Unplanned Delays: Understanding Procrastination's Influence on Citizen's Deadline Compliance in E-Government

Speaker: Prof. Julia Krönung
Abstract: E-government implementation is prospering worldwide. However, some countries such as Germany struggle to implement an e-government structure that their citizens accept and use. A critical issue arises when the services are not used despite a legal obligation. Regardless of the legal obligations some citizens do not comply and postpone the usage past the deadline. To study this phenomenon, we applied the theoretical lens of temporal motivation theory (TMT) and technology acceptance. Data collected from 308 German property owners legally-obliged to submit a property tax declaration online was analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modeling. The findings confirm that factors related to procrastination from TMT and technology acceptance significantly influence the intention to comply with the deadline to use e-government services. Our research shows opportunities for increasing the deadline compliance for e-government usage and decreasing the tendency to procrastinate. It opens a new avenue for future research on e-government and procrastination.
Short Bio: Prof. Dr. Julia Krönung has held the Chair of Business Administration, in particular the Design of Socio-Technical Information Systems at the FernUniversität in Hagen since 2022. She completed her doctorate on user attitudes in information systems at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main in 2013, was a junior professor of e-business and e-government at the University of Mannheim between 2014 and 2019 and a professor of business informatics at EBS Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, from 2019 to 2022.
The research of Prof. Dr. Krönung deals with the digitalization of the economy and society from a socio-technical perspective. The focus is on the everyday use of information systems by diverse user groups and the effective, inclusive and ethical design of the systems. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krönung is one of the three most research-oriented female scientists under 40 years of age in the German-speaking world. Further information can be found in her profile at https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/bigsi/team/julia.kroenung.shtml.