Monika Rohe

Lunchtime Seminar - Getrost vergessen

Tuesday, 21. November 2017 - 12:00 to Saturday, 7. September 2024 - 14:06, Leo 18

Speaker: Phillip Gatzke and Dennis Riehle

Title: „Intentional Forgetting: Motivational and emotional influences on intentional forgetting in organizations"

Abstract: Intentional forgetting is a tandem project of the University of Münster with the disciplines Organisational & Business Psychology (Guido Hertel) and Information Systems (Jörg Becker) which focuses on studies on motivational factors that can interfere or promote intentional forgetting in organizations. Intentional forgetting is operationalized by the extent of the utilization of information systems. Information systems provide users with relevant information. The research is about the means for designing an information system in that way, so that less relevant information can fade into the background (gradual forgetting). Thus, the use of information systems can save resources and increase the quality and speed of decisions by focusing on the essential decision criteria.


Phillip Gatzke is a research assistant and PhD student at the Chair for Information Systems and Information Management. Before this, he worked as a consultant for the Musikhochschule Lübeck and the Deloitte Consulting GmbH (Technology Integration, Information Management, Business Intelligence). His research interests lie in conceptual system development, information management and process optimization.

Dennis Riehle is a research assistant and PhD student at the Chair for Information Systems and Information Management. Before this, he studied Information Systems (Bachelor and Master of Science) at the University of Münster and worked at the Institute for Information Systems Research at the University of Koblenz-Landau. His research interest lies in business process management, compliance management, improvement of business processes and conceptual modeling.