Joint Research Project: Real-time detection and analysis of hybrid disinformation campaigns in online media (HybriD)
6th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Online Open Media
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
02.09.2024- 04.09.2024 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Participation / conference fees |
Project number |
GR 3292/3-1 |
Keywords |
Konferenz; Soziale Medien; Desinformation |
Al, human rights and ethics: platform regulation and data protection (in context of the IVAC - International Virtual Academic Collaboration)
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2021- 30.09.2022 |
Funding source |
DAAD - International Virtual Academic Collaboration |
Project number |
57599237 |
Keywords |
DAAD; Information Systems; Law; Economics; interdisciplinary |
Reducing the moderation effort of user comments with the help of automation using text analytical methods (MODERAT!)
In recent years, a rapid increase in racist, political and religiously motivated hate commentary has led many newspaper editors to deactivate their online comment functions on their websites. While this is understandable from an economic point of view for the individual publishers, serious problems for the public discourse arise in view of restriction quotas of up to 50%. The MODERAT! project aims to use an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to develop software tools and a web platform that will enable operators to moderate web debates with significantly less effort. Comments are analyzed automatically, so that only a small number of critical comments have to be viewed manually. In this way, media houses and publishers should be able to offer web debates again on their own websites and thus enter into a more active exchange with the readership.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
07.02.2019- 31.01.2022 |
Website | |
Funding source |
MKW - EFRE-Wettbewerb Neue Leitmärkte - CreateMedia.NRW |
Project number |
EFRE-0801431 |
Keywords |
Information Systems; Information Management |
Algorithmization and Social Interaction
Imagine you call a company and your request is no longer answered by a human being but by an artificial assistant - how does this affect you as an individual and society at large? And does the customization of information in social media and online environments limit our horizon, or even keeps us in a ‚filter bubble‘? These are just a few of the socially and politically relevant core questions of the interdisciplinary topical program „Algorithmization and Social Interaction“. Scholars from information systems, economy, social sciences, law and communication studies work together to explore, first, how (artificially intelligent) algorithms can be used to influence social interaction. Second, the topical program is interested in how society (including the public as well as political and societal elites) reacts to this increasing algorithmic governance.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.10.2020- 31.12.2021 |
Funding source |
Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs |
Keywords |
Algorithmization; Artificial Intelligence; Society; (Social) Media; Data Science; Data Analytics |
PPP Australien 2020: Detection and classification of malicious virtual grassroots influence campaigns
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2020- 31.12.2021 |
Funding source |
German Academic Exchange Service |
Project number |
57511656 |
Keywords |
Australien; Wirtschaftsinformatik |
Detection & Analysis of Social Bots in 2021
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.07.2021- 30.11.2021 |
Funding source |
Federal Office for Information Security |
Keywords |
Social Media; Social Bots; technology |
Joint research project: Identifying, verifying, and stopping concealed propaganda attacks via online media - Sub-Project: Coordination of simulation, identification, and defense against concealed propaganda attacks
This project addresses the identification and verification of (semi-)automated concealed propaganda in online media (e.g. in social networks) as an interdisciplinary approach.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.06.2016- 30.11.2019 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Project number |
16KIS0495K |
Keywords |
Information Systems; Social Media; Propaganda; Public Opinion; Web |
Validation of automated identification of Social Bots
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
20.07.2017- 20.12.2017 |
Funding source |
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community |
Project number |
48216/2017 |
Keywords |
Social Bots; Information Systems |
9th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi- Criterion Optimization, Münster 19. - 22.03.2017
EMO 2017 is the 9th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi- Criterion Optimization, aiming to continue the success of previous EMO conferences. We will bring together both the EMO and the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) communities and moreover focus on solving real-world problems in government, business and industry. The classical EMO format will be supplemented by an EMO competition.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
19.03.2017- 22.03.2017 |
Website | |
Funding source |
Participation / conference fees |
Project number |
TR 891/9-1 |
Keywords |
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization |
Hybridization of indicator-based metaheuristics with modern local search methods in multiobjective optimization
The project realizes international expertise exchange between German and Mexican researchers in the context of hybrid evolutionary multi-objective optimization. A special focus lies on integrating local search into state-of-the-art meta-heuristics like SMS-EMOA and dP-EMOA.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2014- 31.12.2015 |
Funding source |
German Academic Exchange Service |
Project number |
57065955 |
Keywords |
Computer Science; Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization; Local Search; Hybridization |
Addressing Current Challenges in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: Indicator-based Selection, Convergence and Applicability
This project aims to initiate and intensify bi-lateral collaboration of researchers from Brazil and Germany under the umbrella of current research topics in the domain of evolutionary multi-objective optimization.
Project status |
definitely finished |
Project time |
01.01.2014- 31.12.2014 |
Funding source |
DFG - Initiation of International Collaboration |
Project number |
TR 891/7-1 |
Keywords |
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization; Indicator-based Selection |