International Students

We are very glad that you are interested in studying Information Systems at the University of Münster! This page contains a collection of useful links related to your studies. If you have any additional questions, please send them to with [Incoming Students] as its topic. Further information for exchange students can be found here.

  • Application

    In order to apply for studying Information Systems at the University of Münster, please visit the "Application and Requirements" pages of our website for Bachelor (in German only) and Master study programmes.

  • Before Your Arrival in Münster

    Once you are enrolled for studying at the University of Münster, you can find a lot of useful information on the University of Münster website, section "International Students" and, in particular, in the "Practical Information" subsection. In addition to that, information for international students is available on the website of the International Relations Center of the Münster School of Business and Economics in the "Studying in Münster" section.

    Before arriving in Münster, you might need to apply for a visa and find an accommodation. You can apply online for a room at one of the student dormitories using the Student Support Services. Please note, however, that waiting time for a room in a dormitory ranges from 2 months up to 1 year, so it is a good idea to apply for it well in advance.

    If you would like to apply for external financial support, please visit the respective subsections of the above mentioned websites, namely "Financial support""Practical Information" and "Scholarships".

    Information about the options to get to and around Münster is also listed on the related pages of the University of Münster and the International Relations Center websites. The timetable and routes for trains in Germany can be found at, for buses within and around Münster - at the website of Stadtwerke Münster.

    Each semester you will need to pay a small semester fee in order to receive a semester ticket, which acts as your student ID and also allows you to use with no additional payment all public transport (2nd class only, not applicable for fast trains called ICE or IC) within the entire state North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), as well as some neighboring routes.

  • Upon Your Arrival in Münster

    Upon your arrival in Münster, you will need to go through a number of administrative processes, which include the following (please have a look at the corresponding subsections of the "Student Guide" and "Practical Information" for details):

    • sign a contract for your accommodation in Münster
    • apply for health insurance
    • register at the university and obtain your student number (Matrikelnummer), please contact International Relations Center for further details
    • register your place of residence in Münster at the Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro) located Klemensstraße 10 within the first week of your stay (please take it serious, as you will be surcharged if you do not do it on time)
    • open a German bank account
    • apply for a Residence Permit at the Immigration Office (Amt für Ausländerangelegenheiten) located Ludgeriplatz 4
    • apply for a Liability Insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung), which is not obligatory, but is highly recommendable

    Please note that self-organization and self-discipline are crucial for successful completion of studies in Münster. Once the study semester starts, you will need to register for all the lectures and (project) seminar(s), which you would like to attend. You can register by either using the online registration platform or in person at the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt, PAM) located Hüfferstraße 27. For registration via the online platform, you will need to use your Matrikelnummer and the TAM/PIN codes, which will be sent to your address in Münster by post once you pay a semester fee.

    Please note that the application and assignment of students for seminar(s) and a project seminar (not for regular lectures) takes place before the start of each semester, namely at the end of June for the upcoming Winter Semester and in January for the following Summer Semester.

    Information about application deadlines, as well as additional highly relevant information for your studies can be found at the Coordinators' Blog, which is being constantly updated. Please read the blog regularly or subscribe to it via RSS feed. Information for Bachelor students is in German and for Master students – in English.

    If you have additional study-related questions, please contact your Study Coordinator.

  • Language Courses

    The University of Münster offers various language courses and language tandem programs. All courses are free of charge for students. Please visit the website of the University Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) for further details.

  • Your Farewell

    Once you are done with the studies and before leaving Münster, please unregister your place of residence in Münster at the same Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro), where you registered it upon your arrival. Please also make sure that all the contracts for your accommodation, health insurance etc. will be terminated as soon as you leave Germany.

  • Support for International Students

    Please contact the International Office of the University of Münster and the International Centre "Die Brücke" in case you face any difficulties or have questions before and during your stay in Münster.