Digital Growth Framework
In a joint project between ERICS and the Hasso Plattner Institute, we aim to investigate the scaling of business processes in digital ventures. Here, modularity is a key concept in information systems research (Yoo et al., 2010), enabling flexibility and scalability in product design. A modular approach to business process design may provide similar benefits for digital ventures. In this thesis, you will conduct qualitative interviews to explore how early-stage digital ventures employ modular process design principles to navigate the complexities of high growth. Building on that, you will follow a DSR approach to derive requirements and prototype a BPM system tailored to the needs of digital ventures.
Guiding questions:
In what ways do digital startups modularize business processes to accommodate changing business needs and allow independent scalability of functions?
What are the critical success factors for developing scalable business processes in digital ventures, and how can these processes be effectively managed as the venture grows and expands?
What are the requirements for BPM systems tailored to the needs of digital ventures?
What factors contribute to the successful implementation of modular process architectures?
Through interviews, document analysis, and prototyping, this inductive inquiry aims to:
Understand how process modularity enhances agility and scalability within digital startups.
Identify best practices for modular process design and management during rapid evolution.
Derive requirements for BPM systems tailored to digital ventures to leverage modular thinking in establishing scalable yet adaptable business processes.
Literature recommendations:
Wuttke, T., Haskamp, T., Perscheid, M., & Uebernickel, F. (2023, December 10). On the Potential of Business Process Management for Digital Entrepreneurship: Findings from a Literature Review. ICIS 2023 Proceedings. ICIS 2023, Hyderabad, India.
Sunyaev, A., Dehling, T., Strahringer, S., Da Xu, L., Heinig, M., Perscheid, M., Alt, R., & Rossi, M. (2023). The Future of Enterprise Information Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering.
Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., & Lyytinen, K. (2010). Research Commentary—The New Organizing Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information Systems Research. Information Systems Research, 21(4), 724–735.
Start date: June 2024
Supervisors: Thomas Haskamp (ERCIS) and Tobias Wuttke (Hasso Plattner Institute)
Qualifications: Ability to work reliably, disciplined, thoroughly, and willingness to engage with digital ventures/start-ups.
Applications: If interested, please send your application (CV + Grades) to