Eduardo Israel

Intentional forgetting and the role of trust in information systems

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022 - 12:00 bis 13:00

Talk title: Intentional forgetting and the role of trust in information systems

Speaker affiliation: Sebastian Reiners is a research assistant at the chair for information systems and information management of Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker at the University of Münster. After completing his master's degree in information systems at the department of information systems in 2020, he started working on the research project "Getrost Vergessen" (eng. "confidently forgotton"). His research focuses on understanding how intentional forgetting can be harnessed in organizations with the help of information systems and what factors influence it. He furthermore tutored and assisted in various seminars and lectures in the information systems domain

Talk abstract: Forgetting is often perceived negatively and involves fears of losing important information. However, forgetting as a function of the brain enables the processing and storing of large amounts of new information. The current changes in the world of work mean that users and information systems must deal with ever-increasing volumes of data and information. The project "Getrost Vergessen" aims to investigate how intentional forgetting can be harnessed in organizations with the help of information systems and what factors influence it. In particular, we focus on understanding the notion of trust in the context of intentional forgetting.