A public value based method to select services for a no-stop shop implementation
Scholta Hendrik, Halsbenning Sebastian, Becker Jörg
Nowadays, public organizations become proactive in their service delivery such that they approach their clients and not vice versa. In the most advanced case, the no-stop shop, clients do not have to do anything to receive a public service. Public organizations offer many services and several of them could potentially be delivered through a no-stop shop. Therefore, public organizations need assistance in the decision which services they realize in a no-stop shop first. To address this issue, we present a method for the prioritization of public services for the implementation in a no-stop shop. The rationale of our method is that public organizations should prefer those services that are expected to provide the highest public value. We followed a design-oriented research approach and combined seminal works on no-stop shop and public value. The method was evaluated through the application in a workshop at a municipality.
no-stop government; no-stop shop; personalization; proactive public service; public value