Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)



Abdelwahed, A., van den Berg, P., Brandt, T., & Ketter, W. (2024). A Real-time Decision Support System to Improve Operations in Electric Bus Networks. Decision Sciences. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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Ernst, F., Bendig, D., & Püchel, L. (2024). Religion in Family Firms: A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective on Top‑Level Executives with Perceived Religiosity. Journal of Business Ethics, 190.
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Abdelwahed, A., van den Berg, P. L., Brandt, T., & Ketter, W. (2023). Balancing convenience and sustainability in public transport through dynamic transit bus networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (TRC), 151.
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Goby, N., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2023). Deep reinforcement learning with combinatorial actions spaces: An application to prescriptive maintenance. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 179.
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Püchel, L., Wellbrock, C., & Buschow, C. (2023). Where Technology and Content Fuse: Applying Technology Acceptance to the Usage of and Payment for Digital Journalism. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 20(02), 1–22.
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Brandt, T., Dlugosch, O., Abdelwahed, A., van den Berg, P. L., & Neumann, D. (2022). Prescriptive Analytics in Urban Policing Operations. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24(5), 2463–2480.
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Dlugosch, O., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2022). Combining analytics and simulation methods to assess the impact of shared, autonomous electric vehicles on sustainable urban mobility. Information & Management, 59(5), 103285.
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Püchel, L., & Wellbrock, C. (2022). Judging A Magazine by Its Cover–A Conceptual Framework to Understand Sales Through Content and Design Interaction. JMM International Journal on Media Management, 24(2), 87–116.
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Abdelwahed, A., Berg, P., Brandt, T., Ketter, W., & Mulder, J. (2021). A Boost for Urban Sustainability: Optimizing Electric Transit Bus Networks in Rotterdam. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 51(5), 391–407.
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Baumgarte, F., Brandt, T., Keller, R., Röhrich, F., & Schmidt, L. (2021). You'll never share alone: Analyzing carsharing user group behavior. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 93, 102754.
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Brandt, T., & Dlugosch, O. (2021). Exploratory data science for discovery and ex-ante assessment of operational policies: Insights from vehicle sharing. Journal of Operations Management, 67(3), 307–328.
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Brandt, T., Wagner, S., & Neumann, D. (2021). Prescriptive analytics in public-sector decision-making: A framework and insights from charging infrastructure planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(1), 379–393.
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Fretzen, U., Ansarin, M., & Brandt, T. (2021). Temporal city-scale matching of solar photovoltaic generation and electric vehicle charging. Applied Energy, 282, 116160.
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Gust, G., Brandt, T., Mashayekh, S., Heleno, M., DeForest, N., Stadler, M., & Neumann, D. (2021). Strategies for microgrid operation under real-world conditions. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(1), 339–352.
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Püchel, L., & Wellbrock, C. (2021). Examining the digital renewal of news communication: A categorization of presentation modes in digital journalism. New Media and Society, 2021(12), 1–32.
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Abdelwahed, A., Berg, P., Brandt, T., Collins, J., & Ketter, W. (2020). Evaluating and Optimizing Opportunity Fast-Charging Schedules in Transit Battery Electric Bus Networks. Transportation Science, 54(6), 1601–1615.
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Brandt, T. (2018). Interview with David Prendergast on “Mediating Between Technology and People in Smart City Transformations”. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 60(3), 265–267.
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Brandt, T., Feuerriegel, S., & Neumann, D. (2018). Modeling interferences in information systems design for cyberphysical systems: Insights from a smart grid application. European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), 27(2), 207–220.
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Brandt, T., Ketter, W., Kolbe, L., Neumann, D., & Watson, R. (2018). Smart Cities and Digitized Urban Management. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 60(3), 193–195.
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Klemmer, K., Brandt, T., & Jarvis, S. (2018). Isolating the effect of cycling on local business environments in London. PLOS ONE (PLoS One), 13(12), 1–31.
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Brandt, T., Bendler, J., & Neumann, D. (2017). Social media analytics and value creation in urban smart tourism ecosystems. Information & Management, 54(6), 703–713.
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Brandt, T., Wagner, S., & Neumann, D. (2017). Evaluating a business model for vehicle-grid integration: Evidence from Germany. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 50, 488–504.
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Gust, G., Flath, C. M., Brandt, T., Ströhle, P., & Neumann, D. (2017). How a Traditional Company Seeded New Analytics Capabilities. MIS Quarterly Executive, 16(3).
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Willing, C., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2017). Electronic mobility market platforms — a review of the current state and applications of business analytics. Electronic Markets, 27(3), 267–282.
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Willing, C., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2017). Intermodal Mobility. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 59(3), 173–179.
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Willing, C., Klemmer, K., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2017). Moving in time and space — Location intelligence for carsharing decision support. Decision Support Systems, 99, 75–85.
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Lang, F., Fink, A., & Brandt, T. (2016). Design of automated negotiation mechanisms for decentralized heterogeneous machine scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 248(1), 192–203.
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Wagner, S., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2016). In free float: Developing Business Analytics support for carsharing providers. Omega, 59, 4–14.
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Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2015). Chasing Lemmings: Modeling IT-Induced Misperceptions About the Strategic Situation as a Reason for Flash Crashes. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(4), 88–108.
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Bendler, J., Wagner, S., Brandt, T., & Neumann, D. (2014). Taming Uncertainty in Big Data. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 6(5), 279–288.
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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung



Korte, N., & Brandt, T. (2024). Corona als Innovationstreiber? Untersuchung der digitalisierten Prozesse und Arbeitsweisen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung während der Pandemie.
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Forschungsartikel in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz)



Korte, N., Püchel, L., & Brandt, T. (2023). Crises as Drivers for Digital Innovation in the Public Sector: Insights from Covid-19.
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Sivanathan, S., & Brandt, T. (2023). Building a Digital Platform Ecosystem for Elderly Care: Core vs. Portfolio.
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Wang, Y., Sivanathan, S., Parekh, H., & Vollenberg, C. (2023). From Hand-On to Hand-Off: Upskilling Care Work in the Case of Virtual Nursing.
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