Jens Brunk

MASTIS Project - Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems - completed

The last working meeting of the international MASTIS project of European programm ERASMUS+ at Vinnitsa National Technical University

The research project "Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems" (MASTIS) was recently completed. The project consisted of a large consortium of nine European universities, led by the University Lyon 2 (France), seven Ukrainian and two Montenegrin universities. The main aim of the project was to improve Master Programmes in Information Systems according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global labour market and world education sphere; to enable them to stay responsive to employers' needs; to give students an idea of various job profiles in the Information System domain; to ensure employability throughout graduates' professional and soft skills. In practice, the MASTIS project succesfully developed a new master programme in Information Systems based on the expertise and knowledge gained from existing research, project work, expert knowledge of the EU partners and specific needs of the Ukrainian and Montenegrin requirements. As part of the project work, the developed master programme was piloted and now implemented in all of the Ukrainian and Montenegrin universities. Therefore, MASTIS reached its goal to enabled the partner countries & EU universities to modernize Information System education based on the student-oriented principals, strong university-enterprise cooperation and modern approaches to the education. Finally, the programme will give the partner countries universities an opportunity to prepare competitive specialists for Ukrainian, Montenegrin and the global labour market.