"Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen"
The Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen (competence centre) is a consortium that supports SME in topics about digitalisation and digital inter-organisational collaboration in north-west Germany. Businesses of the four sectors: retail, craft, maritime and agriculture are central players in this region. The overarching goal of the project is to raise awareness, to inform, and to impart critical competencies, for businesses in north-west Germany regarding the topic digitalisation.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2017- 30.09.2022 |
Website |
https://kompetenzzentrum-lingen.digital/ |
Funding source |
BMWK - Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitale Produktions- und Arbeitsprozesse |
Project number |
01MF17011D |
Keywords |
data-driven business models; digitalisation |
Transfer project for the modeling technique "icebricks"
Goal of the transfer project is the application of new scientific results in the area of business process modeling into a marketable tool. icebricks is a modeling technique for business process modeling that integrates scientific results and experiences in the area of modeling conventions into a modeling language and tool. Key features are: building block based modeling language, glossary to ensure semantical correctness, flexible modeling through attributes and hierarchies, consequently web-oriented tool.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.11.2011- 31.12.2013 |
Funding source |
Prof. Becker GmbH |
Keywords |
Business process modeling; modeling technique; building block based modeling |