During lecture time, we have our Lunchtime Seminar each Tuesday from 12.15-12.45. During this seminars, researchers of the Department or invited guest provide us with insights into their research.

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02.07.2024 From Functional Languages to Software Engineering - Farewell Lecture

Speaker: Prof. Herbert Kuchen

Abstract: The talk will give an overview of the research of my research groups over the years. Starting from the design and implementation of programming languages topics such as the integration of programming paradigms, high-level parallel programming, model-driven software engineering, process-driven applications, debugging, and testing will be touched. In particular, the visualization of data flows... mehr

25.06.2024 Academic Publishing and Academic Ethos - Looking Back to the Future

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Klein

11.06.2024 Hiring Biases and Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Speaker: Dr. Shweta Singh

Abstract: In order to mitigate algorithmic AI biases, there has been ample research to develop ‘de-biased’ AI solutions. However, researchers also acknowledge that technological fixes of AI bias and a mathematical notion of AI fairness is hard to come by. Thus, we propose a unique and novel technique to understand biases from the AI models and argue to integrate this knowledge in our society, in order to... mehr

28.05.2024 Public Data Spaces as Service Ecosystems: Insights from Designing a Cultural Data Space

Speaker: Prof. Daniel Beverungen

14.05.2024 Started for the Call, Continued for the Job: The Effect of Personal Contact in Online Labor Platform Onboarding on Worker Activity and Performance

Speaker: Dr. Mark Boons

07.05.2024 Enhancing customer satisfaction: The impact of IoT-driven process change

Speaker: Monika Malinova Mandelburger

Abstract: Over the past decade, organizations have been increasingly relying on digital technologies to meet customer demands. Among these, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one example of an umbrella of technologies that is often used for this purpose. The adoption of IoT technologies often alters business processes, which in turn affects the customers in various ways. This research talk will delve into how IoT-... mehr

23.04.2024 The Benevolent Enterprise – How to Operationalise and Scale Doing Good

Speaker: Marleen Voss

16.04.2024 Integrated Planning and Digital Twins in Healthcare Logistics

Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Melanie Reuter-Oppermann

09.04.2024 Exploring the Boundaries of Digital Product Innovation - The Case of Over-the-Air Technology

Speaker: Thomas Haskamp

30.01.2024 The Technology-behavior Compensation Effect: How Beneficial and Actively Used Technologies Can Counteract Their Societal Goals

Speaker: Simon Thanh-Nam Trang