Digital Community Currencies: Opportunities and Best Practices
Community currencies are alternative currencies, which enable the mobilization of local resources for local needs and building resilient communities. They allow community members to perform economic transactions like buying products and paying for services using an alternative currency as a medium of exchange. For decades, regional, paper-based community currencies have been in use across the world. With the advent of the digital age, community currencies are increasingly moving into the digital space. In his talk, Friedrich will try to spur a conversation and attract your interest in the phenomenon by covering three major questions. What is the connection between digital community currencies (DCC) and sustainability? Why does the information systems discipline needs to look into DCCs? And, to pave the way for the latter, what can we learn from managers of DCC projects in regard to the best and worst practices in operating DCCs?
Speaker: Friedrich Chasin is an assistant professor in Information Systems. He is a member of the Information Systems and Information Management Chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Joerg Becker at the Department of Information Systems of the University of Münster. He has been a frequent guest researcher at international universities, including the University of Sydney, the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Liechtenstein, the Pohang University of Science and Technology, and the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. His primary research focus is on various aspects of sustainability from the information systems perspective.