in progress


Research on Strategic IT/IS Management and Digitalization

The research on Strategic Information Management is concerned with the development of IT/IS strategies, the management of IT/IS investments, investment portfolios, and programmes, as well as with the sourcing, organization and governance of the corporate IT/IS function.

Project status in progress
Project time 01.01.1997- 31.12.2032
Keywords IT/IS strategy; IT/IS strategy implementation; IT/IS investment planning; IT/IS portfolio management; IT/IS programme management; IT outsourcing; IT/IS organization; IT governance

Uncovering leadership styles performed in Open Source Software Communities

Open source software (OSS) communities have a distinct way of organising of dispersed individuals and mobilize these individuals for producing the software products. The success of these communities is dependent on the presence and contribution of the participating volunteer individuals in the community. The leaders of the OSS community are the key members in keeping the contributing developers together, facilitating collaboration, and sustaining communities. Therefore, firstly we aim to enhance the understanding of OSS leadership by developing an integrative framework. This framework aims to consolidate all the attributes or cues associated with OSS leaders and provide a coherence understanding of OSS leadership. Secondly, the research endeavors to methodologically operationalize this framework of OSS leadership and shed light on real OSS leadership practices. Finally, the research further aims to provide granular insights on the actual performance of the specific OSS leader.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.02.2019
Keywords open source software; open source software communities; leadership

definitely finished


Practicability of IT services in operational use

Analysis of challenges faced by organizations introducing IT Service Management, in particular concerning the definition and contracting of IT Services.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2010- 31.12.2022
Keywords IT Operations Management; ITIL; IT Service Management; IT Infrastructure Library; ISO 20000

From artifact to infra structure - The pharmaceutical prescription as access to the emergence of societal infrastructure

„Mit dem Blick zurück nach vorne schauen“ – mit diesem Satz könnte man die Idee des nun gestarteten interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes ArIS „Durch das Artefakt zur infra structura – Das Arzneimittelrezept als Zugang zur Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Infrastruktur“ beschreiben. Wirtschaftsinformatiker der RWTH Aachen und der WWU Münster werden gemeinsam mit Pharmaziehistorikern der Philipps-Universität Marburg und dem Deutschen Apotheken Museum in Heidelberg die Entstehung und Entwicklung eines zentralen Gegenstandes unseres heutigen Gesundheitswesens – des Arzneimittelrezeptes – erforschen. Dabei wird eine der größten digitalen Sammlungen von Arzneimittelrezepten von der frühen Neuzeit bis in die Moderne im deutschsprachigen Raum entstehen. Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung wird dieses Vorhaben über die nächsten 4 Jahre mit einem Volumen von ca. 1 Million Euro fördern.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.09.2018- 31.08.2022
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01U01834C
Keywords prescription; history; information sytems; health care

Algorithmization and Social Interaction

Imagine you call a company and your request is no longer answered by a human being but by an artificial assistant - how does this affect you as an individual and society at large? And does the customization of information in social media and online environments limit our horizon, or even keeps us in a ‚filter bubble‘? These are just a few of the socially and politically relevant core questions of the interdisciplinary topical program „Algorithmization and Social Interaction“. Scholars from information systems, economy, social sciences, law and communication studies work together to explore, first, how (artificially intelligent) algorithms can be used to influence social interaction. Second, the topical program is interested in how society (including the public as well as political and societal elites) reacts to this increasing algorithmic governance.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.10.2020- 31.12.2021
Funding source Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs
Keywords Algorithmization; Artificial Intelligence; Society; (Social) Media; Data Science; Data Analytics

Blockchain governance

Project in cooperation with University of Zurich (Prof. Gerhard Schwabe) and University College Dublin (Dr. Gianluca Miscione).

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2017- 31.12.2021
Keywords Blockchain; governance; peer-to-peer; commons based peer production

AACSB-Accreditation of a German School of Business

AACSB is an international accreditation agency organized as a club with a network administration organization. AACSB emphasize formative evaluation, in order to facilitate its members learning and continuous development. Our research studies the precarious alignment between the identities of highly diverse members and AACSB’s standards and values, which are subject to an ongoing collective review and development, and are enacted by peer review teams throughout accreditation or continuous improvement visits.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 30.04.2014- 16.05.2018
Keywords Organizational identity; sensemaking; netwok membership relation; international accreditation; higher education markets

Online Consumer Behaviour: An analysis of the air travel industry

Based on the analysis of online consumer behaviour in the air travel industry, this study compares industry and company (Lufthansa) findings with respect to search space (consideration set), search time, search paths, and multi-channel behavior (role of online travel agents and price comparison sites).

Project status definitely finished
Project time 21.04.2016- 31.07.2017
Keywords Online consumer behaviour; customer journey; airtravel industry; Lufthansa; Online panel; web log analysis

A Networked and IT-enabled Firm's Perspective on Crisis Management

A Networked and IT-enabled Firm's Perspective on Crisis Management

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.10.2012- 30.09.2016
Funding source EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks
Project number 317382
Keywords Crisis Management; Humanitarian Logistics

Sustainable High Performance - the quest for balanced work practices

The proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT) has significantly transformed the way work is organized in many companies today. A highly differentiated and elaborated repertoire of collaboration tools affords employees and organizations with unprecedented leeway in deciding when, where, how, and with whom work is to be done. Finally, it seems, employees are empowered to fashion their own solution for their work-life balance. At the same time studies acknowledge that we live in demanding, sometimes over-demanding times. Extended freedom puts the onus on employees, teams, and managers to craft their work. Under these circumstances, delivering high performance and staying healthy over long periods of time is an impressive achievement. Our research aims at understanding how high performers succeed to maintain their level of performance and to balance demands and periods of rest.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2015- 30.06.2016
Funding source DOOR International B.V.
Keywords sustainability; balanced work practices; information systems

On the impact of collaboration tools - valuable resources or stressors?

Against the backdrop of current debates about new ways of working and technologically induced stress, we acknowledge the ambivalent effects of collaboration tools on their users: on the one hand they are enabling and facilitating distributed collaboration and knowledge sharing, on the other hand they add another layer of complexity to distributed project work and still too often fail. Therefore, we are exploring the link between the technology repertoires of employees engaged in multiple project teams and the level of stress.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2012- 31.12.2015
Keywords Technology and stress; technology in use; heart rate variability

Community Platform Redesign for the German Association of CIOs and IT Managers

VOICE e.V. is the association of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and IT Managers in Germany. The association provides an online community platform in order to facilitate communication and collaboration between its members, however, usage remains low. Consequently, the executive committee decided to initiate a major redesign of the platform. We support the association in this initiative by evaluating the role of the community platform for VOICE, assessing its status quo and formulating requirements for the redesigned platform.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 03.02.2014- 31.12.2014
Keywords Online Communities; Community Management; Social Software; Enterprise 2.0

Mobile Crisis Situation Assessment: Development of new Tool in Cooperation with JRC and the United Nations OCHA and UNICEF

The project seminar "Mobile Crisis Situation Assessment"(MoCSA) at the Chair for Information Systems and Supply Chain Management has completed the development of the next version of the GDACSmobile prototype, in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) and stakeholders from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2014- 30.09.2014
Keywords Humanitarian Logistics; Crisis Management; Disaster Management; Crowdsourcing; Crisis Mapping

Inter-organisational Informattion Infrastructures - Structures, Practices, Development Patterns

Inter-organisational information infrastructures have become the backbone of modern societies. Still we know little about their role, impact and development across different segments of society.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2012- 31.12.2013
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number KL 887/9-1
Keywords Interorganizational Systems; Infrastructures; health care; international comparative study; practice theory

Structures and evolutionary paths of interorganisational information systems: an international comparison in selected industry segments

Based on case studies in different countries and branches, the different structures and evolutionary paths of IOIS respective to the (national) institutional and economic conditions are analysed.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.09.2005- 30.12.2008
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Keywords Interorganizational Information Systems

IÖ - Web-Evaluation in Mutli-Channel Systems

Evaluation of the implementation of multi-channel strategies that integrate on- and offline channels. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.07.2003- 31.12.2007
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01AK704
Keywords Web assessement; multi channel systems; Electronic Business

Internet economy and hybridity

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2003- 31.12.2007
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01AK704
Keywords Hybrid Systems; Internet economy; Banking; Financial Services

DOMINO - Dynamic Organizational Management for Inter-firm Network Orchestrations

European Research project on Dynamic Organizational Management for Inter-firm Network Orchestrations.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.11.2001- 30.04.2003
Funding source EC FP 5 - Cost-sharing contracts
Project number IST-2000-29545
Keywords Organizational Management; Network management; Inter-firm Network