• definitely finished

    Reducing the moderation effort of user comments with the help of automation using text analytical methods (MODERAT!)

    In recent years, a rapid increase in racist, political and religiously motivated hate commentary has led many newspaper editors to deactivate their online comment functions on their websites. While this is understandable from an economic point of view for the individual publishers, serious problems for the public discourse arise in view of restriction quotas of up to 50%. The MODERAT! project aims to use an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to develop software tools and a web platform that will enable operators to moderate web debates with significantly less effort. Comments are analyzed automatically, so that only a small number of critical comments have to be viewed manually. In this way, media houses and publishers should be able to offer web debates again on their own websites and thus enter into a more active exchange with the readership.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 07.02.2019- 31.01.2022
    Website https://www.moderat.nrw/
    Funding source MKW - EFRE-Wettbewerb Neue Leitmärkte - CreateMedia.NRW
    Project number EFRE-0801431
    Keywords Information Systems; Information Management


    VISE: Virtual Institute Smart Energy: Development of Digital Business Models Based on the Energy Demand Behavior of Households

    Energy providers and energy service providers only have little information regarding the determinants of their customers energy demand behaviour, especially regarding private households. A detailed analysis of expectations and requirements of private energy demand is an important prerequisite for a successfull adoption of new technology and basis for the development of new business models. The project's goal is the analysis private households intention to invest and intention to use and consequently the development of new business models addressing private households.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.07.2017- 31.03.2021
    Funding source EC - European Regional Development Fund
    Project number EFRE-0800037
    Keywords Energy provider; Energy service provider; Energy demand; business models


    MASTIS - Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems

    The main aim of the project is to improve Master Program in Information Systems according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global labour market and world education sphere. MASTIS will enable the Partner Country & EU Universities to modernize Information System education based on the student-oriented principals, strong university-enterprise cooperation and modern approaches to the education. It will give the Partner Country Universities an opportunity to prepare competitive specialists for Ukrainian, Montenegrin and the global labour market.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.02.2016- 31.10.2019
    Website http://www.mastis.pro
    Funding source EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+
    Project number 561592-EPP-1-2015-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
    Keywords e-learning; Informations Systems; Curriculum Design


    Development of an information platform for young women for professional and academic orientation in IT-related professions

    Digital Me aims to provide women with a browser-based and target group-specific offer for the STEM professions. In a virtual world environment, the participants aged 15 to 17 can find information and decision-making aids as well as games. In the end they know the content and career opportunities in selected IT professions so that they can consciously chose their studies and professions. In this way, Digital Me strives for a higher participation of young women in occupations with IT content and their leadership positions.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.10.2016- 30.09.2019
    Website https://www.digital-me.info/
    Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    Project number 01FP1606
    Keywords Career choice; STEM; IT-career; woman


    Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

    RISE_BPM networks world-leading research institutions and corporate innovators to develop new horizons for Business Process Management (BPM). BPM is a boundary-spanning discipline focused on division and re-integration of day-to-day work in organisations and on analysis of process data for organisational decision-making. Recent break-through innovations in Social Computing, Smart Devices, Real-Time Computing, and Big Data Technology create a strong impetus for propelling BPM into a pervasive corporate topic that enables design of entirely new products and services.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.05.2015- 30.04.2019
    Website http://www.rise-bpm.eu
    Funding source EC H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
    Project number 645751
    Keywords Business Process Management; BPM; Business Processes