How to Teach Regulatory Compliant Data Warehouse Engineering?
Becker Jörg, Eggert Mathias, Fleischer Stefan, Knackstedt Ralf
The steady increase of regulatory reporting requirements for banks increases the demand for compliant data warehouse and reporting systems. Data warehouse designers are forced to work in interdisciplinary teams consisting of accountants and legal experts in order to meet the regulatory requirements. In this paper, we present a teaching concept that simulates a realistic data warehouse development scenario in financial service industries. By applying this teaching concept, students learn how to design compliant data warehouse systems. Implicitly students experience the challenges of interdisciplinary data warehouse engineering teams and conceptual (reference) modeling. The didactical concept, which is based on learning levels, sensitizes students for the usefulness and applicability of conceptual (reference) modeling and was positively evaluated in two elective courses.
IS Education; Teaching; Data Warehouse; Reporting; Regulation; Conceptual Modeling