Former Research Assistant
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management
Leonardo Campus 3
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Leonardo Campus 3
Becker, J., Janiesch, C., Seidel, S., & Brelage, C. (2007). A Framework for Situational and Evolutionary Language Adaptation in Information Systems Development. In Magyar, G., Knapp, G., Wojtkowski, G., Wojtkowski, W., & Zupancic, J. (Eds.), Advances in Information Systems Development (pp. 103–113).
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Falk, T., & Thygs, M. (2006). Fachkonzeptionelle Modellierung hybrider Informationssysteme. In Grob, H., & vom Brocke, J. (Eds.), Internetökonomie — Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zur Erklärung und Gestaltung hybrider Systeme (pp. 227–248).
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Becker, J., Janiesch, C., Seidel, S., & Brelage, C. (2006). A Framework for Situational and Evolutionary Language Adaptation in Information Systems Development. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Systems Development, Budapest, Hungary.
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Brelage, C., Recker, J., & Müller-Wienbergen, F. (2006). Navigational Design of Web Information Systems: Framework Development and Case Study. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2006), Goeteborg, Sweden.
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Brelage, C. (2006). Web information system development: conceptual modelling of navigation for satisfying information needs. at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. unbekannt — n.a. — unknown.
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Becker, J., Hallek, S., & Brelage, C. (2005). Fachkonzeptionelle Spezifikation konfigurierbarer Geschäftsprozesse auf Basis von Web Services. In Ahlert, D., Aufderheide, D., Backhaus, K., Becker, J., Grob, H., Hartwig, K.-H., Hoeren, T., Holling, H., Holznagel, B., Klein, S., Pfingsten, A., & Röder, K. (Eds.).
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Dreiling, A., & Ribbert, M. (2004). Business Process-driven Information Requirements Engineering. In Proceedings of the IRMA Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 352–356.
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Becker, J., Vilkov, L., & Brelage, C. (2004). Multidimensional Knowledge Spaces for Strategic Management — Experiences at a Leading Manufacturer of Construction and Mining Equipment. In Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Zaragoza, Spain, 482–487.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Crisandt, J., Dreiling, A., Holten, R., Ribbert, M., & Seidel, S. (2004). Methodische und technische Integration von Daten- und Prozessmodellierungstechniken für Zwecke der Informationsbedarfsanalyse. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 103. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Falk, T., & Thygs, M. (2004). Hybrid Information Systems — Position the Web Information Systems Artefact. In Ahlert, D., Aufderheide, D., Backhaus, K., Becker, J., Grob, H., Hartwig, K.-H., Hoeren, T., Holling, H., Holznagel, B., Klein, S., Pfingsten, A., & Röder, K. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Kompetenzzentrums Internetökonomie und Hybridität: Vol. 11.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Gebhardt, H., Recker, J., & Müller-Wienbergen, F. (2004). Fachkonzeptionelle Modellierung und Analyse web-basierter Informationssysteme mit der MW-KiD Modellierungstechnik am Beispiel von ASInfo. In Becker, J., Grob, H.-L., Klein, S., Kuchen, H., Müller-Funk, U., & Vossen, G. (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 106. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, WWU Münster.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Klose, K., & Thygs, M. (2003). Conceptual Modeling of Semantic Navigation Structures: The MoSeNa-Approach. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM CIKM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2003), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 118–125.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Thygs, M., & Klose, K. (2003). MetaWeb: Fachkonzeptionelle Spezifikation WWW-basierter Informationssysteme. In Proceedings of the Wirtschaftsinformatik, Dresden, 393–413.
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Becker, J., Brelage, C., Thygs, M., & Ribbert, M. (2003). Conceptual Design of WWW-based Information Systems. In Proceedings of the European Research Conference in Information Systems (ECIS) 2003, Naples, Italy, 185–195.
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Brelage, C., Ehlers, L., & Becker, J. (2002). Modelling and Implementing Macro Web Navigation Structures. In Proceedings of the European Research Conference in Information Systems (ECIS) 2002, Gdansk, Poland, 1547–1557.
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