The Influence of Social Context and Targeted Communication on e-Government Service Adoption
Räckers Michael, Hofmann Sara, Becker Jörg
The electronic ID card (eID) was introduced in Germany in 2010. Besides the traditional way of authentication, it offers the possibility to activate a function for online authentication. However, more than two thirds of the Germans do not make use of this function. Despite the advantages that the eID offers, the lacking adoption is said to be traced back to lacking information and only few application cases. In our study, we propose online application as a use case for the eID in a university. In a quantitative survey with 1,632 students, we analyse the factors influencing a possible adoption of the eID by students. For this purpose, we extend the basic TAM by the variables perceived risk, social context, experiences, communication and demographics. Our analysis reveals that especially the social context and targeted communication influence the behavioural intention to use and can extremely shape the attitude towards using the service.
electronic ID card; eID; e-Government; TAM