• definitely finished

    WI Nachwuchswissenschaftlertreffen Münster, 16./17.September 2022

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 16.09.2022- 17.09.2022
    Website https://wint22.uni-muenster.de/
    Funding source Donator/Sponsor
    Keywords WI Nachwuchswissenschaftlertreffen; Wirtschaftsinformatik


    RTG 1712 - Trust and Communication in a Digitized World

    The research training group examines how trust can be developed and maintained under the conditions of new forms of communication. Digitized means of communication change the structure and sustainability of trust because firstly, familiar face-to-face communication is replaced by digitized interactions, secondly, virtual social and office networks emerge and finally, because new forms of relationships between the public, organisations and individuals develop.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.04.2012- 31.03.2021
    Website http://www.uni-muenster.de/GK-Vertrauen-Kommunikation
    Funding source DFG - Research Training Group
    Project number GRK 1712
    Keywords Trust; communication; digitalization; RTG; Research Training Group; internet


    Evaluation of the German Oline Access Act - Identification of data sources, data collection and data analysis

    The aim of this project is to evaluate the municipal implementation of the online access law. On 18.08.2017, the Act on the Improvement of Online Access to Administrative Services (OZG for short) came into force, which stipulates that by 2022 the federal and state governments must also offer their administrative services electronically via so-called administrative portals. The federal, state and local authorities now have two more years to fulfil the requirements of the law and offer their administrative services completely electronically. The project now examines the status quo of the implementation of the OZG for municipal administrative services. A comprehensive survey of the implementation of the law at the municipal level will allow a detailed analysis of the development potential in the next two years. Based on the data and findings obtained, tailor-made recommendations for action for administration and politics can be derived, which will enable the timely implementation of the law.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 07.04.2020- 31.12.2020
    Funding source Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    Keywords e-government; online access act; digitalization; public administration


    Less is sometimes more: Services and requirements for a no-stop shop

    In a no-stop shop (NSS), public services are provided proactively without any activity from citizens. For a NSS, data of citizens is to be integrated so they do not have to apply for public services any longer. Instead, services are provided by public organizations without application. A shift to proactive service provision entails fundamental procedural changes and is therefore not comparable with standard digitalization decisions. For the realization of a NSS, both a customized instrument that supports public organizations in the selection of services for the NSS and a catalog of requirements for the concrete implementation of the NSS are necessary. The goals of this project are therefore 1. the creation of a catalog of requirements for a no-stop shop that takes into account and harmonizes both public organization and citizen interests (especially digital sovereignty) 2. development of a calculation method to support the decision-making process for the selection of services for the no-stop shop

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.01.2020- 31.12.2020
    Funding source Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V.
    Project number N2020 103
    Keywords E-Government; No-Stop Shop; No-Stop Government; Digital Sovereignty


    Nationale E-Government-Strategien im europäischen Vergleich

    Germany started digitisation comparatively late, which is why the focus is often on European partners who are already further advanced in this area. In many cases, the question of how Germany can learn from other countries has been, and still is, a central issue. The digitisation successes of the Scandinavian countries in particular appear to be groundbreaking in this respect, whereby the question arises as to how far the results can be transferred to German conditions there. In this project we critically analyse the transferability of e-government strategies as well as experiences in their implementation, especially in a direct comparison of Denmark and Germany.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.05.2019- 31.12.2019
    Funding source Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V.
    Project number N2019 094
    Keywords E-Government; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Digitalisierung: öffentliche Verwaltung; E-Government-Strategien


    Kompetenzvermittlung im öffentlichen Sektor neu gedacht

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.05.2019- 31.12.2019
    Funding source Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V.
    Project number N2019 092
    Keywords Kompetenzvermittlung; öffentlicher Sektor; Wirtschaftsinformatik; Digitalisierung; E-Government; Kompetenzerwerb


    Quo vadis, Civis? Development of a citizen journey for a demand-oriented service design in the public sector

    Up to now, the public sector has taken a supply-oriented approach to the design of electronic services for citizens. Companies in the private sector, on the other hand, have been relying on demand-oriented service design for years. So-called 'customer journeys', which focus on improving the service experience of customers, are used to better understand the perception of services by customers and to tailor the use of online services to that perception. Especially against the background of the stagnating e-government usage rates in Germany, the necessity for a user-oriented design of public services is tremendous. In this project, we therefore examine the applicability of customer journeys to the public sector and develop a so-called e-Government Citizen Journey, which we evaluate for its applicability in practice.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.05.2019- 31.12.2019
    Funding source Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V.
    Project number N2019 095
    Keywords citizen journey; electronic services; e-government; public administration; digitalization


    Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions

    EQUAL-IST aims at introducing structural changes to enhance gender equality within Information Systems and Technology Research institutions, which have been demonstrated to be among the research sectors most affected by gender inequalities at all levels.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.06.2016- 31.05.2019
    Website http://www.equal-ist.eu/
    Funding source EC H2020 - Coordination and support action
    Project number 710549
    Keywords gender mainstreaming; gender equality; information systems; gender equality action plans


    Digitization Competencies of Managers in the Public Sector

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.01.2018- 30.09.2018
    Funding source Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V.
    Project number N2018084
    Keywords Digitalisierung; Wirtschaftsinformatik


  • in progress

    FOR 5393: The future smart town - Subproject: Trust management in the digital mid-sized town

    Project status in progress
    Project time 01.01.2023- 31.12.2026
    Website https://www.digitale-mittelstadt-der-zukunft.de/de/teilprojekte
    Funding source DFG - Research Unit
    Project number DI 2760/1-1
    Keywords Trust management; Trust; Digitalization; Digital Government