Carmen Sicking

Lunchtime Seminar - Prof. Mark Haselkorn (University of Washington/Seattle)

The Relationship Between Human Centered Designers and Software Developers in Achieving State-of-the-Art Technology Innovation
Tuesday, 12. July 2016 - 12:00 to Thursday, 6. February 2025 - 22:32, Leo 18

TOPIC: The Relationship Between Human Centered Designers and Software Developers in Achieving State-of-the-Art Technology Innovation

SPEAKER: Mark Haselkorn is Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is Director of the new university Center on Collaborative Systems for Security, Safety & Regional Resilience (CoSSaR) and currently leads Project Interoperability in Puget Sound (PIPS), a research effort on behalf of the regional safety and security community and in partnership with four U.S. Federal Agencies – the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate First Responders Group, the DHS Interagency Operations Center (IOC), and the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO). PIPS aims to better understand and enhance the interoperability goals to enhance information sharing for regional safety and security. Dr. Haselkorn is also an investigator on work to develop information-centered methods for achieving evidence-based health information technology. He has helped investigate humanitarian success factors (with Robin Mays) for the Red Cross Global Disaster Preparedness Center and has led a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative to define the emerging frontier of "Humanitarian Service Science & Engineering." Dr. Haselkorn has worked with the military on a number of projects, including the integration of DOD and VA electronic medical records and the Air Force’s strategic management of ICT under the threat of Y2K (a study published by the U.S. National Research Council). Dr. Haselkorn conducted foundational research in the area of intelligent transportation systems, which included the development of the first Web-based real-time traveler information system (Traffic Reporter, 1990). He is Past President of the IEEE Professional Communication Society, has served on ISO/IEC-JTC1, the IEEE Medical Technology Policy Committee, and was a founding Board Member of the International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM).

ABSTRACT: What is state-of-the-art technology innovation?  Why does so much depend on the evolving relationship between human-centered designers and software developers?  How is this evolving relationship changing our basic notions of technology design, particularly the design of complex systems?  What about the equally critical roles of other key stakeholders such as end users, project sponsors, and technology administrators—how do they fit into the equation?  How will the roles and skills of technology designers change in response to new concepts and processes for achieving successful innovation?  Professor Haselkorn will share stories from current research and help us understand the complex, evolving nature of Human Centered Design & Engineering in the huge collaborative space called technology innovation.