Former Research Assistant
Data Science: Statistics and Optimization
Leonardo Campus 3
External profiles:
Google Scholar
Leonardo Campus 3
Best Teaching Award
11/2024 - Student Association of the School of Business and Economics (University of Muenster)
PPSN XIV Best Paper Award (2016)
09/2016 - Edinburgh Napier University and Organizing Committee of PPSN XIV
DAAD Congress Grant (PostDoc) for participating in GECCO 2015, Madrid, Spain
07/2015 - German Academic Exchange Service
Grant for participating in GECCO 2008, Atlanta, USA
07/2008 - Association for Computing Machinery
Grant for participating in GECCO 2007, London, UK
07/2007 - Association for Computing Machinery
Student grant based on review results
03/2007 - Platform Computing@EMO Conference
Travel Grant for participating in GECCO 2006, Seattle, USA
07/2006 - Association for Computing Machinery