Lunchtime Seminar - The Once-Only Principle and its Implementation in Europe
Speaker: Prof. Dr.Dr. Robert Krimmer
Title: The Once-Only Principle and its Implementation in Europe
Abstract: The objective of this talk is to discuss the “once-only” principle (OOP) and with it the The Once-Only Principle Project ( “TOOP”), and to summarize the motivation and ambition behind the project. The concept of the OOP focuses on reducing the administrative burden of individuals and businesses by re-organising public sector internal processes, instead of making individuals and business users adjust to those processes. According to the OOP, public administrations should collect information from citizens and businesses only once and then, respecting regulations and other constraints, this information may be shared. While many European Union (EU) countries have started to implement the OOP at a national level, it is still evolving and fragmented. The cross-border implementation of the OOP is limited so far to a few services. Next to giving an overview of the concept, the talk will discuss the role and purpose of large-scale pilots, the complexities of coordinating such a project as well as integrate the discussion around citizen accounts, which are proposed in some countries (including Austria and Germany) as a first step towards implementing the once-only principle.
Bio: Prof. Dr.Dr. Robert Krimmer is Full Professor of e-Governance within Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance at the Faculty of Social Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Robert’s research is focused on the transformation of the public sector, including and all issues further developing a digital society, such as electronic participation and democracy, as well as e-voting. Robert is the coordinator of TOOP, the EU H2020 large-scale pilot on exploring and demonstrating the feasibility of the once-only principle involving 50+ partners from 21 countries inside and outside the European Union. Currently, Robert is serving as Associate Editor of the international scientific journal Government Information Quarterly (GIQ), where he is in charge of participation issues.Further, he was member of the group of experts to the Council of Europe Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting (CAHVE) which will soon release its updated recommendation on legal, technical and operational standards for Electronic Voting Rec(2017)5. Also, he was one of the lead experts for the Council of Europe Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Democracy and drafted Annex 1 of the CoE Recommendation (2009) on e-Democracy. Before returning to academia, Robert was OSCE/ODIHR’s first senior adviser on new voting technologies. In the past he advised CoE, OSCE/ODIHR, UNDP, WHO, ITU, the European Commission and AWEB on various matters.