Denis Mayr Lima Martins

Fostering Value Creation through Urban Data Platforms: A Framework and Insights from European Smart Cities

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022 - 12:00 bis 13:00, Zoom

Talk title: Fostering Value Creation through Urban Data Platforms: A Framework and Insights from European Smart Cities

Speaker affiliation: Tobias Brandt, Professor for Digital Innovation and the Public Sector, University of Münster

Talk Abstract: The adoption and use of Urban Data Platforms (UDPs) in city ecosystems are still in an early phase. These platforms can stimulate value creation within city ecosystems by managing and leveraging the data within and across city systems. To achieve value creation through UDPs, we need a comprehensive understanding of the key UDPs dimensions and their relationship with UDPs value creation. We conduct a literature review to identify the key dimensions, empirically validate them in a survey of 80 European cities, and explore how these dimensions influence value creation with a panel of 30 experts. Discussions with these experts result in a conceptual framework that provides a useful tool for analysing whether and how a UDP works. It shows that four dimensions – purpose, governance, technical design, and the capabilities of UDPs managers – are drivers of trust. Trust in turn facilitates UDPs adoption. Our framework also includes a moderating relationship of the key dimensions of stakeholder engagement in UDPs adoption, use, and value creation and the relationship between collaboration experience and trust building.  Reflecting on the results of this study, we derive key lessons learned and conclude with recommendations for city policymakers and business developers seeking to create value from UDPs.

Short bio: Tobias Brandt joined the University of Münster as Professor of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector in July 2021 and has been a faculty member at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University since 2016. His research focuses on the value of smart city technologies, urban analytics, and the digital transformation of the public and private sectors as well as broader society in general. His work has received best paper awards at both ICIS and HICSS and been published in leading IS and operations outlets (e.g. JMIS, MSOM, JOM, EJIS, EJOR). Tobias is also co-founder of the urban data science startup Geospin, in which he continues to be involved.