During lecture time, we have our Lunchtime Seminar each Tuesday from 12.15-12.45. During this seminars, researchers of the Department or invited guest provide us with insights into their research.

Datesort ascending Title Abstract
17.07.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - How Much Collaboration? Balancing the Needs for Collaborative and Uninterrupted Work

The proliferation of collaboration platforms in organisations has benefits for knowledge workers in terms of access to knowledge and social resources. However, negative effects, specifically collaborative overload, have only recently been acknowledged and are still rarely considered by companies. Collaborative overload is a multi-faceted construct, which covers downsides, unintended or side-effects of collaboration platforms and their organisational use. In this talk, the phenomenon is... more

10.07.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Design of global production networks under consideration of trade barriers and uncertainty

In a volatile business environment where uncertainties are influencing the supply chain, the ability to adapt to changes is essential. In particular uncertainties about customer demand, exchange rate fluctuations and changing labor costs are pressuring global manufacturers to flexibly adapt their production networks on a global scale to face these challenges. Legal regulation by countries and free trade agreements are governing the material flows and places of value creation. The optimal... more

03.07.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Digital Services in the public sector

Advancements in technology continuously enable new solutions and opportunities for digitalization of public services. In government practice, the term ‘digital service’ now covers services and systems of various kinds and complexity; a variety not fully covered conceptually in the e-government research literature. Lindgren’s research focuses on how digital services are manifested in practice and possible conceptual and organizational consequences of different manifestations. The presentation... more

26.06.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - An Exploration into IT Programme Management: Insights from Multiple Case Study Research

The use of IT to drive organizational changes has gained momentum in both profit and non-profit organizations. It is currently culminating in the discussion on Digital Transformation, which assumes that the ability to manage IT-enabled change is key to survival for organizations in the Digital Age. While researchers are just beginning to study this new phenomenon, practitioners are urgently seeking for guidance on how to manage such change and transformation. Professional bodies such as the... more

19.06.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Effectiveness of Marketing Channels: What do we know and what do we need to know?

Today, marketing managers face the challenge to allocate their budget across a plethora of marketing channels to build their brands and generate revenue. Allocating marketing budgets requires a solid knowledge about the different channel’s effectiveness. Moreover, a good understanding of how campaigns should be executed in the different channels is critical.

Literature that compares the effectiveness of multiple marketing channels is scarce, and the findings are... more

12.06.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Who is pulling the strings in new work practices? Surfacing the materiality of ideological control.

In new work practices, managerial control has turned from direct supervision to more subtle forms relying on voluntary engagement. This paper aims at addressing the need for more materialized, embodied and temporalized view of control to counterbalance purely virtual and technologically-enabled approaches. To do so, I key into ontological discussions for addressing the underexplored materiality of ideological control. The contribution of this paper is to draw on... more

05.06.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Solving Chemical Retrosynthesis by Means of Deep Learning and Monte Carlo Tree Search

To plan the syntheses of small organic molecules, chemists use retrosynthesis, a technique in which target molecules are recursively transformed into increasingly simpler precursors. Computer-aided retrosynthesis would be a valuable tool but at present it is slow and provides results of unsatisfactory quality. Here we use Monte Carlo tree search to discover retrosynthetic routes. We combined Monte Carlo tree search with an expansion policy network that guides the search, and a filter network... more

29.05.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Introduction to the Industrial Data Space from an Information Modeling Perspective.

The Industrial Data Space [1] initiative aims at establishing a „network of trust“ for a secure and reliable exchange of digital resources between business partners in dynamic value-creation scenarios. Regardless of the domain, the Data Space architecture [2] addresses issues related to the publication, search, negotiation, delivery, and the subsequent usage of data and reusable data processing applications in accordance with licensing terms of the sovereign resource provider. Catalog... more

08.05.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - Phronesis, Argumentation and Puzzle Solving in IS Research: Illustrating an Approach to Phronetic IS Research Practice

The embedding of information systems (IS) infrastructure into everyday social activity is creating intractable value conflicts for society. However, IS research largely focuses on: (1) episteme, explanatory and predictive theories; and (2) techné, theories of action for implementation and management of IS technologies. Consequently, we lack applicable knowledge for deliberating about IS value conflicts. The third type of knowledge, phronesis, which Aristotle proposed to inform ethical... more

17.04.2018 Lunchtime Seminar - The Role of Information Systems in Shaping the Dynamics of Organizational Attention: Reflections and Empirical Evidence

William Ocasio defines organizational attention as the “noticing, encoding, interpreting, and focusing of time and effort by organizational decision makers on issues and answers” (p. 189). Attention is a scarce and critical resource that is distributed in the organization to foster the focus on a diverse set of issues and action alternatives. Organizational strategy acts as a guide to the distribution of the attention effort in the organization, coherent interconnection between pockets of... more