A Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval in Pockets of Creativity
Seidel S, Müller-Wienbergen F, Rosemann M, Becker J
Creativity as the prerequisite for innovation is a core competitive factor in contemporary organizations. When creativity happens this involves creative persons who produce creative products in a process of imagination. We introduce the concept of Pockets of Creativity for those sections of a business process where creativity occurs. These sections are characterised by a high demand for flexibility and knowledge of the involved creative persons. In Pockets of Creativity previous knowledge is retrieved, transformed and combined into new procedures or artefacts - in short - innovations. Naturally, this raises the question of how Pocketsof Creativity can be supported by Information Technology. Informed by the Cognitive Network Model by Santanen et al. and the work of Amabile and others, in this paper we introduce a conceptual framework for information retrieval that suggests creative persons to access relevant information through a multiperspective, hierarchical view. Thus, people's differing worldviews and approaches to creative-thinking are considered. At the same time, such an approach can provide stimuli to invoke the discovery of entry points to areas of a person's cognitive network that have not been considered efore. Through this, people may be able to think imaginatively and to combine seemingly differentconcepts to truly creative and innovative products. We suggest to consider the process as a whole as knowledge is created, retrieved, transferred and applied within business processes.
Copnceptual Framework; Creativity; Information Retrieval; Pockets of Creativity