Former Research Assistant
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management
Leonardo Campus 3

Leonardo Campus 3
Federal Information Management
Many public administrations maintain their information on administrative procedures on their own. This leads to a heterogeneous information landscape. It is, however, crucial for maintaining a reliable public service that same content is always described the same. Here, the FIM project comes into play. It is the goal to build up an information management that supports information exchange across all federal levels between internal processes and between public administrations and citizens (public service). This will be achieved by combining functional and technical Standardization.
Project status | definitely finished |
Project time | 04.12.2012- 31.12.2015 |
Website | |
Funding source | Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt |
Project number | 029-211-01-Nr. WB 2a |
Keywords | Information Management; E-Government |
PUSH Münsterland aims at making SME in the project region aware of business opportunities arising from customer solutions that consist of physical products and services. The project will collect knowledge and best practices residing at universities and companies in the project region, and it will create innovative methods and tools to make that resources accessible by the SMEs.
Project status | definitely finished |
Project time | 15.08.2014- 14.08.2015 |
Website | |
Funding source | EC - European Regional Development Fund |
Project number | IV A 5-43-01/2.1/Z27C |
Keywords | Service Science; Product-Service Systems; Hybrid Value Creation |
The Networked Service Society project is focused on thoroughly analyzing the interplay between service networks and IT. First, we develop new methods and strategies for the global organization of business processes in multinational settings. Second, we theorize on and shape the commercialization of Social Media for networked service enterprises and the public sector. The objective of our project is to strengthen the long-term research structures with our partner institutions in the Asian-Pacific region. In Joint Research, we perform high quality research and publish our results in leading peer-reviewed journals and present them on international conferences. In Joint Industry Projects, we perform research that ‘matters’, in close cooperate with industry partners and the public sector. Our objective is to establish long-term cooperation initiatives funded by these stakeholders. In Joint Education, we develop and implement joint education programs for increasing the mobility of our students and PhD students.
Project status | definitely finished |
Project time | 01.07.2010- 31.12.2014 |
Website | |
Funding source | Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number | APR 10/805 |
Keywords | Service Science; Professionalization; Digitalization; Sustainability; Service Networks; Service Society; Networks |
Forschungslandkarte "Prozessorientierte Verwaltung"
Deutschland ist auf dem Weg hin zu einer prozessorientierten Verwaltung. Es gibt vielfältige Bestrebungen, den Prozessgedanken, insbesondere bei der Modernisierung von Verwaltungs-abläufen, in den Verwaltungen des Bundes, der Länder und der Kommunen zu etablieren. Nichtsdestotrotz ist der Weg bis zu einer ganzheitlichen Prozessorientierung und Nutzung der Vorteile einer ablauforientierten Gestaltung der Verwaltungsstrukturen noch weit. Auf dem Weg zur Erstellung der Forschungslandkarte Prozessorientierte Verwaltung wurden zahlreiche Literaturquellen und Datenbanken systematisch durchsucht. Die identifizierten Forscherinnen und Forscher, die in Deutschland in der Community arbeiten und forschen, wurden gebeten, den Stand ihrer Forschung im aufgebauten Forschungsportal zu dokumentieren. Dabei konnten 14 Forschungsfelder identifiziert werden, innerhalb derer sich die Forschungslücken der prozessorientierten Verwaltung strukturieren lassen und die Basis der Handlungsempfehlungen dieser Studie sind.
Project status | definitely finished |
Project time | 01.12.2010- 31.05.2011 |
Website | |
Funding source | Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community |
Keywords | e-Government; Research Map |