Carla George

Three papers from students accepted at conference

In the winter semester of 2021/22, students of one of our master seminars examined the European Commission's current digital program "European Digital Decade" from various perspectives and with different thematic focuses. The program provides comprehensive digitization measures in all areas of life, and the seminar focused on topics related to the digitization of public administration. 

The aim of the seminar was to approach the topic from a scientific perspective and to design and carry out research projects on digital change in Europe in small teams and subsequently prepare them in the form of a conference article and a scientific poster.

Five of the six participating groups submitted their papers to the IFIP EGOV conference, which will be held this September in Linköping, Sweden. Three of the submissions were accepted as full papers and the students will present their work to other researchers in September. Congratulations!

The following papers were accepted:

Posters from all other groups are available here: