Creating and Monitoring Intra-cooperation Settlement Systems for Product-Service Systems: a finance plan based approach
Becker Jörg, Knackstedt Ralf, Matzner Martin, Pöppelbuß Jens
Providing integrated bundles consisting of products and services faces enterpriseswith new demands regarding the information systems of producersand service-providers cooperating in such product-service systems(PSS). Data and processes have to be integrated for an efficient provisionof solutions. Settlement is a sub-task of network coordination. Subject ofsettlement is the planning, operation and control of cash flows betweencooperating firms and with customers. Here we analyze which web servicesin context of a service-oriented architecture should be provided, forsupporting the settlement in producer and service-provider value creationnetworks. Therefore we explore, which data has to be provided by the informationsystems of involved enterprises. Besides, vistas for enriching ISwith novel functionality for coordinating the cooperation are illustrated.