Coordinator's Blog

This blog displays only selected content out of the Learnweb-course „Study Coordination Information Systems“. We strongly suggest all students to enroll for the aforementioned course on Learnweb in order to stay up-to-date regarding all study-related information issued by the Department of Information Systems.

Please enroll with your individual key to make sure that you get updates that are relevant to your progress in your studies. The key is created by prefixing "is" (without quotes) to the year in which you started the master's programme. 
Example: Your first semester is/was the winter term of 2017/18. Then your individual enrolment key is "is2017" (without quotes).

Stefan Schellhammer

Studierendenumfrage noch bis Freitag// Student Survey until Friday

Liebe Studierende,

 in der Woche vom 11.6.- 15.6.2018 findet an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät die jährliche Studierendenzufriedenheitsumfrage statt. Mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse dieser fachbereichsinternen Evaluation möchte das Dekanat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachschaft Servicelücken sowie mögliche Problemfelder in der Studierendenbetreuung aufdecken und im Sinne eines kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozesses Lösungen erarbeiten. Ziel der Evaluation ist es, ein internes Kommunikationsmedium zu schaffen, welches diesen Verbesserungsprozess unterstützt und geleichzeitig positive Veränderungen dokumentiert.

 Als AACSB-akkreditierte Fakultät sind uns der enge Austausch mit den Studierenden sowie deren Belange sehr wichtig. Die systematische Evaluation unserer Services und Studierendenbetreuung ist ein essentieller Bestandteil unseres Qualitätsmanagements. Wir verpflichten uns demnach, die erhobenen Ergebnisse gewissenhaft zu analysieren und in Zusammenarbeit mit den entsprechenden Stellen sowie der Fachschaft effiziente und nachhaltige Lösungs- und Verbesserungskonzepte zu erarbeiten.

 Um auf Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten aufmerksam zu werden und diese umsetzen zu können, sind wir auf Ihre Hilfe angewiesen! Ihre Teilnahme ist natürlich freiwillig, Ihre Anonymität ist garantiert.

 Die Stimmabgabe erfolgt unter:
Das Passwort lautet: wiwi18

 Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Mitarbeit!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Dekanatsteam



Dear students,

 from June 11 until June 15 the Dean’s Office is conducting the annually student survey at the School of Business and Economics. The results will be used by the Dean’s office and the student representation to identify possible weaknesses and problems regarding student services in order to develop sustainable solutions aligned with a continuous improvement process. The evaluation should be carried out on a regular basis in the future. Its main objective is to establish an internal communication platform which supports the continuous improvement process and documents successful changes.

 Thank you very much for your participation! Your feedback is appreciated! Of course, your participation is voluntary and your anonymity is guaranteed.

 Please find the survey here:
Password: wiwi18

 Thank you very much for your participation!

 Kind regards

Your Dean’s Office

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Stefan Schellhammer

Info-Veranstaltung: Die ersten 100 Tage im Job: So gelingt der Berufseinstieg

Am kommenden Montag findet im Vom-Stein-Haus die Veranstaltung „Die ersten 100 Tage im Job: So gelingt der Berufseinstieg“ von ZEIT CAMPUS und Die Techniker (TK) – Ausbildung und Karriere in Kooperation mit der WWU statt.

 Bei der Podiumsdiskussion haben Studierende aller Fachbereiche die Möglichkeit mehr über den erfolgreichen Start in das Berufsleben zu erfahren und sich beim anschließenden Get-together und einem der zwei angebotenen Workshops Wo gehöre ich hin? Wie man den Job finde, der zu einem passt“ oder „Zeig dich! Wie du dich und deine Ideen im Job einbringst“ noch weiter mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen.

 Unter dem folgenden Link gibt es weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung:

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Ingolf Terveer

Survey of Electives (project seminars and conventional seminars), Winter Term 2018/19

To plan elective courses in Winter Term 2018/19, a preliminary survey is conducted.

If you are willing to  participate to a seminar or project seminar, please join this survey in the Learnweb:

 Of course, your choice is nonbinding, but, nevertheless, we ask for serious answers, as this avoids us from planning both too few and too many courses (a disadvantage for students and lecturers as well)

The survey will be closed on Thursday, 2018/06/7.

Note that the application phase for seminars/project seminars will take place in the beginning of July 2018 and, of course, will be announced separately.

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Ingolf Terveer

Umfrage zur vorläufigen Feststellung des Bedarfs an Projektseminar- und Vertiefungsmodulplätzen im Wintersemester 2018/19

Liebe WI-Studierende im 3. Studienjahr,

Um das Bachelor-Lehrangebot an Vertiefungsmodulen und Projektseminaren im Wintersemester 2018/19 planen zu können und auch das grundsätzliche Interesse am Vertiefungsmodul BWL auszuloten, wollen wir in diesem Semester wieder auf eine (unverbindliche) Umfrage zurückgreifen.

Sie finden die Umfrage unter dem Link

Bitte nehmen Sie sich 5 Minuten Zeit, die wenigen Fragen zu beantworten. Die Umfrage ist ab sofort geöffnet  bis  Donnerstag  07. Juni 2018.

Auch wenn Sie im kommenden Semester kein VM/PS absolvieren möchten, nehmen Sie bitte an der Umfrage teil und teilen dies entsprechend mit.  Es sei aber auch noch einmal hervorgehoben, dass durch die Teilnahme/Nichtteilnahme  an dieser Umfrage und die gegebenen Antworten keine direkte Verpflichtung entsteht. Mit einer gewissenhaften Einschätzung Ihres Bedarfs helfen Sie uns aber zu vermeiden, dass im kommenden Semester zu viele oder zu wenige VM/PS angeboten werden - beides wäre für Studierende wie Lehrende nachteilig.

Abschließend noch der folgende Hinweis: Die eigentliche Bewerbung für Plätze in Vertiefungsmodulen und Projektseminaren des 3. Studienjahres findet Anfang Juli 2018 statt und wird separat angekündigt.

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Business Contacts 2018 // Career Fair // Karriermesse des FB4

Die Karrrieremesse "Business Contacts" findet in Kürze statt. Bitte unbedingt die Deadlines für die einzelnen Programmteile beachten!

Dieses Jahr geht die Business Contacts bereits in die elfte Runde! Getreu dem diesjährigen Motto „Der Energieschub für deine Karriere" finden Sie bei der Messe alles was Sie brauchen, um Ihrer Karriere einen kräftigen Schub zu geben:

The Career Fair of our School is about to start. Please mind the deadlines for specific parts of the program!

The Business Contacts Career Fair enters its 11th round this year! According to our motto "the energy boost for your career" you will find everything you need to speed up you career:

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Business Contacts 2018 // Career Fair // Karriermesse des FB4

Die Karrrieremesse "Business Contacts" findet in Kürze statt. Bitte unbedingt die Deadlines für die einzelnen Programmteile beachten!

Dieses Jahr geht die Business Contacts bereits in die elfte Runde! Getreu dem diesjährigen Motto „Der Energieschub für deine Karriere" finden Sie bei der Messe alles was Sie brauchen, um Ihrer Karriere einen kräftigen Schub zu geben:

The Career Fair of our School is about to start. Please mind the deadlines for specific parts of the program!

The Business Contacts Career Fair enters its 11th round this year! According to our motto "the energy boost for your career" you will find everything you need to speed up you career:

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Stefan Schellhammer

Open Invitation "ERCIS Discrupts Blockchain" Workshop, 24.04.2018

We would like to invite you to our "ERCIS Disrupts Blockchain" Workshop on 24.04.2018.

 In this pluri-disciplinary and international workshop, academics from UCD, UZH and ERCIS as well as practitioners will seek to bring the politics back into the discussions about blockchain. We would be delighted to engage the discussion with you! The workshop will be in English. The information about the program and the speakers can be downloaded here via our flyer

The participation is free and you may register now by contacting Michaela Meinert or via our online response form until 19.04.2018.

The workshop will take place from 24.04 at 9:30 in the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Haus, Hüfferstrasse 61, 48149 Münster and will end at 18:45. Lunch will be provided and free. 

Please feel free to distribute the information about this workshop to your students: they are also invited!

We genuinely look forward to welcoming you there !

 With kind regards, 

Edouard Pignot

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Stefan Schellhammer

Open Invitation "ERCIS Discrupts Blockchain" Workshop, 24.04.2018

We would like to invite you to our "ERCIS Disrupts Blockchain" Workshop on 24.04.2018.

 In this pluri-disciplinary and international workshop, academics from UCD, UZH and ERCIS as well as practitioners will seek to bring the politics back into the discussions about blockchain. We would be delighted to engage the discussion with you! The workshop will be in English. The information about the program and the speakers can be downloaded here via our flyer

The participation is free and you may register now by contacting Michaela Meinert or via our online response form until 19.04.2018.

The workshop will take place from 24.04 at 9:30 in the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Haus, Hüfferstrasse 61, 48149 Münster and will end at 18:45. Lunch will be provided and free. 

Please feel free to distribute the information about this workshop to your students: they are also invited!

We genuinely look forward to welcoming you there !

 With kind regards, 

Edouard Pignot

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Ingolf Terveer

Anfangstermine der Vorlesungen SoSe 2018 / Start of Lectures in Summer Term 2018

Liebe Studierende,

nach Auskunft der  Dozenten werden im Sommersemester 2018 die Vorlesungen mit folgenden Anfangsterminen stattfinden:


Dear Students,

following announcements of the lecturers, courses during Summer term 2018 have the following starting dates:


Study Course
(Name, Vorname, Titel)
1. Termin/
starts on
Lecture Hall
Ba Datenmanagement Fleischer 12.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen Vahrenhold 09.04.2018 8 s.t. M1  
Ba Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens Berens 11.04.2018 7:30 s.t. H1 / H3 Videoübertragung in H3
Ba Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Terveer 09.04.2018 8 c.t. H2  
Ba Operations Research Grimme/Bossek 09.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Communication and Collaboration Systems Vidolov 11.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Computer Structures and Operating Systems Vossen 12.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Datenanalyse Kerschke/Terveer 10.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Project Management Gorbacheva 10.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Simulation Meisel 09.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Logistik-Mgmt. Hellingrath 12.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ma Advanced Concepts in Software Engineering Kuchen 11.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Channel Management (T1) Gensler 09.04.2018 10 c.t. J498  
Ma Data Analytics 2 Preuß 11.04.2018 10 c.t. WI-Pool  
PIONEER E-Government Räckers 09.04.2018 10 c.t. Leo2  
Ma Enterprise Architecture Management Hellingrath 09.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo18  
Ma IM - Theories Pignot (Klein) 18.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Information Security Grimme/Preuß 10.04.2018 13.c.t. Leo18 blocked lecture (17th Sep to 21st Sep). Further information will be given at Tuesday 10.04.2018 13 c.t. in lecture hall Leo 18
PIONEER Integrated Research Seminar Räckers 20.04.2018 13 s.t. Block  
Ma Network Economics (Blocked Lecture) Dr. Russell Haines 10.4.2018 16.s.t. Leo18 Lecture/exercise takes place in June 2018. Further information will be given at 10.4.2018 16 c.t. in lecture hall Leo 18
Ma Retail Cordes 09.04.2018 10 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Workflow Management Stein 10.04.2018 9 c.t. Leo18  

Note that "c.t." (cum tempore) means "plus 15 minutes" (e.g. 10.c.t. means 10:15) whereas "s.t." (sine tempore) means "exactly"  (e.g. 10 s.t. means 10:00)

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Ingolf Terveer

Anfangstermine der Vorlesungen SoSe 2018 / Start of Lectures in Summer Term 2018

Liebe Studierende,

nach Auskunft der  Dozenten werden im Sommersemester 2018 die Vorlesungen mit folgenden Anfangsterminen stattfinden:


Dear Students,

following announcements of the lecturers, courses during Summer term 2018 have the following starting dates:


Study Course
(Name, Vorname, Titel)
1. Termin/
starts on
Lecture Hall
Ba Datenmanagement Fleischer 12.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen Vahrenhold 09.04.2018 8 s.t. M1  
Ba Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens Berens 11.04.2018 7:30 s.t. H1 / H3 Videoübertragung in H3
Ba Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Terveer 09.04.2018 8 c.t. H2  
Ba Operations Research Grimme/Bossek 09.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Communication and Collaboration Systems Vidolov 11.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Computer Structures and Operating Systems Vossen 12.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Datenanalyse Kerschke/Terveer 10.04.2018 16 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Project Management Gorbacheva 10.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Simulation Meisel 09.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ba Logistik-Mgmt. Hellingrath 12.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo 1  
Ma Advanced Concepts in Software Engineering Kuchen 11.04.2018 14 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Channel Management (T1) Gensler 09.04.2018 10 c.t. J498  
Ma Data Analytics 2 Preuß 11.04.2018 10 c.t. WI-Pool  
PIONEER E-Government Räckers 09.04.2018 10 c.t. Leo2  
Ma Enterprise Architecture Management Hellingrath 09.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo18  
Ma IM - Theories Pignot (Klein) 18.04.2018 12 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Information Security Grimme/Preuß 10.04.2018 13.c.t. Leo18 blocked lecture (17th Sep to 21st Sep). Further information will be given at Tuesday 10.04.2018 13 c.t. in lecture hall Leo 18
PIONEER Integrated Research Seminar Räckers 20.04.2018 13 s.t. Block  
Ma Network Economics (Blocked Lecture) Dr. Russell Haines 10.4.2018 16.s.t. Leo18 Lecture/exercise takes place in June 2018. Further information will be given at 10.4.2018 16 c.t. in lecture hall Leo 18
Ma Retail Cordes 09.04.2018 10 c.t. Leo18  
Ma Workflow Management Stein 10.04.2018 9 c.t. Leo18  

Note that "c.t." (cum tempore) means "plus 15 minutes" (e.g. 10.c.t. means 10:15) whereas "s.t." (sine tempore) means "exactly"  (e.g. 10 s.t. means 10:00)

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Stefan Schellhammer

Guest Lecture by Prof. Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, April 24th

As part of the Bachelor course "project management" we will have a guest lecture by Prof. Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen. The guest lecture is open also to interested Master students:



Large IT Projects - Three Failure Patterns and Suggestions for Improving Project Governance

Venue: 24.04.2018, 14:15-15:45 in lecture hall Leo 1



For decades much effort has been made to improve project management techniques and capabilities. Although project management has matured significantly, the failure rate of large projects remains high – and this applies also to large IT projects. Our postmortem analysis of 15 large, complex IT projects of the Swiss federal administration with an encountered cumulative loss of approximately one billion Swiss Francs shows that, while project management deficits account for some challenges, the causes for project failure primarily lie in inadequate governance capabilities of project steering committees and project sponsors. Based on insights gained from the initial failure analysis, the Swiss federal government decided to assess all its ongoing large IT projects based on our co-designed analysis framework. In the meantime also several private companies have assessed IT projects applying our framework. A (small) number of large IT projects has been stopped as a consequence. For other projects, valuable discussions or measures have been initiated. The data gained by these over 100 assessments will allow to identify patterns that promise to be a reference for what information to ask for, when to intervene and how to intervene.


Short bio:

Robert Winter is full Professor of Business & Information Systems Engineering at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and Director of HSG's Institute of Information Management. He was founding Academic Director of HSG's Executive Master of Business Engineering programme and Academic Director of HSG's Ph.D. in Management programme. He received Master degrees in business administration and business education as well as a doctorate in social sciences from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. After eleven years as a researcher and deputy chair in information systems in Germany, he joined HSG in 1996. Being a current member of the editorial board of "MIS Quarterly Executive" and other IS journals, he also served as vice Editor-in-chief of "Business & Information Systems Engineering" and Senior Associate Editor of "European Journal of Information Systems". His research interests include design science research methodology, enterprise architecture management and the governance of large IT projects/programmes.



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Stefan Schellhammer

Guest Lecture by Prof. Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, April 24th

As part of the Bachelor course "project management" we will have a guest lecture by Prof. Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen. The guest lecture is open also to interested Master students:



Large IT Projects - Three Failure Patterns and Suggestions for Improving Project Governance

Venue: 24.04.2018, 14:15-15:45 in lecture hall Leo 1



For decades much effort has been made to improve project management techniques and capabilities. Although project management has matured significantly, the failure rate of large projects remains high – and this applies also to large IT projects. Our postmortem analysis of 15 large, complex IT projects of the Swiss federal administration with an encountered cumulative loss of approximately one billion Swiss Francs shows that, while project management deficits account for some challenges, the causes for project failure primarily lie in inadequate governance capabilities of project steering committees and project sponsors. Based on insights gained from the initial failure analysis, the Swiss federal government decided to assess all its ongoing large IT projects based on our co-designed analysis framework. In the meantime also several private companies have assessed IT projects applying our framework. A (small) number of large IT projects has been stopped as a consequence. For other projects, valuable discussions or measures have been initiated. The data gained by these over 100 assessments will allow to identify patterns that promise to be a reference for what information to ask for, when to intervene and how to intervene.


Short bio:

Robert Winter is full Professor of Business & Information Systems Engineering at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and Director of HSG's Institute of Information Management. He was founding Academic Director of HSG's Executive Master of Business Engineering programme and Academic Director of HSG's Ph.D. in Management programme. He received Master degrees in business administration and business education as well as a doctorate in social sciences from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. After eleven years as a researcher and deputy chair in information systems in Germany, he joined HSG in 1996. Being a current member of the editorial board of "MIS Quarterly Executive" and other IS journals, he also served as vice Editor-in-chief of "Business & Information Systems Engineering" and Senior Associate Editor of "European Journal of Information Systems". His research interests include design science research methodology, enterprise architecture management and the governance of large IT projects/programmes.



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