electric vehicles.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.12.2013- 28.02.2015 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01FE13019 |
Keywords |
Crowd-Sourcing; Electric vehicle network; Service science research; willingness to pay; incentive system; charging infrastructure |
Transfer project for the modeling technique "icebricks"
Goal of the transfer project is the application of new scientific results in the area of business process modeling into a marketable tool. icebricks is a modeling technique for business process modeling that integrates scientific results and experiences in the area of modeling conventions into a modeling language and tool. Key features are: building block based modeling language, glossary to ensure semantical correctness, flexible modeling through attributes and hierarchies, consequently web-oriented tool.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.11.2011- 31.12.2013 |
Funding source |
Prof. Becker GmbH |
Keywords |
Business process modeling; modeling technique; building block based modeling |
EDUcation-Process-Analysis, Support and Service
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.04.2013- 30.09.2013 |
Funding source |
T-Systems CIS |
Keywords |
Process Analysis; Information Systems; Analysis of software solutions |
Project Seminar "Hilti Store of the future" in collaboration with Hilti AG
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2012- 30.06.2013 |
Funding source |
HILTI Corporation |
Keywords |
Store of the Future |
Benchmarking of service processes in the area of Facility Management
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2012- 17.05.2012 |
Funding source |
RWE Service GmbH |
Project number |
4300239386-K4-404 |
Keywords |
Benchmarking; service process; Facility Management |
Joint German-Russian Innovation Forum "Promoting business process management excellence in Russia" (PropelleR 2012)
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.11.2011- 30.04.2012 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
RUS 11/43J |
Keywords |
business process management; business process; Russia; Cooperation; business process excellence |
Design of replenishment systems
Remira GmbH develops and distributes LogoMate, a tool for automated replenishment. Core of the tool is a component that forecasts demandon store level. Based on the forecast, LogoMate automatically generates order proposals that reduce stocks while keeping or increasing product availability. The project aimed to identify, evaluate and prototypically implement new methods for demand forecasting.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2011- 31.03.2012 |
Funding source |
Remira GmbH |
Keywords |
automated replenishment; operations research; demand forecast; application system design |
Management of creativity-intensive processes
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.2008- 31.12.2011 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01FM07061 |
Keywords |
Businness Process Modelling; Business Process Management; Kreativität |
German-Brazilian Workshop on Management and Engineering of IT-Supported Business Networks, Administration Networks and Social Networks
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.04.2011- 31.07.2011 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
BRA 11/Q01 |
Keywords |
Network Research; Business Networks; Administration Networks; Social Networks; Workshop |
Forschungslandkarte "Prozessorientierte Verwaltung"
Deutschland ist auf dem Weg hin zu einer prozessorientierten Verwaltung. Es gibt vielfältige Bestrebungen, den Prozessgedanken, insbesondere bei der Modernisierung von Verwaltungs-abläufen, in den Verwaltungen des Bundes, der Länder und der Kommunen zu etablieren. Nichtsdestotrotz ist der Weg bis zu einer ganzheitlichen Prozessorientierung und Nutzung der Vorteile einer ablauforientierten Gestaltung der Verwaltungsstrukturen noch weit.
Auf dem Weg zur Erstellung der Forschungslandkarte Prozessorientierte Verwaltung wurden zahlreiche Literaturquellen und Datenbanken systematisch durchsucht. Die identifizierten Forscherinnen und Forscher, die in Deutschland in der Community arbeiten und forschen, wurden gebeten, den Stand ihrer Forschung im aufgebauten Forschungsportal zu dokumentieren. Dabei konnten 14 Forschungsfelder identifiziert werden, innerhalb derer sich die Forschungslücken der prozessorientierten Verwaltung strukturieren lassen und die Basis der Handlungsempfehlungen dieser Studie sind.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.12.2010- 31.05.2011 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community |
Keywords |
e-Government; Research Map |
Initiation of Bilateral Cooperation with Brazil - Evaluating Standards for Interorganizational Process Integration in Brazilian-German Value Networks
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2010- 31.05.2010 |
Funding source |
DFG - Initiation of International Collaboration |
Project number |
BE 1422/18-1 |
Keywords |
Cooperation; Brazil; Network; Business Process; Interorganizational Process; Process Integration; Standards |
Computer-supported learning in hybrid systems
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2005- 30.04.2010 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01PI05003 |
Keywords |
E-Learning; Hybrid Systems |
Practice oriented EU-RU Master in Business Informatics
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.09.2007- 28.02.2010 |
Funding source |
EC - Tempus |
Project number |
JEP 27208-2006 |
Keywords |
Business Informatics; Russia; Master Studies; Bologna |
SWOT Analysis of the Color Information Systems at BASF Coatings CR/T
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
02.06.2008- 14.08.2009 |
Funding source |
Wirtschaft |
Keywords |
IT Risk; Risk Management |
International research network for e-Government between Germany and Brazil
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2006- 30.06.2009 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Keywords |
Research Network; E-Government; Brazil |
Willingness-to-Pay for Service-Oriented Business Models
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2007- 31.03.2009 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
02PG1010 |
Keywords |
willingness to pay; service science |
Process oriented value of IT
Prove IT project seminar in the frame of European educational project TEMPUS-JEP 27208-2006 is mentioned.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2008- 01.03.2009 |
Keywords |
Banking Industry; Process oriented approach; BPM; Picture method |
Process identification and clustering for transparency in reorganising public administrations
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.2006- 31.01.2009 |
Website | |
Funding source |
EC FP 6 - Specific Targeted Research Projects |
Project number |
27717 |
Keywords |
Business Process Modelling; Business Process Management; E-Government |
cHL-hybrid - Development and Evaluation of a Business Model for E-Learning Services
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.12.2006- 31.01.2008 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01PI05003 |
Keywords |
Business Models; E-Learning |
IÖ - Modeling of hybrid information systems
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.07.2003- 31.12.2007 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01AK704 |
Keywords |
Hybridität |
Internet economy and hybridity
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2003- 31.12.2007 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01AK704 |
Keywords |
Hybrid Systems; Internet economy; Banking; Financial Services |
E-Inclusion - digital integration by e-Government
The objective of the study "E-Inclusion - digital integration by E-Government" was to analyze the usage and design possibilities of E-Government services for a less-involved audience in Germany and to develop recommendations that can improve the participation of this groups. The study has been conducted on the authority of the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.07.2007- 30.11.2007 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community |
Keywords |
e-Government; e-Inclusion; Digital Divide; Digital Integration |
cHL-hybrid - Reference Models
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.05.2005- 31.10.2007 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01PI05003 |
Keywords |
e-learning; reference models |
Individual adaptation in software engineering
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.08.2005- 31.07.2007 |
Funding source |
Other public funder |
Project number |
005-0506-0029 |
Keywords |
MDA; Modelling tool; Product data management |
A Configurative Meta Modelling Tool
Developing a configurative meta modelling tool
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.08.2005- 31.07.2007 |
Keywords |
Modellierung; Metamodellierung; Software; Konfiguration |
cHL-hybrid - e-business networking
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.04.2006- 31.01.2007 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01PI05003 |
Keywords |
e-business networks; e-learning |
Complexity Management for the Development and Application of Adaptive Reference Models
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2005- 31.12.2006 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Project number |
Be 1422/9-1 |
Keywords |
Reference Modeling; Method Engineering; Model adaptation |
Software-based POS-Couponing
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
21.09.2005- 30.06.2006 |
Funding source |
Wirtschaft |
Project number |
005-0506-0029 |
Keywords |
Couponing; Retail; Point-of-Sale |
Reuse of conceptual models in small and medium size companies by means of adaptive component-based reference modelling
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2004- 30.06.2006 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01ISC05A |
Keywords |
Reference Modeling; Method Engineering; Model adaptation; Model variant management |
Process-driven business value assessment of SAP solutions
This description summarizes the results of an international research project with SAP, aiming at methodological and software-technical extension of the existing SAP business value assessment methodology.
The extended SAP method is characterized by: (1) a process oriented analysis of ERP driven benefits, (2) a unified knowledge base structure for storing reference data related to ERP profitability analysis, (3) using
reference data for effective business value assessment of ERP solutions and (4) reduced cost in preliminary stages of ERP projects. The SAP Value Analyzer is a software-technical implementation of the extended method.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.2006- 01.04.2006 |
Keywords |
IT value; business value assessment; profitability analysis; process orientation; ERP; SAP |
Management of Customer-Related knowledge in Service Companies
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
31.12.2001- 01.01.2005 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
01HW0196 |
Keywords |
Service Science; Knowledge Management; Method Engineering |
Workflow-based Production Planning and Control (PPC) Systems
The objective of PROWORK was to conceptualize, develop and introduce workflow systems for production planning and control (PPC) systems. The project especially focused on order processing - a process that describes the relevant activities from customer order to the delivery of physical goods.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.03.2000- 31.10.2002 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
02PV40822 |
Keywords |
Workflow Management; Production Planning |
Construction of Configurative Reference Models for an Integrated Application and Organization Development
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2000- 31.12.2001 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Project number |
Be 1422/5-1 |
Keywords |
Reference Modeling; Method Engineering; Model adaptation; Model variant management |
Controlling and Monitoring of Distributed Workflows for continuous Business Process Optimization
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.1997- 30.09.1999 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Project number |
Be 1422/4-1 |
Keywords |
Workflow Management; Controlling; distributed Workflows |
Guidelines of Modeling
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.02.1996- 31.01.1999 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Project number |
01IS604 |
Keywords |
Modelling; Standardization |
Parallel Model for Productionplanning- and Control of Small- and Medium-Sized Comission Manufacturers
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.03.1994- 28.02.1997 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Keywords |
Produktionsplanung und -steuerung; Fuzzy-Logik; Komplexitätsmanagement |
Modeling of Uniform and Global Sequences in Retail Systems
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.1995- 31.12.1996 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Project number |
Be 1422/3-1 |
Keywords |
Retail information systems; process modelling; reference model |
Distributed System for Construction Support with Neuronal Networks
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.1992- 31.12.1994 |
Funding source |
DFG - Individual Grants Programme |
Keywords |
Distributed System; Neuronal Networks |