Eduardo Israel

Leveraging “AI for Good” to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2022 - 12:00 bis 13:00

Talk title: Leveraging “AI for Good” to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Speaker affiliation: Stefan Feuerriegel is a full professor at LMU Munich School of Management where he is director of the Institute of AI in Management (https://www.ai.bwl.lmu.de/). Previously, he was an assistant professor at ETH Zurich. In his research, Stefan develops, implements, and evaluates Artificial Intelligence technologies that improve management decision-making. His research findings have been disseminated in outlets fromboth  management and general science (e.g., Management Science, PNAS, Nature Sustainability). To make a sustained impact in practice, Stefan has advised the SDG Financing Lab of the OECD and was invited to join a COVID-19 Working Group of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Talk abstract: Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) allows for unprecedented opportunities to make important progress towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations by 2030. In this talk, we present several AI-powered tool from our research to support decision-makers in this objective. Key challenges include the use of novel (often unstructured) datasets, scaling analyses to large-scale, population-wide datasets, and using AI to improve decision-making for the better of society. Among others, we will answer specific questions of immediate impact: How can AI help in monitoring global development aid? How can AI support the global allocation of development aid to countries in need and thereby optimize progress towards reaching the SDGs? Our results are of direct relevance for decision-makers and policy institutions to promote evidence-based decisions targeting the SDGs?