Ehemalige Mitarbeiterin
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Logistik (Prof. Hellingrath)
Leonardo Campus 3
Leonardo Campus 3
Wesendrup, K., Rupp, N., Widera, A., & Hellingrath, B. (2019). Challenges and Trends of Data Management for Firefighting in Germany and the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the ISCRAM — international conference on information systems for crisis response and management, Valencia, Spanien.
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Wesendrup, K., Rupp, N., Widera, A., & Hellingrath, B. (2019). Data Management for Fire Fighting: Challenges and Trends of Data Management for Firefighting in Germany and the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Valéncia, Spain.
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Rupp, N. (2019). Objektive Bewertung von Innovationen — DRIVER+. Poster session presented at the Jahresfachtagung der Vereinigung zur Förderung des deutschen Brandschutzes (vfdb), Ulm, Deutschland.
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Kaufhold, M.-A., Rupp, N., Reuter, C., & Habdank, M. (2019). Mitigating information overload in social media during conflicts and crises: design and evaluation of a cross-platform alerting system. Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT), online.
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Fonio, C., Widera, A., Rupp, N., Stolk, D., Middelhoff, M., de Koning, L., Ignjatović, D., Macaluso, A., Seipelt, A., van Berlo, M., Smolarkiewicz, M., Stelkens-Kobsch, T., Rijken, M., & Gala, F. (2019). Trial Guidance Methodology and Guidance Tool Specifications. In DRIVER+ Project Public Report. Brussels (Belgium).
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Amelunxen, C., Rupp, N., & Sander, J. I. (2018). Methode zur Risikoidentifizierung in Prozessen der Gefahrenabwehr. In Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2018, Dresden, 633–643.
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Fonio, C., Stolk, D., van Dongen, , K.., B. S., Oliviera, M. B., Widera, A., Atun, F., Wrzosek, E., Lechner, K., Rupp, N., Verkaik, J., Vermeulen, C.-J., & Lichtenegger, G. (2018). Trial Guidance Methodology and Guidance Tool Specifications. In DRIVER+ Project Public Report: Vol. D922.21. Brussels (Belgium).
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Kaufhold, M.-A., Rupp, N., Reuter, C., Amelunxen, C., & Cristaldi, M. (2018). 112.SOCIAL: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Crisis App for Bidirectional Communication between Emergency Services and Citizen.
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Link, M., van Campen, S., de Koning, L., Middelhoff, M., Rupp, N., Verkaik, J., Wrzosek, E., Fonio, C., Widera, A., & Vreugdenhil, H. (2018). Materials for the Training Module I. In DRIVER+ Project Public Report: Vol. D924.11. Brussels (Belgium).
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Middelhoff, M., Widera, A., & Rupp, N. (2018). Report on Review and Selection Process. In DRIVER+ Project Public Report: Vol. D942.11. Brussels (Belgium).
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Schramm, B., Rupp, N., Risse, L., Brüggemann, J.-P., Riemer, A., Richard, H. A., & Kullmer, G. (2017). Medizintechnische Anwendungen der additiven Fertigung. In Richard, H. A. (Ed.), Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen und Strukturen (1., pp. 21–40). Springer Vieweg.
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Moi, M., Rupp, N., & Koch, R. (2017). Research on the Impact of Social Media in Emergencies. In Proceedings of the Jahresfachtagung der Vereinigung zur Förderung des deutschen Brandschutzes (vfdb), Bremen, Deutschland.
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Josupeit, S., Rüsenberg, S., Rupp, N., Gessler, M., Schmid, , & Hans-Joachim, (2014). Thermal Ageing of Polyamide 12 used for Polymer Laser Sintering — Influence on Part Quality Characteristics. In Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference of the American Spciety of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2383–2388.
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