Michaela Meinert

Lunchtime Seminar - Machine Understanding for Enterprise Applications

Tuesday, 8. January 2019 - 12:00 to Saturday, 15. February 2025 - 13:54, Leonardo-Campus 18

Speaker:    Prof. Dr. habil. Alexander Löser

Abstract:    In his talk Prof. Löser will briefly review main drivers for the platform economy and will sketch important implications for the German economy. Later, he will introduce their work on neural text mining for enterprise applications. In particular, he will focus on tasks such as in-database text mining, sentence classification, entity linkage, Hate-speech detection and neural paragraph retrieval. Finally, Prof. Löser will outline latest trends and his ‘bets’ in the area of neural text mining.

Short-Bio:    Prof. Alexander Löser advises platform companies, such as IBM, Zalando, eBay, MunichRe, KROHNE Group etc., for several years at the executive and expert level. He advises on setting up data science organizations and for designing data products. As a faculty member, he works on B2B platforms for supply chain management with Siemens and on medical platforms with Charité, holds three patents, mentors three EXIST startups (two with a focus on deep learning) and is co-founder of the Data Science Master degree program at Beuth. Since 2014, Alexander leads the Data Science Research Center at Beuth with currently six professors and their PhD students. Founded in 1971, Beuth- University of Applied Science Berlin is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany (13,000 students, 300 professors) and hosts one of the leading groups for neural text mining in Germany. His previous positions had been with HP Research Lab Bristol, IBM Almaden Research Center, SAP Research Division and TU Berlin. Since 2018, Alexander is elected by the BMBF as expert in the AI-advisory program  “Plattform Lernende Systeme”. Learn more about his work at www.datexis.com