Selected Chapter on Information Systems (6 CP ECTS)
Course on AI, Human Rights & Ethics
Starts on: April 26, 2022, 10 am
Lecturers: PD Dr.-Ing. Christian Grimme (IS), Dr. habil. Judit Bayer (Law)
Our society, indeed our everyday life, is becoming increasingly dominated by algorithm decisions. Algorithms support or guide us in almost every situation. They advise us on video and music choices, steer cars, control traffic and communication flows, trade huge sums of money, and give suggestions on punishment or even life and death.
The technical, moral, legal, and ethical issues and challenges involved affect many aspects of scientific discourse that often cannot be adequately addressed in discipline-specific courses of study. Computer scientists are inclined to keep their focus on algorithmic principles alone, while leaving moral and regulatory issues out of sight. Lawyers and ethicists deal with technical impact assessment without fully understanding technologies. Regulation is inherently reactive, and struggles to keep pace with the rapid development of technology. However, aiming at “ethical design” would presuppose that lawyers, philosophers and computer scientists work together on developing solutions. The aim of this course is to prepare students for such cooperation.
We believe that algorithmization and AI should be seen as an overarching issue that requires intensive exchange between disciplines. The course “AI, Human Rights & Ethics” brings together students from the departments of Information Systems, Law, and Economics for the first time in order to achieve an interdisciplinary exchange and awareness already during their studies.
In a nutshell:
· International (virtual/online) course that brings together Master and PhD students from Universities of Münster, Leiden (NL), and Twente (NL) to work on this topic.
· Teachers and external speakers from Information Systems, Law Science, Computer Science
· Combination of teaching / external input and group work on specific topics
· Writing a group essay and publishing in a course compendium
Registration (limited number of places, due to participation of 3 universities and multiple programs), until April 21:
More information on the course: