• definitely finished

    CoDeAI: Collaborative development of Al capabilities in SMEs

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.10.2022- 30.09.2024
    Website https://codeai-project.eu
    Funding source EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+
    Project number 2022-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000089256
    Keywords Artificial Intelligence; AI; SME


    EXIST-Gründerstipendium "Zeropath"

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.08.2023- 31.07.2024
    Funding source BMWK - EXIST Business Start-up Grant
    Project number 03EGSNW907
    Keywords Gründerstipendium


    "Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen"

    The Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Lingen (competence centre) is a consortium that supports SME in topics about digitalisation and digital inter-organisational collaboration in north-west Germany. Businesses of the four sectors: retail, craft, maritime and agriculture are central players in this region. The overarching goal of the project is to raise awareness, to inform, and to impart critical competencies, for businesses in north-west Germany regarding the topic digitalisation.

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 01.10.2017- 30.09.2022
    Website https://kompetenzzentrum-lingen.digital/
    Funding source BMWK - Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitale Produktions- und Arbeitsprozesse
    Project number 01MF17011D
    Keywords data-driven business models; digitalisation


    WI Nachwuchswissenschaftlertreffen Münster, 16./17.September 2022

    Project status definitely finished
    Project time 16.09.2022- 17.09.2022
    Website https://wint22.uni-muenster.de/
    Funding source Donator/Sponsor
    Keywords WI Nachwuchswissenschaftlertreffen; Wirtschaftsinformatik