definitely finished


Joint research project: Privacy Enhancing Technologies for mobile Apps

Das Projekt AppPETs („Privacy Enhancing Technologies for mobile Apps“) soll Entwicklern die Integration von datenschutzfreundlichen Technologien in ihre Smartphone-Apps erleichtern und die Entwicklung von nachweisbar sicheren Apps zum Selbstdatenschutz ermöglichen. Dadurch soll erreicht werden, dass Smartphone-Nutzer zukünftig aus einem größeren Angebot an datenschutzfreundlichen Smartphone-Apps und Selbstdatenschutz-Tools wählen können, um ihre Privatsphäre zu schützen. AppPETs adressiert die Schwerpunktthemen Nachvollziehbarkeit verbessern, Alltagstaugliche Anonymisierung und Pseudonymisierung schaffen und Vertraulichkeit unterstützen.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.02.2016- 30.04.2019
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 16KIS0382
Keywords Mobile Apps; Smartphone; data privacy

Information-theoretic bounds for digital image forensics

Digital images and image processing pervade everyday life. This calls for new techniques to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital image data. Both questions pertain to the young research field of digital image forensics. This project tries to establish upper bounds for the information that can be exploited for image forensics.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.09.2014- 31.12.2018
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number BO 3460/3-1
Keywords Digital image forensics; Comupter Science; Image forgery detection

Joint research project: Prosecution and prevention of organized financial crime with virtual currencies

BITCRIME entwickelt innovative, der Natur virtueller Währungen angemessene und damit praktikable Ansätze zur Regulierung virtueller Währungen mit Blick auf Möglichkeiten zur Prävention und Verfolgung von Finanzkriminalität. Im Fokus stehen Ansätze technischer und organisatorischer Art, die effektive kriminalpolizeiliche Ermittlungen ermöglichen, ohne auf pauschalen Verboten zu beruhen oder erhöhtes Missbrauchspotenzial im Sinne einer Massenüberwachung aufzuweisen. Angestrebt werden im europäischen Raum umsetzbare Lösungen, welche jedoch international übertragbar und anschlussfähig sind.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.11.2014- 16.02.2018
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 13N13505
Keywords financial crime; prevention; regulation

Definition and Verification of Privacy Metrics in Cloud Applications

The main goal of the VeriMetrix project is to develop new approaches and tools to model and quantify privacy requirements in cloud environments. Concepts and techniques to be developed within the scope of VeriMetrix facilitate new business models and market places.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.03.2014- 30.06.2016
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 16KIS0054
Keywords Privacy; Cloud Computing; Metrics; Management

Economic Impacts of Cybercrime

Some progress has been made in understanding and managing cybercrime as well assessing its economic impact. Yet much remains to be done. Lack of co-ordination in law enforcement and legislation, lack of common consensus on the nature of cybercrime and lack of knowledge sharing and trust are just some of the issues that both afflict cybercrime responses and cloud our understanding of cyber crime. E-CRIME addresses these well-known problems, while analysing the economic impact of cybercrime and developing concrete measures to manage risks and deter cybercriminals in non-ICT sectors. E-CRIME does so by adopting an interdisciplinary and multi-level-stakeholder focused approach that fully integrates a wide range of stakeholders’ knowledge and insights into the project. Further information and the project's website will be available soon.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2014- 31.03.2015
Funding source EC FP 7 - Small or medium-scale focused research project
Project number 607775
Keywords Economic Impacts; Cybercrime; Information Security

Secure adaptive Steganography

Adaptive steganography is a hiding technique to embed secret messages into covers by selecting the most secure embedding positions within a heterogeneous cover signal. Current adaptive techniques are designed without considering that differences in the detectability between different parts of a cover in fact leak side information to the detector. This enables a passive adversary to separate parts with presumably high embedding density from parts with presumably low embedding density, or to compare between both parts. This project for the first time combines signal processing and game theory to study distribution functions for embedding changes which anticipate such adversarial strategies.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.12.2010- 31.08.2014
Funding source DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Project number 570517
Keywords adaptive steganography; game theory; security

8th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics (IMF 2014)

IT security is an integral aspect in operating IT systems today. Yet, as even high-end precautionary measures cannot prevent every attack or security mishap, forensic capabilities in investigating such incidents in both technical and legal aspects are paramount. Capable incident response and forensic procedures have thus gained essential relevance in IT infrastructure operations and in law-enforcement, and there is ample need for research and standardization in this area. Since 2003, the IMF conference has established itself as one of the premier European venues for presenting research on IT security incident response and management and IT forensics. The conference provides a platform for experts from throughout the world to present and discuss recent technical and methodical advances in the field. It shall enable collaboration and exchange of ideas between industry (both as users and solution providers), academia, law-enforcement and other government bodies.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 12.05.2014- 14.05.2014
Keywords IT security incident management; digital forensics; international conference

Verbraucherschutz durch Mitentscheidung bei Online-Verträgen

Übergeordnetes Ziel des interdisziplinären Vorhabens von Juristen und Wirtschaftsinformatikern ist, Einwilligungsdialoge im Internet zu erforschen, die es Verbrauchern erlauben, ihren Willen durch Streichungen in einem vom Anbieter vorgeschlagenen Formvertragstext auszudrücken. Es soll herausgefunden werden, ob die beabsichtige Förderung der Selbstbestimmung der Verbraucher und Rückgewinnung der Möglichkeit, auf abzuschließende Verträge wieder Einfluss zu haben (d. h. Abkehr von Alles- oder-Nichts-Entscheidungen), praktikabel ist und damit gegebenenfalls Bestandteil zukünftiger Verbraucherschutzregulierung werden könnte.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2013- 31.03.2014
Funding source Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Keywords IT-Recht; Verbraucherschutz; Verbraucherrecht; Usability; Nutzerstudie

Workshop on the Economics of Information Security 2012

Berkeley, Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard twice, ... in its 11th year, the renowned Workshop on the Economics of Information Securitywent to Berlin and thus for the first time to continental Europe. Rainer Böhme was proud to organize the event jointly with Gert G. Wagner and Nicola Jentzsch of DIW Berlin, an economic research institute. The workshop took place in the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences located in the heart of downtown Berlin on 25-26 June 2012.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2012- 31.08.2012
Funding source VolkswagenStiftung
Keywords WEIS 2012; Economics; Information Security