Ann-Kristin Cordes has been elected as the spokesperson of “Wirtschaftsinformatikfrauen-Netzwerk”

Since 2020, a group of female academics from the German-speaking area in the field of information systems has been getting together regularly, to discuss common academic challenges for females and exchange as well as network with each other. In February 2022, under the association “Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V.”, a new sub-association named “Wirtschaftsinformatikfrauen-Netzwerk” was founded for female academics of information systems. Ann-Kristin Cordes from our department has been elected as the spokesperson of this newly established organization.
The association has three primary objectives:
- Support female academics by events on the subject of scientific exchange and further academic qualification
- Promote visibility of academic activities with appropriate infrastructure and association activities
- Encourage female students to embark on an academic career
The objectives will be implemented through various mentoring programs, roundtables, workshops, and network meetings. The association is open to females at all career levels, from high school graduates, university students to professors.
More information on the association and its membership can be found here (only in German).