Digital Technologies and Future Making
Talk title: Digital Technologies and Future Making
Speaker affiliation: Dr. Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa is Professor of Information Systems and Bayless/Rauscher Pierce Refsnes Chair in Business Administration at the McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin. At the University of Texas at Austin, she serves as the Director of the Center for Business, Technology and Law. She is a recipient of Association of Information Systems (AIS) Fellow and LEO Awards (LEO stands for Life Time Achievement of Exceptional Global Contributions in the field of information systems). Her research focuses on inter-organizational and inter-personal collaboration and innovation in fast paced and technologically advanced data and knowledge environments with regulatory and policy implications.
Talk abstract: In 1995, James G. March suggested that information technologies have an influence on organizational learning in that they accentuate exploitation of the present competences at the expense of exploring future competences, or organizational futures. Since the writing of March, information technologies - now evolved into digital technologies - have gained computational power, connectivity, and autonomous action that potentially further exacerbate the imbalance. According to March (1995), the imbalance would render organizations disposable or throw-away with limited life span. We examine this proposition in the light of temporal agency that March and his followers largely assumed but rarely explicitly addressed.