• Education

    Venia legendi in Information Systems, Münster School of Business and Economics, Universiy of Münster
    PhD thesis: "Integrated Couponing. A Process-Based Framework for In-Store Coupon Promotion Handling in Retail"
    1998- 1999
    Study in Business Science at the University of Central England (UCE) in Birmingham, UK. Major fields of study: International Marketing, Economics
    1996- 2001
    Study in Business Administration at the University of Münster, Germany. Major fields of study: Marketing, Information Systems
  • Positions

    since 04/2010
    Vertretung des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationsmanagement, Universität Münster
    04/2009- 03/2010
    Vertretungsprofessur für Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme, Universität Koblenz-Landau
    2004- 2009
    Board member and coordinator of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) of the University of Münster
    2000- 2005
    Founding partner of the xdot GmbH