Silvia Böhmer

Externally funded project “Organizational Development by Means of Generative AI”

Collaboration between the Chair for Transformation of Work, the Junior Professorship for Digital Transformation and Society and BASF Coatings

Technical progress in the machine processing of language and media content has reached a new stage of development with large language models. These models can generate texts, images, sound, and videos using text inputs (prompts). These models and the systems based on them are referred to as generative AI systems. In addition to creating new content, generative AI systems can be used to analyse documents or data. Interaction with the generative AI systems occurs through various interfaces, such as a chat.

Read more about Externally funded project “Organizational Development by Means of Generative AI”
Silvia Böhmer

Presentation and Defense of Henry Hosseini's Doctoral Thesis at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS)

On Wednesday, July 17th, Henry Hosseini (Research Assistant at the Chair for Cyber Security) presented his publication on the bilingual longitudinal analysis of English and German privacy statements in relation to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CCPA/CPRA) at the renowned Privacy Enhancing Technolo

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Benedikt Berger

Podcast episode on building an academic career

Max Schuster hosts Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berger in "Techways"
Podcast cover of "Techways" by Max Schuster

What is a junior professor and how do you become one? Max Schuster and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berger explore this question in the latest episode of the Techways podcast. On the one hand, they talk about different career paths in academia and why more students should consider pursuing a PhD. On the other hand, they look at the research topics of the Junior Professorship for Digital Transformation and Society. Prof. Berger also reveals which skills he believes students should focus on during their studies.

Read more about Podcast episode on building an academic career
Silvia Böhmer

Start-up Transfer.NRW: Funding for "Comuneo" in cooperation with the Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector

Comuneo is a B2G start-up in the Government Technologies sector, empowering municipalities to implement holistic sustainability management. The founders Silke Sommer, Katharina von Stauffenberg, and Guy Malachi share the vision of actively shaping and advancing sustainable development in collaboration with the public sector.

Read more about Start-up Transfer.NRW: Funding for "Comuneo" in cooperation with the Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector