in progress


Interdisciplinary cooperation with the Glorius Group of the Organic Chemistry Institute in the field of machine learning and data analysis

In cooperation with the Institute of Organic Chemistry, new methods and application context are discovered to apply machine learning in this area of natural science. We do not limit ourselves to the analysis of data but develop additional methods to prepare chemical data for analysis.

Project status in progress
Project time 01.01.2019- 31.12.2025
Keywords chemistry; computer science; machine learning; data analysis

Game theoretical approach for the distribution of children to day-care facilities

The distribution of children to day-care facilities is a complex matching problem. Many cities solve the problem with a decentralized approach, where each day-care facility has its own wait-list. This process is often time-consuming and not optimized in view of parents’ preferences. We work in cooperation with the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research on a market mechanism, which enables an automatic distribution, which considers the needs of both parents and day-care facilities.

Project status in progress
Project time 01.06.2016- 31.12.2025
Keywords Game Theory; Market Mechanisms; Allocation Algorithms; Deffered Accaptance

E-Assessment Tool for UML class diagrams

The correction of student exercises for modelling UML class diagrams can be complex. Especially, when the exercise urges the students to use suitable design patterns, it can be difficult to compare two solutions with different design patterns. For this reason, we work on an E-Assessment tool, which is able to automatically identify design patterns within student solutions. The results can be leveraged to create customized feedback for students, which aims at the correct choice and application of design patterns.

Project status in progress
Project time 01.10.2015- 31.10.2025
Keywords formative E-Assessment; design patterns; UML class diagrams

Model-driven Mobile Development

MD² (MD2) is a model-driven framework for cross-platform development of mobile applications. Based on a textual DSL, MD2 generates runnable native apps for Android and iOS.

Project status in progress
Project time 01.10.2012- 01.10.2025
Keywords Model-Driven Software Development; Domain Specific Language; iOS; Android

Musket - Muenster Skeleton Tool for High-Performance Code Generation

Many existing approaches to high-level parallel programming provide parallel constructs in the form of a library. This causes some limitations such as the difficulty to implement optimizations and a higher entry barrier for inexperienced programmers. Thus, Musket is based on a DSL. Important design decisions such as the syntax and structure of code can be selected purposefully when building a DSL. To abstract from low-level details, algorithmic skeletons (skeletons for short) are used. In essence, skeletons are higher order functions and encapsulate typical parallel computation/communication patterns.

Project status in progress
Project time since 27.07.2017
Keywords Domain Specific Language;DSL;high-level parallel programming;algorithmic skeletons;skeletons

Muli – The Münster Logic-Imperative Language

Object-oriented programming languages prevail in the development of enterprise software, but they do not particularly support the implementation of software which includes solving complicated search problems with dynamically appearing constraints. We propose the constraint-logic object-oriented language Muli. It facilitates an integrated implementation of business applications that involve search. Muli extends Java by logic variables and encapsulated search and leverages a symbolic virtual machine and constraint solvers.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.11.2015
Keywords Multi-paradigm programming language; Symbolic execution; Constraint-logic programming

The Münster Generator of Glass-box Test Cases

Testing is a task that requires much effort, yet it is essential for developing software. Automated test case generation (TCG) promises to relieve humans of manual work. We introduce Muggl (the Muenster generator of glass-box test cases), which is developed at our institute. Muggl generates test cases for Java bytecode.

Project status in progress
Project time since 01.11.2003
Keywords Testing; Glass-box testing; Automated test case generation

definitely finished


Algorithmic Skeletons - The Muenster Skeleton Library (Muesli)

Experience shows that the development of parallel programs is an elaborate and time-consuming task. The Muenster Skeleton Library (Muesli) is a collection of high-level concepts that facilitate the development of parallel programs. The library contains so-called algorithmic skeletons, i.e. frequently recurring parallel programming patterns, which can be easily and efficiently combined to develop parallel applications.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.02.2002- 31.01.2025
Keywords High Level Parallel Programming; Algorithmic Skeletons

Digital Health Application for Personalized Rehabilitation after Ankle Inversion Trauma

Ankle injuries after inversion trauma are common and they can have serious consequences1. Physiotherapy is rarely prescribed, although studies report a 60% reduced risk of re-injury after balance training2,3. Patients demonstrate a broad variety of impairments in function and activity after ankle inversion trauma1,4. E-health solutions such as InjuryMap© and SWORD HEALTH offer more or less independent rehabilitation after ankle inversion trauma. Their first user experiences are positive, though adherence is low without health professional interaction, and personalisation is limited. The digital system in this study aims to provide personalized rehabilitation, which could help patients return to work or sport in an effective and efficient manner and reduce the risk of chronic disability.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.10.2021- 30.03.2024
Keywords Medical Informatics, Clinical Decision Support System, Mobile App, Domain Specific Language, Model-driven Software Development, eHealth, telemedicine, Ankle trauma, Personalized training program.

EXIST-Gründerstipendium "ProLeap"

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2017- 31.05.2018
Funding source BMWK - EXIST Business Start-up Grant
Project number 03EGSNW489
Keywords Existenzgründung; Start-up; Ausgründung


Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.04.2017- 30.11.2017
Funding source matchInn UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Keywords Informatik; Wirtschaftsinformatik

Test-Case Generation using Cooperating Constraint Solvers

The aim is the development of a tool for the automatic generation of test cases for programs written in Java. The set of generated test cases should cover all control and/or data flows of a considered system of Java classes.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.01.2014- 31.12.2015
Funding source German Academic Exchange Service
Project number 57049954
Keywords test case; control-flow coverage; dataflow coverage; symbolic computation; constraint solver

8th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics (IMF 2014)

IT security is an integral aspect in operating IT systems today. Yet, as even high-end precautionary measures cannot prevent every attack or security mishap, forensic capabilities in investigating such incidents in both technical and legal aspects are paramount. Capable incident response and forensic procedures have thus gained essential relevance in IT infrastructure operations and in law-enforcement, and there is ample need for research and standardization in this area. Since 2003, the IMF conference has established itself as one of the premier European venues for presenting research on IT security incident response and management and IT forensics. The conference provides a platform for experts from throughout the world to present and discuss recent technical and methodical advances in the field. It shall enable collaboration and exchange of ideas between industry (both as users and solution providers), academia, law-enforcement and other government bodies.

Project status definitely finished
Project time 12.05.2014- 14.05.2014
Keywords IT security incident management; digital forensics; international conference

Software Tests

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.09.2008- 30.10.2010
Funding source Wirtschaft
Keywords Software development; Testing

Computer-supported learning in hybrid systems

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.05.2005- 30.04.2010
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01PI05003
Keywords E-Learning; Hybrid Systems

cHL-hybrid - Reference Technologies

Project status definitely finished
Project time 01.05.2005- 31.05.2008
Funding source Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project number 01PI05003
Keywords E-Learning