• 2023

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Horstkemper, D., Mülhausen, A., & Hellingrath, B. (2023). Structured Approach for Automated Enterprise Architecture Model Generation. In International, F. o. A. C. (. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (2nd ed., pp. 4024–4029). IFAC-PapersOnLine: Vol. 56. Yokohama: Elsevier.
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    Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Ponge, J., Horstkemper, D., Hellingrath, B., Bayer, L., Bock, W., & Karch, A. (2023). Evaluating Parallelization Strategies for Large-Scale Individual-based Infectious Disease Simulations.
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  • 2021

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Horstkemper, D., Reuter-Oppermann, M., Middelhoff, M., Widera, A., & Hellingrath, B. (2021). Improving Blood Supply Chain Crisis Management by Simulation-based Optimization. In Franke, J., & Schuderer, P. (Eds.), Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2021 (pp. 433–442). Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen.
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    Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Horstkemper, D., Reuter-Oppermann, M., Middelhoff, M., & Widera, A. (2021). Use cases for an integrated Simulation and Optimisation Environment for Blood Supply Chains. Poster session presented at the ORAHS 2021 Conference — INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE EURO WORKING GROUP ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH APPLIED TO HEALTH SERVICES, Southampton, Vancouver, Canada.
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    Horstkemper, D., Reuter-Oppermann, M., Middelhoff, M., Widera, A., & Hellingrath, B. (2021). Hybrid Simulation-based Optimization for Decision Support in Blood Supply-Chains. Poster session presented at the 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athen, Griechenland.
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  • 2019

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Horstkemper, D., Stahmann, P., & Hellingrath, B. (2019). Assessing the Suitability of ArchiMate to Model Industry 4.0 Production Systems. In Proceedings of the IIAI_AAI 2019 — 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, Toyama, Japan, 827–832.
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  • 2018

    Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Horstkemper, D., & Hellingrath, B. (2018). Qualitative assessment of the influence of manufacturing complexity drivers onto production planning problems in the context of Industrie 4.0. Poster session presented at the EURO 2018, Valencia.
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  • 2017

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Horstkemper, D., & Hellingrath, B. (2017). Information Systems for Production Planning and Control in the Context of Industrie 4.0 — Architectural Requirements and Development Perspectives. In Proceedings of the EUROMA 2017, Edinburgh, Großbrittanien.
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    Horstkemper, D., & Hellingrath, B. (2017). Flexible Composition of Planning Models Facilitating the Industrie 4.0 Component Standard. In Large, R. O., Kramer, N., Radig, A.-K., Schäfer, M., & Sulzbach, A. (Eds.), Logistikmanagement. Beiträge zur LM 2017 (pp. 288–295). Stuttgart: Selbstverlag — Eigenverlag.
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  • 2016

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Horstkemper, D., & Hellingrath, B. (2016). Employing order allocation flexibility in cyber-physical production systems. In Proceedings of the CIRP CMS, Stuttgart.
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    Ponge, J., Siqueira, D., Horstkemper, D., Hellingrath, B., & Ludwig, S. (2016). Automated Scalable Modeling for Population Microsimulations. In Proceedings of the SSCI 16, Athens, Greece.
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  • 2015

    Research article (book contribution)

    Böhle, C., Hellingrath, B., Horstkemper, D., & Rabe, D. (2015). Using Capability-Based Planning for Designing Cooperation Between Automotive Manufacturers and Logistics Service Providers. In Dethloff, J., Haasis, H., Kopfer, H., Kotzab, H., & Schönberger, J. (Eds.), Logistics Management (pp. 387–399). Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer International Publishing.
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    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Terlunen, S., Horstkemper, D., Wölck, M., & Hellingrath, B. (2015). Simulation-based Decision Support for Vertical Supply Chain Segmentation Scenarios. In Proceedings of the Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2015, Dortmund.
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    Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Horstkemper, D., Wagner, C., & Hellingrath, B. (2015). A component-based evaluation of solution representations for lot-sizing problems. Poster session presented at the European Conference on Operational Research 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
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  • 2014

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    Terlunen, S., Horstkemper, D., & Hellingrath, B. (2014). Adaption of the Discrete Rate-based Simulation Paradigm for Tactical Supply Chain Decisions. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014, Savannah, USA, 2060–2071.
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    Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Horstkemper, D., Siqueira, D., Pessoa, L., Lacerda, M., Hellingrath, B., & Buarque, F. (2014). Development of a partially synchronized multithreaded metaheuristic to solve the supply chain network planning problem. Poster session presented at the Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modeling 2014, Coventry, United Kingdom.
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  • 2013

    Research article in proceedings (conference)

    de Araújo, P. L. F., Horstkemper, D., de Siqueira, D., Hellingrath, B., Gomes, P. d. L. M., & Buarque, d. L. N. F. (2013). Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Complex Supply Chain Network Planning Problems. In Proceedings of the XXVII Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte, Belém, Brasilien.
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    Hellingrath, B., Buarque, F., Horstkemper, D., Siqueira, D., Pessoa, L., & Lacerda, M. (2013). Application of the Fish School Search for the Supply Chain Network Planning Problem. In Proceedings of the Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional 2013, Porto de Galinhas, Brasilien.
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    Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)

    Horstkemper, D., Siqueira, D., Pessoa, L., Lacerda, M., Hellingrath, B., & Buarque, F. (. (2013). Application of Meta-Heuristics for Supply Chain Network Planning. Poster session presented at the Logistikmanagement 2013, Bremen.
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