• R-Packages

    Overview of the R-packages that I am involved in (either as creator, maintainer or contributor).

    •  R-Packages that are already released on CRAN

      Responsible Author and Maintainer:

      • flacco (official release on CRAN): R-Package for a feature-based analysis of continuous and constrained optimization (Black-Box-) Optimization Problems.

        Aside from an extensive collection of features for Explorative Landscape Analysis (ELA), it also provides various techniques for visualizing the underlying optimization problems as well as some of the computable feature sets. In addition, flacco comes with a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows for a user-friendly usage of the package.

      Co-Author and/or Contributor:

      • aslib-r (official release on CRAN): Interface to the ASLib (Algorithm Selection Library) -- a collection of various algorithm selection scenarios.
      • mlr (official release on CRAN): Interface to a large number of classification and regression techniques, including machine-readable parameter descriptions. There is also an experimental extension for survival analysis, clustering and general, example-specific cost-sensitive learning. Generic resampling, including cross-validation, bootstrapping and subsampling. Hyperparameter tuning with modern optimization techniques, for single- and multi-objective problems. Filter and wrapper methods for feature selection. Extension of basic learners with additional operations common in machine learning, also allowing for easy nested resampling. Most operations can be parallelized.
      • openml-r (official release on CRAN): Interface to OpenML -- an online machine learning platform where researchers can automatically log and share data, code, and experiments, and organize them online to work and collaborate more effectively. We provide a R interface to the OpenML API in order to download and upload data sets, tasks, flows and runs.
      • ParamHelpers (official release on CRAN): Collection of helper functions for parameter descriptions and operations in black-box optimization, tuning and machine learning.
      • smoof (official release on CRAN): This package contains lots of single- and multi-objective test functions, which are widely used within the literature for benchmarking numerical optimization algorithms.
    •  R-Packages for which (so far) only developmental versions exist

      Responsible Author and Maintainer:

      • mogsa (development version on GitHub): This package provides an implementation of the Multi-Objective Gradient Sliding Algorithm (MOGSA), which efficiently exploits local efficient sets (i.e., local optima of multi-objective problems) to maneuver towards the problem's global efficient sets (= multi-objective global optima).

      Co-Author and/or Contributor:

      • salesperson (development version on GitHub): Comprehensive collection of functions for solving and analyzing the symmetric Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) by means of instance characteristics, frequently termed instance features.
      • tspgen (development version on GitHub): Sophisticated benchmark problem generator, which produces TSP instances by a sequential random process adopting a variety of problem tailored mutations.