Capitalizing on Social Media Analysis – Insights from an Online Review on Business Models
Malsbender Andrea, Beverungen Daniel, Voigt Matthias, Becker Jörg
With the rise and proliferation of social media on the Internet, social media analysis is emerging as a new business model for software companies. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic overview of different types of such business models. After developing a coding schema based on the business model, we conducted an in-depth analysis of 16 websites of companies that actively promote social media analysis to their clients. We identified three archetypes of business models in this area: specialist content analysts, social data and application integrator, and social media service provider. Future research can build on these insights in order to focus on designing or revising methods for social media analysis to realize either of these business models. Software companies can benefit from the results by positioning their own business models in this emerging market more thoughtfully.
Social Media Analysis; Business Model; Coding Scheme