Public Data Spaces as Service Ecosystems: Insights from Designing a Cultural Data Space

Speaker: Prof. Daniel Beverungen
Abstract: Data spaces are emerging as pivotal data ecosystems upholding European values such as sovereignty, privacy, and democracy. While their theoretical underpinnings are increasingly discussed, practical applications and prototypes are in their nascent stages. We present findings from a current design science research study on developing a data space for cultural events. This sector is characterized by particularly heterogeneous actors that vary in size, structure, digital maturity, and technical capabilities. A cultural event data space needs to establish reliable data structures while providing different access points that can accommodate heterogeneous actors. As a core IT artifact, we design and empirically evaluate a data exchange standard that reconciles both perspectives. In a phase of reflection and learning, we develop a new design principle as prescriptive knowledge on data spaces. Our results contribute early design-oriented findings to the emerging discourse on data spaces as digital data ecosystems that promote European digital values.
Short Bio: Daniel Beverungen is a Full Professor of Information Systems at the University of Paderborn, Germany. His main research interests comprise service science management and engineering, business process management, information modeling, and the design and emergence of information systems. His work is published in leading peer-reviewed journals and is frequently presented at all major Information Systems conferences. In addition, Daniel was involved in developing various industry standards. He is a Department Editor for Business Process Management for Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE). He served as guest editor, conference chair, program committee chair, track chair, associate editor, and reviewer for various conferences and journals. Current leadership positions include chairing the steering committee of the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP), academic leadership of the Software Innovation Lab (SI-Lab) at Paderborn University, and the academic leadership of the Service Science Competence Center at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). From 2013 to 2018, Daniel served as President of the Special Interest Group on Services (SIGSVC) in the Association for Information Systems (AIS). As a guest researcher, Daniel visited the TU Berlin, the University of Melbourne, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST).